Boles also need a home that offers a lot of space for a massive dog to move around. Therefore, you will need to clearly communicate to your dog who belongs in your home so they wont attack or be aggressive towards others in your household or new visitors. The Boerboel has a loud, deep, ferocious bark that complements their rather menacing appearance. Jan van Riebeeck, the founder of the Cape of Good Hope and the Dutch settlement, brought a mastiff breed that was bred with other hounds and mastiffs of the other settlers. For instance, bringing a three-month-old puppy into a new home can make it fearful and even tricky to integrate into the family. Boerboel bitches will continue to have monthly cycles their entire lives, unlike women who suffer menopause. If socialization isnt done properly, a three-month-old puppy can become more aggressive than it should be. Theyre eager to please and trainable, but they should be trained and socialized as a puppy before they become dominant adults. I do hope youll join me as I share what Ive learned and continue to The protective instincts are strong in this breed. Exotics Boerboel Breeders | Puppies For Sale. The average dog has a bite force of about 25 lb-ft. How do you build muscle on a Boerboel? Even children in the house would see the puppy as their new playmate. This canine is athletic and would require constant interaction and stimulation, both mentally and physically. Remember, youre the one in charge! Like with any purebred dog, you should opt for high-quality foods and avoid giving them table scraps or too many treats. Biggest problem is cyst begin to develop as the female ages. HummingBird Car Rental > Jamzeen > Useful Information > at what age does a boerboel become protective. Aggression builds in them with each stage of their life. Remember, these dogs can grow to up to 200 pounds (90.72kg) in some cases, so they require plenty of food to maintain their strong, muscular frame. Still, its best for experienced owners to handle a Pittie, especially with a bite force of 235 PSI. 2 yr. 150 - 200 lb. Boerboels do drool somewhat, though less so than some of their mastiff cousins. There is little to no aggression at this stage, and it is a learning window that most dog owners utilize to instill preferred behaviors into their dogs. Temperament: Intimidating, Intelligent, Confident, Dominant, Territorial. Husky Eye Colors: Is It Unusual To Have A Blue-eyed Dog? Elements among the genetic and environmental characteristics affect their fertility and reproductive capacity. Just be prepared to be firm and consistent in your direction. What causes a Boerboel to be suddenly aggressive? With . Male dogs, on average, enter sexual maturity earlier than female canines. greater in-depth care information in one convenient downloadable e-book. Unlike other breeds, they dont require much grooming, which well discuss in a bit. Your email address will not be published. If possible, start socializing them together as puppies, so they will learn that theyre family. Aside from asking to see the Boerboel parents and litters, as well as medical records, you should also question breeders about the age of their previous dogs when they died and the cause of death. They mainly need physical and mental stimulation, so you mostly have to worry about having time for lots of play and exercise. Many would ask if this breed is good to have with the family; yes, it is. Wobblers syndrome and hip/elbow dysplasia are two hereditary issues that may not be ideal choices for breeding since they result in the dog not growing correctly. You must also be careful not to misinterpret this gesture, as some dogs can bare their teeth while playing. When a Boerboel dog gets startled or frightened, he may get aggressive to either prepare for combat or run away. But no, thats not true in any way. Keep in mind that the Boerboel is a naturally protective and territorial breed. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. While these dogs do have the capacity for being overly fierce and sometimes even hostile, they are also incredibly loyal to the people they love. If you think you and your home are prepared for a challenging four-legged companion, then youll be rewarded with a protective and loyal friend. To learn more about these dogs temperaments, health, and care requirements, keep reading. Simply known as Pitbull, these dogs have a height of 23 to 28 inches (59 to 70 cm) and weigh around 149 to 199 pounds (68 to 90 kg). We also have to take precautions when it comes to their health. South African Mastiffs are prone to pulling and chewing, too. Lab Growth and Weight Chart (Male & Female) The Complete Guide. Boerboels are versatile, but theyre happiest when given a task. In reality, youll be spending quite a bit more than the initial $1,500 or so for your puppy, as their vet visits, food, toys, and other necessities will also end up racking up a lot of additional costs. It is almost unlikely to train a Boerboel dog to be aggressive, and it turns out otherwise. The breed gets along with dogs, cats and other animals, but this varies based on each dogs individual temperament. With lots of training and socialization, they can become a very loyal, confident, and loving pet who loves working and serving their families. Both the overall quality of a dogs sexual reproductive organs (sperms, eggs, ovaries) and when in the Boerboel dogs life does the quality of these reproductive organs reach its peak? However, puppies also tend to sleep a lot, and the Boerboel is no exception. A dog will not experience these challenges until it has attained its full-grown size. The UKC and good sense hold that the upper limit for large female dogs entire litter is four puppies. Thanks to their powerful jaws, muscular bodies, and enormous frames, the Boerboel is a very intimidating guard dog to any dangerous individuals encroaching on your property. Understanding the root cause of the aggression may take a little bit of observation and patience, but the list of 3 possible causes below may guide you. How to you pronounce Boerboel? That said, its best to train them not to meet strangers with outright aggression unless prompted to. This helpful guide makes choosing the best Mastiff dog food for your puppy, adult or senior Mastiff an easy choice. The Boerboel dogs are very active and large in size. Other illnesses that Boerboels are predisposed to are heart disease, elbow and hip dysplasia, vaginal hyperplasia, and two conditions that affect eyelids called ectropion and entropion. Bitches generally start going into heat when they are around six months to a year old. Shar Pei Price: How Much Should You Pay for this Wrinkled Dog? Aside from South African Mastiffs, other dogs get left in shelters and on the road: Aside from various canines that descended from Molossers, the South African Mastiff is also compared to other mastiffs and large dogs that are considered aggressive or dangerous. Puppies can be sexually mature by the time they are five months old. Eating habits of a Boerboel You can feed any type of diet for your Burbull - dry kibbles, wet dog food, and BARF. Having a young Boerboel is akin to welcoming a new family member, one everyone would love to huddle around. If youre worried about your Boerboel developing separation anxiety, read our guide on what causes this. Consequently, it will take much socialization to instill positive behaviors in the dog so that it can be relaxed and interact with other people or animals. The fertility of South African Boerboel dogs and determining when a dog is the most likely to reproduce relies on many aspects, including the health, size, age, and sex of a canine. The Boerboel is an excellent dog for people who dont want to spend too much time grooming aside from the occasional bath, nail trims, and brief brushings. However, an overly intimidating dog may become scary and pose a safety problem when a dog is too possessive. Boerboels should not be left outdoors without tall, secure fencing or supervision because of theirwariness of strangers. Quick Top Picks: Best Dog Food For Active Dogs, 10 Best Dog Foods for High-Energy and Working Dogs, 5. A Bole requires an owner and trainer whos assertive, patient, and consistent to prevent aggression. The possibility of failure and an increased risk of stillbirths, and a low puppy count can occur. learn about this amazing breed. Lets see the differences between the Burbull and some of these breeds. Serious illnesses like cancer can also add to the number of years that certain large breeds can reproduce. Plus, since they can grow to a whopping 200 pounds (90.72kg) or more, they can be a formidable opponent for any intruder or stranger that decides to challenge them. The tail is straight and can be long or docked short, although tail docking is illegal in some countries. Boerboels do best in a home where they are the only dog; however, they will perform well in homes with cats and livestock, guarding them as well as any other family member. Large-breed dogs are susceptible to bloat and hip dysplasia. Like all dogs in the mastiff group, Boerboels are enormous, muscular dogs that grow to be very tall and heavy. The name Boerboel means farmers dog in Afrikaans. Boerboel dogs at this age care more about learning about their new family. If you notice any of these, you may afford some freedom to loosen them up. Because of their protective nature, Boerboels are not recommended if youve never had a dog before. Because they drool less than other dogs in the mastiff family, they are an ideal choice for dog lovers who dont want to deal with their pets saliva all over their clothing and belongings. The best way to avoid excessive growth, avoid breeding overly large-breed male dogs. But these websites are worth checking out, too. Although they average between 110 and 200 pounds, it is not unheard of for Boerboels to weigh well over 200 pounds. If youre interested in this doggo, you should know how to set boundaries without being harsh. Understanding the Boerboels background and purpose is vital. South African Mastiffs) are large, mastiff-type dogs and the most agile of their type. Most large purebred dogs tend to have shorter lifespans because of their breed-specific health issues, and the Boerboel mastiff is no exception. That includes lots of treats and words of encouragement. The Sire was 28" and 185lbs Boerboels need plenty of obedience training and early socialization to be as well-behaved as possible and prevent them from acting on their aggressive impulses. Some dogs can go into heat as young as four months, while larger breeds may be as old as two years before their first heat. However, the time frame varies significantly among breeds. They do that by excelling in sports and competitions such as agility, obedience, and weight pulling. The American Kennel Club, Inc. 2022. Others have white spots on their fur, especially around the face, neck, and paws. A Boerboel dog at 3 months old is still considered young and learning but may begin to show a little aggression. They may be more suitable to be the only dog in the house. It also doesnt mean that owners of the African Boerboel should intentionally train them to attack or be aggressive. Otherwise, youre in for a long and challenging ordeal, as getting your Boerboel to get along with other dogs can be very frustrating and costly. Height at the shoulder should be 22-25 inches for females with males reaching 24-27 inches. As dogs grow older, they are more likely to encounter disease and infection. The American Kennel Club added the breed to its Foundation Stock Service in 2006. Best for Breeders when it is at its peak 12 -14 months. A Boerboel left to his own devices can be highly destructive in an attempt to relieve his boredom and depression. Tail docking is illegal in some countries, though. Their activities of choice are versatile, from . But without proper training and socialization, they can become aggressive and overprotective. 120 - 165 lb. With their job as farm protectors, they wont be easily held by wild animals they may encounter, like baboons. Be sure to interact with your dog in positive ways and only use positive reinforcement when training. While any dogs coat requires a small amount of maintenance, aside from rare hairless breeds, the Boerboels grooming needs arent very demanding or complex. A year or two may pass before the first heat in bitches of giant breeds. If left out they can become destructive and miserable. Female Boerboels are not sterile as they age, and they do not experience menopause. What Nutritional Values Do Active Dogs Need? They can be a risky breed to have, but thats where training comes in. We will also look into the causes of sudden aggression in your dog and how to deal with it.