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So far, COVID death toll is roughly 1 million people. It recently released a shocking five-year forecast. There will be [1] a massive die off of people in America, and Australia. For example, several years ago Dagong, the Chinese ratings agency, published a report analyzing the physical economy of the States comparing it with those of China, Germany and Japan. 6) The SIXTH EVENT is New York City being hit with a tsunamis from an asteroid in the Atlantic Ocean. In China, however, the model is that the government should guarantee that the basic needs of the citizenry are protected and provided for. And it is the de facto unified Asia. It was there last week. It doesnt matter what the movie is. Your King Yeshua, Your Redeemer, Your Messiah., Source: By all accounts, historically, the massive drop in population at this time is validated by the Fourth Turning predictions. 85 percent of the population in the Hutu ethnic group. Keep in mind that the largest drop in population are in Western nations, and those that have adopted American governance suffered the worst causality figures. James tackles a question he’s received many, many times over the past seven years: Who or what is (or is that If Biden is elected there will very bad consequences as well. Civil war is a form of claiming bankruptcy. 10:37 pm 10:37 pm And that they are used to deal with some sort of hardship. type: "hidden", There will come the soft rains by Ray Bradbury (Full text), Be the Rufus; more videos of personal heroism in China. That simple Geo-political change produces the exact same results as described above. It was assumed but now weve got the full hard confirmation beyond any doubt. But WikiLeaks documents . New capital will be in Denver. And this is not an exaggeration at all. The countries that will suffer the greatest reduction in population, according to Deagel(as per 2014), are: Deagel published a statement under the foreboding spreadsheet table of gloom and doom. I would like to have a super power to prevent these events. Perhaps they were part of a psychological operation? Get ready, the inhabitants in the land of AUKUS, your judgement is coming! Alistair Williams provides commentary for the opening ceremony of the 2022 World Cup. When it comes to the delivery of this program, I indicated that we anticipate being able to commence build this year and the first of those submarines would be in the water, we believe, before the end of next decade and all partners will be working to ensure that that is achieved at a date as soon as is possible to achieve, he said. jQuery(document).ready(function($) { Since its establishment in 2001, by upholding the banner of Shanghai spirit of mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, consultation, respect for cultural diversity and pursuit of common development, the SCO has played an important role in promoting regional development, security and stability in the past two decades. It will be unable to recover from even the slightest societal disruption. It recently released a shocking five-year forecast. Their primary reason for predicting a colossaldrop in the population of the US by 2025 a fall of up to 70 percent is the scale andseverity of the alleged pandemic. They will be merciless towards their captives. In addition, participants of the meeting observed the Peace Mission-2021 joint anti-terrorist military exercise and all agreed that this exercise has improved the coordination capacity of the militaries of the SCO members in fighting against the international terrorist forces. Western as well as other countries are making up their numbers today to conceal their real state of affairs. A nuclear war is a game with billions of casualties and the collapse plays in the hundreds of millions. You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. The COVID crisis will be used to extend the life of this dying economic system through the so called Great Reset. And since I live in China, that pisses the Hell out of me. Great post. US Air Force to Repair Minuteman III nuclear ICBM Missiles Guidance System Through 2039. The aftermath is more likely a frozen picture with the population numbers staying the same for a very, very long period of time. margin-bottom:10px; Its placing very serious offensive weapons off the coast of China. And the top nations are the most Western nations in society, governance, and banking. If so, then it must be assumed that its population predictions for2025, as well as its industrial output predictions on a nation-by-nation basis, are basedon strategic assumptions which are shared and well understood by other players in theintelligence community. The Western block collapse may come before, during or after the war. You are a skilled and talented young man. 4) The FOURTH EVENT is the sinking of the USS destroyer [Aircraft Carrier], the Abraham Lincoln, where the ship is hit by enemy fire. Although Deagel is viewed by the mainstream media and . The COVID crisis will be used to extend the life of this dying economic system through the so called Great Reset. The Deagel corporation is a minor branch of US military intelligence, one of the many secretive organizations which collects data for high-level decision-making purposes and prepares confidential briefing documents for agencies like the National Security Agency, the United Nations, and the World Bank. There was no report that the Russian had such a capability of launching a high precision, multiple, combined arms attack at targets 2,000+ kilometers away. The closer the nation is aligned with the United States, the more damage or death toll that is has. Everything's cool until we take a look at their global depopulation predicted for 2025, which has been adjusted for 2025. All of which will help accelerate its own financial collapse. International Man: Deagel is a private online source for the military capabilities of the world's nation-states. In six years the scenario has changed dramatically. Even the Trump Rally/fake insurrection: failed to convince bankers that we could quality again as as new nation and ease our or stop our debt. Western powers are not going to take over them as they did in the past because these (Western) countries wont be able to control their very own cities let alone those countries that are far away. #6. So what is driving this entire event sequence? The AstraZeneca vax is not approved in the US. I don't know but given all this data available and what is happening worldwide and in Australia surely it is worth investigating. Thats Australia today. If they remain tied to the former World Order they will go down along Western powers but wont experience the brutal decline of the late because they are poorer and not diverse enough but rather quite homogenous used to deal with some sort of hardship but not precisely the one that is coming. Are the predictions real? It’s also a point that these projections need everything to go exactly as planned. If China falls for this American trap, it deserves to die. This forecast was on their website since 2014. Which pretty much explains the Evergrande collapse, the arrest of Jackie Ma, and why George Soros is having a fit that he cannot buy up China like he did with Russia. Regardless of any future outcomes, planned or otherwise, my main focus will be on the preservation and continuation of soul. It is getting worse and worse every year since the beginning of the pre-crisis in 2007. The majority of the economic and demographic data used in the making of the forecasts is widely available by institutions such as the CIA, IMF, UN, USG, etc. But its not that far off. I meet my shadow in the deepening shade; Over the next decade it will become obvious that the West is falling behind the Russia-China block and the malaise might grow into desperation. Going to war might seem a quick and easy solution to restore the lost hegemony to finally find them into a France 1940 moment. This will happen every time coronaviruses come around, until you finally croak one day. The split will fill with water from the Atlantic Ocean effectively creating separate land masses right through the United States up to the Great Lakes. With this kind of pedigree, Deagelshould be seen as a legitimate player in the intelligence community and not merely adisinformation asset. The thing is ALL American nuclear submarines carry nuclear missiles. It defies rational understanding. Back then France did not have nuclear weapons to turn a defeat into a victory. Never the less, here is the complete tabulated data in a nice convenient PDF for you to download. Take into account that the forecast is nothing more than a model whether flawed or correct. Consider. However, in light of recent events, we are obliged to consider a possible connection between the projected massive reduction in the population of certain countries, forecast by Deagel, and other trends going on right now. nation-states will collapse, restructure and reform. provided the 2025 forecast for population of each country. James Corbett offers his thoughts on the matter in episode 80 of Questions For Corbett’. -moz-border-radius:0px 0px 0px 0px; The Spanish flu one century ago represented the death of 40-50 million people. Greater world wide farming technology means that less food is exported world wide as well as more counties grow their own with limited water. Which is why Nixon took us off the gold standard. The Western world (success model) has been built over societies with no resilience. Many countries are going to increase their gross population due to immigration while their native population may shrink. padding:20px 20px 20px 20px; Any shift in U.S. policy is politically impossible at this point in time, Weapons carried by the US Bradley fighting vehicles use depleted uranium. arbutus tree spiritual meaning; lenovo legion 5 battery upgrade; deagel 2025 forecast: the first nuclear war. The conclusion was that the US GDP was something between $5 to $10 trillion instead of $15 trillion as officially reported by the USG. So, seize the days and enjoy it. Maybe we deserve it. You cant. Its pretty brazen, but then again, these fucking jokers dont really give a damn any longer about what people think. Though not so much the dumbed-down Americans who say. They just changed their thinking on how it would come about. Countries might break up after a few short meetings and that will be that. The Western block collapse may come before, during or after the war. These judgments will fall in rapid succession with little time in between each event. A deactivated Soviet-era SS-4 medium-range nuclear-capable ballistic missile. While we cannot take its response at face value, itnonetheless paints a picture that is very similar to the world we now see. The irony is that since the end of the Cold War the United States has been maneuvering through NATO to achieve a position to be able to execute a first strike (nuclear) over Russia and now it seems that the first strike may still occur but the country finished would be the United States. The Deagel corporation is a minor branch of US military intelligence, one of the many, secretive organizations which collects data for high-level decision-making purposes, and prepares confidential briefing documents for agencies like the National Security. They are not going down with the ship. This has given the rise of the supremacy of the emotional arguments over the rational ones which are ignored or deprecated. and their bizarre forecast that predicts a massive population die-off in the years ahead for America. You need to login or register to bookmark/favorite this content. You are either in the club or you are not. Its a major assertive military aggression on the part of the United States. The United States submarine force consists of four operational classes Ohio, Los Angeles, Seawolf, and Virginia all of which are nuclear-powered. Most of the IS-Bes who are incarnated to live in the AUKUSs lands are determined to be destroyed and not allowed to reincarnate/reincarcerate on planet Earth. He slaughtered about 40 million people and reduced the population of Earth by 11 percent. It still stands. A lord of nature weeping to a tree. This is why the old and the sick were asked to take it first. New gold and solver is constantly being found too. In Cambodia, 70% of the total Cham population, were exterminated. So far the few cases of Ebola-infected people have enjoyed intensive healthcare with anti-viral and breathing assistance but above all with abundant human support by Physicians and nurses. The formerly (known as) second and third world nations are an unknown at this point. Just say Hi. The reason being the new Australia-USA nuclear submarine agreement forged earlier this month. Please be cautious when dealing with folks who promise things at a cheap(er) price. Seriously I really do. That it must be due to religion, as that is what the Book of Revelation says, and therefore the Four horsemen are going to spring out from deep inside of China and unleash their terrors to the world. Right after the announcement about the new ICBM submarine deal, all the SEO military chiefs called a meeting to discuss things. My take is that they were the past dwellers from Thuban. Until the start of the Covid pandemic many commentators were perplexed by theDeagel spreadsheets. As will China. Genghis Khans legacy is one of a ruthless warrior who dominated unimaginable amounts of territory. Remember this was the one that showed the 2025 population for the usa as 100 . And this is not an exaggeration at all. Thus now kids are being ask to take it. $("").attr({ As an extrapolation of trends show things either moving towards infinity or falling into a black hole. The West might try that swap because the unpleasant prospect of not being Mars and Venus but rather a bully and his dirty bitch running away in fear while the rest of the world is laughing at them. Western powers are not going to take over them as they did in the past because these countries wont be able to control their own cities far less likely countries that are far away. I was thinking of you and just wanted to call. The United States will lose almost 3/4ths of its population! You have to focus, work hard tirelessly to adapt and start a new life. In this scenario, the United States breaks up into four separate nation-states. (and BlueNarwhal) I especially appreciate the message at the end of this post. The wish for massive human depopulation is written in stone. The Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) and AztraZeneca vaccines use technology more akin (but not identical) to the dead-virus type, but with major tweaks, which is the best way to explain it. Are they made up? Widespread nuclear war could precipitate the desired famine an plagues that come with the . It could very well resemble something like this. This website is non-profit, built on spare time and we provide our information and services AS IS without further explanations and/or guarantees. Not not mention a biproduct of nuclear energy. The USA western portions are being prepped to be taken over by China and Russia ( shifting political traditions have been challenged) . The American downfall is set to be far worse than the Soviet Unions one.