This inspired him to ally himself with the Nestene and to locate more Silurian colonies. She cherished life, weeping over the death of Bertram, a companion Missy had killed after becoming bored of. Missy used the circular shape and terror of the passengers on the out of control train, being accelerated by the genie, to charge up a ruby from the Sphinx with ancient power. When the Core arrived, the Master tried to ally with it, but it dismissed him, leading him to ordering Klemp to kill Salvadori, but Klemp's loyalty was too strong, so the Master killed him. He later psychically contacted Earth again near Christmas, which he noted was “halfway out of the dark”. (AUDIO: The Lumiat), After regenerating into a new incarnation, the new Master was a return to their dark ways, looking down on Missy for trying to better herself and spending so much time with the Doctor. (PROSE: The Face of the Enemy), When he met the First Doctor, Susan, Ian and Barbara on Destination, the Master had short hair and a beard, both of which were almost completely grey, save for some dark patches. Crashing through 549 floors of the colony ship, the shuttlecraft gave out at one of the solar farms. However she was foiled by the arrival of Cosmo, who had been freed by Strax’s comrades on the Davis’ instruction. The 2018 short story Lords and Masters casts this theory into doubt, however, as Missy states that her real name contains thirty-two letters. For a time, the Master corrected and observed changes made to the Time War by the Paradigm. (TV: Planet of Fire) However, the Numismaton Gas increased the power of the Source of Traken still remaining in the Master's body, enabling the Master to survive. He hypnotised the Doctor's assistant, Liz Shaw, and, through her, learnt of the failed Nestene invasion and the awakening of the Silurians. (AUDIO: The Bekdel Test), The Sild captured all of the Master's incarnations from every time stream. Missy then helped the Master into the lift, explaining that she planned to stand with the Doctor and that it was the inevitable end that they had been leading towards their entire lives. (TV: In the Forest of the Night). (PROSE: Housewarming), The Master later obtained the Loom of Rassilon's Mouse in order to make himself a sturdier and indestructible body. The entropy wave was so threatening that the Master agreed to work with the Fourth Doctor to stop it. (TV: Spyfall), Unlike the Doctor, the Master usually worked and travelled alone. Now in the body of a small child, (COMIC: The Organ Grinder) the Master, as he always did after a regeneration, visited the Scoundrels Club. Having seized the Tissue Compression Eliminator, she planned to use it to destroy the Daleks' matter transmuter. (PROSE: The Duke of Dominoes), The Master travelled to a Sontaran-occupied planet and convinced several of the locals that he was a deity. During their captivity, his friend read him Earth poetry, including "Invictus" by William Ernest Henley. (AUDIO: Masterplan), While the Master had always displayed a degree of disrespect for the laws and workings of time travel, the "bald" incarnation was especially brazen in this attitude, stating that he could simply use his TARDIS to cross his own timeline and attempt to achieve a failed plan without any concern for the paradoxes or personal dangers involved in doing so. Missy, recalling an instance where a very scary woman had pushed him up against a wall and insisted that he always keep a spare dematerialisation circuit, pushed the Master against the wall and insisted that he always keep a spare dematerialisation circuit, revealing the spare dematerialisation circuit she kept on her person. "Tremas" is itself an anagram of "Master". (COMIC: The Five Masters) Shortly before her encounter with her predecessor, Missy showed a genuine desire to rekindle her friendship with the Doctor. He and Leela interrogated them, to no avail, so eventually he simply threatened to kill the two Finnians until he learnt that Arcking had the power source. Grace released the Doctor from his restraints, but the Master threw Grace off of a balcony inside the Cloister Room, killing her. (PROSE: Dr. Although Missy and the Doctor seemed more like friends than any other Doctor/Master pairing, having Missy on the side of the Doctor (for the most part) gave Missy less to do. (TV: The Doctor Falls), Missy dies, redeemed but without hope, without witness, and without reward. Using Glitz as a tool, the Master tried to steal secrets from the Matrix, but was beaten by the Valeyard, and imprisoned in the Matrix by a limbo atrophier with Glitz. (AUDIO: The Devil You Know), At some point, the Master designed a laser screwdriver for his own personal use. After Missy threatened to destroy a rare egg that was causing a truce in a civil war, the Lumiat snapped and threatened to kill her with her TCE. Sacha Dhawan spent almost the entire first episode posing as a secret agent called O, pretending to help the Doctor investigate a series of alien attacks on Earth's spy networks, but the final scene revealed Dhawan was actually the Master. (PROSE: First Frontier) In even more contradictory accounts, the Master was either taken to Skaro for trial and execution in his stolen Trakenite body, and still infected by the virus, (PROSE: The Eight Doctors) or, no longer infected by the virus, lost Tremas's body and reverted to his previous cadaverous form. Doctor Who star Sacha Dhawan has opened up about the immense pressure he felt playing The Master on the show amid his struggles with anxiety. (PROSE: Dismemberment), To create a new army of the Cybermen, (TV: Dark Water) whom she called her "Cyberdears", (PROSE: Meet Missy!) (TV: Logopolis, The Five Doctors, Survival), After he was shot in the back by Ace to avenge his murder of Joe Manco, the Master withered in extreme pain that he tried to fight while complaining about how close he was to victory. The Master spoke to the Doctor in the room on several occasions, telling him that he was an "old friend". His eyes were brown in colour. (PROSE: Who Killed Kennedy), On another occasion, the Master made a deal with the Odobenidans to help them invade Earth, but accidentally trapped both them and himself in a time loop whilst undertaking some temporal mechanics on their behalf. Alias [5] This would make him the adult version of William Hughes' incarnation, although him being the First Master is not explicitly mentioned in his audio stories. The announcement of his casting on the Big Finish website referred to him as "the first incarnation of the Master". (AUDIO: The Two Masters), The "Tremas" Master was unwilling to share any form of power with others, often betraying those he worked with to accomplish his own goals, (TV: Logopolis, The Five Doctors, The Ultimate Foe, Survival) even when working with his other incarnations. But how does all this … Having donned more traditional Gallifreyan robes, the Master boasted his plans to the restrained Doctor, accidentally letting it slip that he had lost his lives trying to destroy the Doctor, exposing his earlier lies to Lee. However, the Brigadier attacked the Master, but he escaped, restoring the Brigadier to his senses. Whisper Men | Robot Yeti, Slitheen Family (AUDIO: The Good Master), In a timeline in which he altered the creation of the Daleks, the Master stole the black uniform of a Kaled Military Elite with embroidered white eye logos on the collars. (AUDIO: The Good Master), On the Time Lords’ orders, the Master spent years creating the ultimate biological weapon. Embittered by his discoveries, and lashing out from the belief that the Doctor had always been more than he was, the Master took his revenge on Gallifrey, leaving it in ruin. (COMIC: The Judas Goatee), The Master tracked down a fellow Time Lord renegade, the Minister, on the planet Samael, where she was one of the most eminent political figures. (TV: The Five Doctors) He also thanked Mel Bush when she remarked on how "evil" he was. The Doctor reversed the flow of the machine and the Master's life began to be drained. Coming … Receiving contact from the Time Lord High Council on the last day of the Time War, the Master tore open the time lock on the war, bringing back the Time Lords into whom he intended to transplant himself. Meanwhile, the Doctor and Jo were trapped in an extra-universal prison by the Freedom Corporation, so the Brigadier was forced to strike a deal with the Master to save them. He set up a facility on Xenotopia and personally recruited scientists. (AUDIO: Masterplan) He also accused the Eighth Doctor's attitude about a war with the Daleks of being hypocritical, noting that, while the Doctor claimed not to be fighting a war with them, he had battled the Daleks across time and space. (TV: The End of Time) So much was he obsessed with them, that, on one occasion, "the drums" was all he would say. This collection of five short stories and a novella explores the darkness in the Master’s hearts; their secrets and sinister ambitions revealed through brand new adventures and encounters. He assisted UNIT in defeating a number of interdimensional alien incursions, including attacks by Mind Leeches, Lava Spiders, Skyheads and the Nexus. Geoffrey Beevers is the main portrayer of the character in Big Finish audio dramas. (PROSE: The Legacy of Gallifrey), On the day that the Doctor left Gallifrey, the Master was desperate to know where he went. He then went to Logopolis, where he pretended to be Tremas to gain Nyssa's cooperation, giving her a bracelet that allowed him to control her arm. In Russian folklore, Koschei (rus.Коще́й or Коще́й Бессме́ртный, "Koschei The Deathless") is a villain who hides his soul in an obscure location under many layers of protection so that he can never die. When Seb got overexcited at this dramatic turn of events, Missy casually disintegrated him. He was imprisoned in the UNIT Vault, awakening every five years for one hour, before returning to a coma. On two more occasions, Mastermind in 2013 and Day of the Master in 2019, he played a post-TV movie Master, who is established as always returning to the same emaciated form even as he takes over the bodies of others. (PROSE: The Liar, the Glitch and the War Zone), Hearing that the Doctor and Clara had been forced to enter The Battle of the Bands Beyond the Stars, Missy came up with a new plan for universal domination. (TV: The Ultimate Foe), One account claimed the Time Lords released the Master and Glitz from the Matrix, whereupon the Master killed the technicians and fled in his TARDIS. Doctor Who Im The Master GIF SD GIF HD GIF MP4SD GIF HD GIF MP4. (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Sea-Devils) The Twelfth Doctor recalled how he and the Master had a pact to explore every star in the universe together. There Missy stole the component she needed and escaped by vortex manipulator, leaving the stranded Monk swearing vengeance against her. Although the Time Lords requested Artron's Matrix print to give them the ability to grant new regeneration cycles to Time Lords, the Masters first used it to restore a past version of themselves to life with a new regeneration cycle. Mrs. Wormwood | Bane Mother | Cal Kilburne | Davey, Global Chemicals Cult of Skaro: Dalek Sec | Dalek Caan, Cybermen (TV: The Mark of the Rani) When his attempts to hypnotise Sabalom Glitz with a swinging silver pendant failed due to Glitz's mind being occupied with calculating the wealth of the pendant, the Master resorted to offering Glitz a chest full of jewellery to ensure his cooperation. The Doctor then asked for the Master's help with destroying the planet. He called Stevens again during the Silurian attacks on Wenley Moor, informing Stevens that Edward Masters had been the first to die from the plague sweeping London. The students had found the last of Lord Rassilon's descendants, Lady Larn, a seven-year old child adopted by Councillor Brolin, who was being groomed as a future president. (PROSE: Tomb of Valdemar) The Master also showed a fascination with the Necronomicon. As the Master departed for his TARDIS, Missy collapsed to the ground and seemingly died, (TV: The Doctor Falls) but she managed to regenerate into a new incarnation by creating an Elysian field to "kick start a new regeneration cycle". (TV: Doctor Who) Indeed, Missy recalled the version of her who was born from the theft of Bruce's body as "the Snaky One". (TV: The Sound of Drums), Immediately after his regeneration, the Master appeared to have gone more insane than ever, gleefully jumping around the Doctor's TARDIS' control console, while ecstatically laughing, and toying with his new voice. After being confronted over the inconsistency, the Master revealed his true identity, even showing Team TARDIS the shrunken corpse of the real "O". The Master also took over the Matrix, and realised that the Eye of Harmony resided beneath the Panopticon. The Lumiat showed disgust for her past selves’ actions, deriding some of their failed schemes, though regarded her predecessor‘s ultimate fate as “poetic”. (TV: The Mind of Evil, The Time Monster), A master manipulator, the Master knew how to use others' greed and sense of duty as bargaining tools in his schemes, (TV: The Claws of Axos, The Sea Devils) and how to use his authority as an adjudicator to manipulate and influence the human factions and their competing aspirations on Uxarieus. Sin | Li H'sen Chang | Tong of the Black Scorpion, Aaron Copley | Abzorbaloff | Acomat | Adam Mitchell | Adam Smith | Adolf Hitler | Alex Hopkins | Ancient Lights | Androvax | Animus | Anne Droid | Antibodies | Arcturus | Ascaris | Axos | Azal | Baltazar | Beast | Beep the Meep | Becka Savage | Bert Walker | Black Guardian | Boneless | Bragen | Brynblaidd Cannibals | Captain Cook | Captain Dent | Captain Hardaker | Carrie | Carrionites | Centurion | Chameleons | Charles Grover | Charlie Duffy | Chessene | Chief Caretaker | Chief Officer | Childeric | Colonel Manton | Colony Sarff | Colin Maloney | Corakinus | Count Grendel | Crozier | Daniel Barton | De Flores | Death | Drathro | Dream Lord | Dregs | Eckersley | Ed Morgan | Eddie Connolly | The Editor | El Akir | Empress of the Racnoss | Emojibots | Eric Klieg | Eugene Tacitus | Fairies | Fearmonger | Fendahl | Fenric | Flemming | Flesh Moths | Forester | Futurekind | Ganymede Systems | Garvin | Gavrok | Gelth | General Carrington | General Finch | George Cranleigh | George Ratcliffe | Gray | Harrison Chase | Hawthorne | Headless Monks | Heavenly Hosts | Helen A | Hetocumtek | Henry Van Statten | High Priest Clovis | House | Ice Governess | Ilin | Ixta | Jack Robertson | Jagrafess | Joshua Naismith | Judoon | Julius Grayle | John Hart | K1 Robot | Kal | Kalik | Kandy Man | Kane | Kantrofarri | Karl | King Hydroflax | King Richard III | Koquillion | Krasko | Kroagnon | Krynoids | Lady Cassandra | Lady Peinforte | Leandro | Lieutenant Koenig | Light | Livilla | Lobos | Locusta | Lord Sutcliffe | Lucius Petrus Dextrus | Lytton | Maaga | Macra | Mandragora Helix | Manish | Mark Lynch | Marshal of Solos | Martin Trueman | Mary | Matron Casp | Maurice Caven | Mavic Chen | Max Capricorn | Medusa | Meglos | Melanicus | Mestor | Metebelis Spiders | Midnight Entity | Minotaur | Mona Lisa | Monarch | Morax | Morgaine | Mr. Diagoras | Mr. Magpie | Mr. Smith | Mr. Seyton | Mr. Webber | Nephew | Neville Catchlove | Nicholas Valentine | Nyder | Ogrons | Oswald Danes | Peg Dolls | Pied Piper | Prisoner Zero | Professor Whitaker | Professor Zaroff | Pting | Rakaya | Ramón Salamander | Remnants | Ribbons | Richard Lazarus | Richard Maynarde | Roboforms | Rutans | Scaroth | Shoal of the Winter Harmony | Seb | Sentris | Sevcheria | Sex Gas | Shockeye | Sisters of Plenitude | Dr. Skagra | Skithra | Skovox Blitzer | Smilers | SniperBot | Solicitor Grey | Solomon | Solomon's Robots | Styggron | Sutekh | Suzie Costello | Sycoraxs | Tegana | Terileptils | Thawn | The Borad | The Child | The Figure | The Flood | The Foretold | The Gravis | The Hath | The Malus | The Mara | The Myrka | The Trickster | The Wire | Theodore Maxtible | Tia Karim | Time Beetle | Time Zombies | Tlotoxl | Toclafane | Tzim-Sha | Vardans | Vervoids | Vespiform | Weed Creature | Weeping Angels | Winifred Gillyflower | Wirrn | WOTAN | Yartek | Zagreus | Zellin | Zephon | Zu-Zana, Can regenerate after death and take over bodies. (AUDIO: Animal Instinct) Despite the animosity, the Master was able to have a civil conversation with the Doctor when it suited him, (AUDIO: Death Match) and showed shades of bitterness when he learned River Song was the Doctor's wife. The future Master then signaled Gallifrey for Goth to arrive. Six" - John Simm's rendition being the sixth on-screen version of the character. My dear Doctor '' when addressing his adversary Deadly Reunion ), the Master ) the! Science fiction television series Doctor Who and the Doctor revealed the true perpetrators, the temporarily.: Yes, Missy used their incapacitation to find the Doctor jacket, with Light hair. Locked him away for this, the Master reveals himself to the Twelfth Doctor 's eventual of... Delighted simply by the Master had Tissue extracted from the first seven incarnations of undreamed evil a... His seventeenth incarnation confrontation, evidently annoyed ( AUDIO: the Doctor their.. 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