If an EPA-registered chlorine disinfectant is not available, use a chlorine bleach solution (500–615 ppm [1:100 v/v dilution]). Exhaust all veterinary facility, equipment, and instrument options before undertaking the procedure. Use standard cleaning and disinfection protocols to control environmental contamination with antibiotic-resistant gram-positive cocci (e.g., methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, vancomycin intermediate-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus [VRE]). No recommendation is offered. Enroll animals that are fully vaccinated for zoonotic diseases and that are healthy, clean, well-groomed, and negative for enteric parasites or otherwise have completed recent antihelminthic treatment under the regular care of a veterinarian. Update: The recommendations in this guideline for Ebola has been superseded by these CDC documents: See CDC’s Ebola Virus Disease website for current information on how Ebola virus is transmitted. Evaluate for possible environmental sources (e.g., potable water) of specimen contamination when waterborne microorganisms (e.g., NTM) of unlikely clinical importance are isolated from clinical cultures (e.g., specimens collected aseptically from sterile sites or, if post-procedural, colonization occurs after use of tap water in patient care). Keep adequate records of all infection-control measures and environmental test results for potable water systems. Select EPA-registered disinfectants, if available, and use them in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. (Municipal order; ASHRAE 12:2000). Keep doors to animal research rooms closed. Provide adequate, usable, and appropriate training, education, and informational material ... See “Guidelines for Environmental … Save and subtype isolates of Legionella spp. If Legionella spp. MDE Regulations. (OSHA: 29 CFR 1910.1030 § d.4.iii.B), Swab the area with a cloth or paper towels moderately wetted with disinfectant, and allow the surface to dry. If one case of laboratory-confirmed, health-care–associated Legionnaires disease is identified, or if two or more cases of laboratory-suspected, health-care–associated Legionnaires disease occur during a 6-month period, certain activities should be initiated. (EPA: 7 USC § 136 et seq.). Allow service animals access to the facility in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, unless the presence of the animal creates a direct threat to other persons or a fundamental alteration in the nature of services. Dry the internal channels of the reprocessed endoscope or bronchoscope using a proven method (e.g., 70% alcohol followed by forced-air treatment) to lessen the potential for the proliferation of waterborne microorganisms and to help prevent biofilm formation. If Legionella spp. If hands are not visibly soiled or contaminated with proteinaceous material, include an alcohol-based hand rub in the hand hygiene process. (AIA: 1.5, 5.1, 5.2). Ensure that the sewage system is fully functional before beginning remediation so contaminated solids and standing water can be removed. Ensure that the care of the animal is supervised by a licensed veterinarian. Groom animals to remove loose hair before a visit, or using a therapy animal cape. Extubate and allow the patient to recover in an AII room. (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1030 §d.3.viii). * Maintain the elevated chlorine concentration in the system for ≥2 hrs (but ≤24 hrs). No recommendation is offered regarding whether more stringent requirements for water quality should be imposed in hemofiltration and hemodiafiltration. The Environmental Health Operational Guidelines (EHOG) manual was developed as a tool to aid Bureau of Environmental Health Services and Local Public Health Agency staff in the routine decision making processes associated with the various environmental public health programs … When implementing strategies for preventing Legionnaires disease among severely immunosuppressed patients housed in facilities with HSCT or solid-organ transplant programs, incorporate these specific surveillance and epidemiologic measures in addition to the steps previously outlined (Water: V and Appendix C). Laboratories that isolate select agents from clinical specimens must comply with federal regulations for the receipt, transfer, management, and appropriate disposal of these agents. Promptly clean and treat scratches, bites, or other accidental breaks in the skin. Do not perform disinfectant fogging in patient-care areas. Implement general strategies for detecting and preventing Legionnaires disease in facilities that do not provide care for severely immunocompromised patients (i.e., facilities that do not have HSCT or solid organ transplant programs). Ensure proper operation of the air-handling system in the affected area after erection of barriers and before the room or area is set to negative pressure. (OSHA: 29 CFR 1910.1030 § g.2.i). * before and after each patient contact; and. (Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations [JCAHO]: Environment of Care [EC] 1.4), Emphasize restoration of proper air quality and ventilation conditions in AII rooms, PE rooms, operating rooms, emergency departments, and intensive care units. Select portable HEPA filters that can recirculate all or nearly all of the room air and provide the equivalent of ≥12 ACH. * uncertainty exists as to the nature of the soil on these surfaces [e.g., blood or body fluid contamination versus routine dust or dirt]; or. Administration. (AIA: 7.2.D), Locate air supply and exhaust grilles so that clean, filtered air enters from one side of the room, flows across the patient’s bed, and exits from the opposite side of the room. Food and General Environmental Health Fees. Do not store pharmaceuticals or medical solutions on ice intended for consumption; use sterile ice to keep medical solutions cold, or use equipment specifically manufactured for this purpose. * The contact time for the chemical used during this process should be 30 min–1 hour. Machines that dispense ice are preferred to those that require ice to be removed from bins or chests with a scoop. These guidelines have been written for use by health managers and planners, architects, urban planners, water and sanitation staff, clinical and nursing staff, carers and other health … If the hot water temperature can be maintained at≥124°F (≥51°C), explore engineering options (e.g., install preset thermostatic valves in point-of-use fixtures) to help minimize the risk of scalding. (AIA: 8.31.D1, 8.31.D8, 9.31.D23, 10.31.D18, 11.31.D15), Do not use such areas as PE rooms. No recommendation is offered on routine microbiologic air sampling before, during, or after construction or before or during occupancy of areas housing immunocompromised patients. (AAMI: ANSI/AAMI RD5:1992, ANSI/AAMI RD 47:1993). (AIA: 1.5.A1; JCAHO: EC 1.4), Deploy infection-control procedures to protect occupants until power and systems functions are restored. When discarding items contaminated with blood and body fluids from VHF patients, contain these regulated medical wastes with minimal agitation during handling. (ASHRAE: 12:2000), If using chlorination, add enough chlorine, preferably overnight, to achieve a free chlorine residual of ≥2 mg/L (≥2 ppm) throughout the system. * Discard the used, absorbent material into appropriate waste containment. Use airborne-particle sampling as a tool to evaluate barrier integrity. Implement culture strategies and potable water and fixture treatment measures in addition to those previously outlined (Water: V). Use a smooth-surface ice scoop to dispense ice. The Bureau uses regulatory and educational tools to minimize environmental health hazards and to ensure that the health standards set forth in city statutes, regulations and ordinances are met. Remove the animal permanently from these programs. No recommendation is offered for treating water in the facility’s distribution system with chlorine dioxide, heavy-metal ions (e.g., copper or silver), monochloramine, ozone, or UV light. Follow manufacturers’ instructions for cleaning and maintaining noncritical medical equipment. (FDA: 21 CFR 801.5, 807.87.e). Consult with the dental unit manufacturer on the need for periodic maintenance of anti-retraction mechanisms. Conduct an infection-control risk assessment of the facility to determine if patients at risk or severely immunocompromised patients are present. isolated from patients and the environment to establish strain identities. CDC is not responsible for Section 508 compliance (accessibility) on other federal or private website. Maintain constant recirculation in hot-water distribution systems serving patient-care areas. Ensure that the patient’s room is designed to maintain positive pressure. (OSHA: 29 CFR 1910.1030 § d.4.iv). Guide to Employee Health in Food Establishments– Updated February 2017. Do not stick needles into the mattress through the cover. Establish a facility policy for regular cleaning of fish tanks, rodent cages, bird cages, and any other animal dwellings and assign this cleaning task to a nonpatient-care staff member; avoid splashing tank water or contaminating environmental surfaces with animal bedding. The Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines are technical reference documents with general and industry -specific examples of Good International Industry Practice (GIIP)1. Ensure that existing structures continue to meet the specifications in effect at the time of construction. Infection-Control and Ventilation Requirements for AII Rooms, C.V. Infection-Control and Ventilation Requirements for Operating Rooms, C.VI. Avoid providing access to nonhuman primates and reptiles as service animals. No consensus or insufficient evidence exists regarding efficacy. Avoid damaging the underground water distribution system (i.e., buried pipes) to prevent soil and dust contamination of the water. (U.S. Department of Justice: 28 CFR § 36.302), When a decision must be made regarding a service animal’s access to any particular area of the health-care facility, evaluate the service animal, the patient, and the health-care situation on a case-by-case basis to determine whether significant risk of harm exists and whether reasonable modifications in policies and procedures will mitigate this risk. Contain dust and debris during remediation and repair as outlined in air recommendations (Air: II G 4, 5). * Locate exhaust outlets from contaminated areas above roof level to minimize recirculation of exhausted air. Remediation Strategies for Distribution System Repair or Emergencies, D.IV. * Flush each outlet until chlorine odor is detected. Environmental Standards personnel have performed environmental, health, and safety audits nationally and internationally at the request of industry, law firms, and engineering … If instructions and EPA-registered disinfectants suitable for use on ice machines are not available, use a general cleaning/disinfecting regimen as outlined in Box 12. Launder pillow covers and washable pillows in the hot-water cycle between patients or when they become contaminated with body substances. When sampling water, choose growth media and incubation conditions that will facilitate the recovery of waterborne organisms. Follow manufacturers’ instructions for bed maintenance and decontamination. Ensure proper ventilation through appropriate facility design and location. Minimize shedding of animal dander by bathing animals <24 hours before a visit. Take into account the age and reliability of the system. for HSCT patients’ sponge baths. (AIA: 7.23.B1, B2), Ensure that laundry areas have handwashing facilities and products and appropriate PPE available for workers. When environmental samples and patient specimens are available for comparison, perform the laboratory analysis on the recovered microorganisms down to the species level at a minimum and beyond the species level if possible. * Seal windows and reduce wherever possible other sources of outside air intrusion (e.g., open doors in stairwells and corridors), especially in PE areas. Restrict severely immunocompromised patients from taking showers. Edit: These recommendations contain minor edits in order to clarify the meaning. After the last surgical procedure of the day or night, wet vacuum or mop operating room floors with a single-use mop and an EPA-registered hospital disinfectant. Implement infection-control measures for external demolition and construction activities. Routine Handling of Contaminated Laundry, H.I. Do not use carpeting in hallways and patient rooms in areas housing immunosuppressed patients (e.g., PE areas). * covering debris and securing this covering before removing debris from the work zone. Prepare a contingency plan to estimate water demands for the entire facility in advance of significant water disruptions (i.e., those expected to result in extensive and heavy microbial or chemical contamination of the potable water), sewage intrusion, or flooding. The renumbering does not constitute change to the intent of the recommendations. (Justice: 28 CFR § 36.208 and App. * wet-wiping tools and tool carts before their removal from the work zone; * placing mats with tacky surfaces inside the entrance; and. Restore appropriate ACH, humidity, and pressure differential; clean or replace air filters; dispose of spent filters. Do not handle ice directly by hand, and wash hands before obtaining ice. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Corrective decontamination of the hot water system might be necessary after a disruption in service or a cross-connection with sewer lines has occurred. Monitor barriers and ensure the integrity of the construction barriers; repair gaps or breaks in barrier joints. (States). (States, AHJ), Follow precautions for treating microbiological wastes (e.g., amplified cultures and stocks of microorganisms). Adhere to current AAMI standards for quality assurance performance of devices and equipment used to treat, store, and distribute water in hemodialysis centers (both acute and maintenance [chronic] settings) and for the preparation of concentrates and dialysate. (JCAHO: EC 1.4), When a significant water disruption or an emergency occurs, adhere to any advisory to boil water issued by the municipal water utility. Cooling Towers and Evaporative Condensers, D.VIII. If cases of aspergillosis or other health-care–associated airborne fungal infections occur, aggressively pursue the diagnosis with tissue biopsies and cultures as feasible. Change the pretreatment filter and disinfect the dialysis water system with an EPA- registered product to prevent colonization of the reverse osmosis membrane and downstream microbial contamination. Periodic culturing for legionellae in potable water samples from HSCT or solid-organ transplant units can be performed as part of a comprehensive strategy to prevent Legionnaires disease in these units. If air-supply systems to high-risk areas (e.g., PE rooms) are not optimal, use portable, industrial-grade HEPA filters on a temporary basis until rooms with optimal air-handling systems become available. * Determine if immunocompromised patients may be at risk for exposure to fungal spores from dust generated during the project. Environmental Health Services (EHS) is a multidisciplinary group that monitors and enforces various laws, regulations and policies enacted to safeguard the general health and … No recommendation is offered regarding a hot-water temperature setting and cycle duration for items laundered in residence-style health-care facilities. This program is responsible for the implementation and enforcement of state regulations as delegated by the Maryland Department of the Environment and the Department of Health … (AIA: 5.1), Implement infection-control measures for internal construction activities. Designate care and maintenance of flowers and potted plants to staff not directly involved with patient care. * Ensure that health-care workers wear face shields or goggles with appropriate respirators when entering the rooms of VHF patients with prominent cough, vomiting, diarrhea, or hemorrhage. Use disposable barrier coverings as appropriate to minimize surface contamination. Use animals obtained from quality stock, or quarantine incoming animals to detect zoonotic diseases. The new WHO Guidelines on Sanitation and Health summarize the evidence on the effectiveness of a range of sanitation interventions and provide a comprehensive framework for health-protecting … No recommendation is offered regarding the use of antiseptic chemicals (e.g., chloramine-T) in the water during hydrotherapy sessions. Commission the HVAC system for newly constructed health-care facilities and renovated spaces before occupancy and use, with emphasis on ensuring proper ventilation for operating rooms, AII rooms, and PE areas. Monitor areas with special ventilation requirements (e.g., AII or PE) for ACH, filtration, and pressure differentials. Spot-clean blood or body substance spills promptly. Drain and clean hydrotherapy equipment (e.g., Hubbard tanks, tubs, whirlpools, whirlpool spas, or birthing tanks) after each patient’s use, and disinfect equipment surfaces and components by using an EPA-registered product in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. After each patient, discharge water and air for a minimum of 20–30 seconds from any dental device connected to the dental water system that enters the patient’s mouth (e.g., handpieces, ultrasonic scalers, and air/water syringe). Keep housekeeping surfaces (e.g., floors, walls, and tabletops) visibly clean on a regular basis and clean up spills promptly. (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1030 § d.4.ii.A memorandum 2/28/97; compliance document CPL 2-2.44D [11/99]). (AIA: Table 7.2), Filter all recirculated and fresh air through the appropriate filters, providing 90% efficiency (dust-spot testing) at a minimum. * Develop and implement a maintenance schedule for ACH, pressure differentials, and filtration efficiencies using facility-specific data as part of the multidisciplinary risk assessment. General Infection-Control Strategies for Preventing Legionnaires Disease, D.VI. Ensure that laundry bags are closed before tossing the filled bag into the chute. Special Precautions for Wastes Generated During Care of Patients with Rare Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In the absence of an EPA-registered product for water treatment, add sodium hypochlorite to the water: Maintain a 15-ppm chlorine residual in the water of small hydrotherapy tanks, Hubbard tanks, and tubs. Whenever possible, avoid inactivating or shutting down the entire HVAC system at one time, especially in acute-care facilities. In areas with patients at risk, when Legionella spp. Do not use alcohol to disinfect large environmental surfaces. Practice hand hygiene after any animal contact.2, 136. Establish a surveillance process to detect health-care–associated Legionnaires disease. CDC twenty four seven. Develop and maintain cleaning and disinfection procedures to control environmental contamination with agents of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), for which no EPA-registered product exists. Avoid other types of exposure to contaminated items from the patient's immediate environment (e.g., do not share toothbrushes, cigarettes, eating utensils, dishes, drinks, towels, washcloths … Establish employee occupational health programs specific to the animal research facility, and coordinate management of postexposure procedures specific for zoonoses with occupational health clinics in the health-care facility. If the facility does not treat severely immunocompromised patients, conduct an epidemiologic investigation, including retrospective review of microbiologic, serologic, and postmortem data to look for previously unidentified cases of health care–associated Legionnaires disease, and begin intensive prospective surveillance for additional cases. Clean and disinfect mattress covers using EPA-registered disinfectants, if available, that are compatible with the cover materials to prevent the development of tears, cracks, or holes in the cover. ), Clean surfaces that have been contaminated with body substances; perform low- to intermediate-level disinfection on cleaned surfaces with an EPA-registered disinfectant in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. (OSHA: 29 CFR 1910.1030 § d.4.iv), Bag or otherwise contain contaminated textiles and fabrics at the point of use. If upholstered furniture in a patient’s room requires cleaning to remove visible soil or body substance contamination, move that item to a maintenance area where it can be adequately cleaned with a process appropriate for the type of upholstery and the nature of the soil. Animals as Patients in Human Health-Care Facilities, H.VI. Employers must launder workers’ personal protective garments or uniforms that are contaminated with blood or other potentially infectious materials. (AIA: 5.1). PEHSUs are a network of medical experts that offer guidance to health care professionals and the public on prevention, diagnosis, management, and treatment of environmental conditions that affect reproductive and children’s health. Use a one-step process and an EPA-registered hospital disinfectant/detergent designed for general housekeeping purposes in patient-care areas when. If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. If using a mattress cover completely made of fabric, change these covers and launder between patients. Research Animals in Health-Care Facilities, I.I. When using phenolic disinfectants in neonatal units, prepare solutions to correct concentrations in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions, or use premixed formulations. Avoid placing decorative fountains and fish tanks in patient-care areas; ensure disinfection and fountain maintenance if decorative fountains are used in the public areas of the health care facility. Implement infection-control measures during sewage intrusion, flooding, or other water- related emergencies. This issue will be revisited as additional evidence becomes available. (AIA: Table 7.2), Maintain ≥15 ACH, of which ≥3 ACH should be fresh air. (AIA: 7.2.D1, A7.2.D). Coordinate system startups with infection-control staff to protect patients in PE rooms from bursts of fungal spores. Use AIA guidelines as minimum standards where state or local regulations are not in place for design and construction of ventilation systems in new or renovated health-care facilities. Routine Prevention of Waterborne Microbial Contamination Within the Distribution System, D.III. Advise families, visitors, and patients about the importance of hand hygiene to minimize the spread of body substance contamination (e.g., respiratory secretions or fecal matter) to surfaces. Maintain a high index of suspicion for legionellosis in transplant patients even when environmental surveillance cultures do not yield legionellae. (No recommendation/unresolved issue)”. (AIA: 5.1), In settings where surgical lasers are used, wear appropriate personal protective equipment, including N95 or N100 respirators, to minimize exposure to laser plumes. These recommendations do not apply to newer technologies involving fogging for room decontamination (e.g., ozone mists, vaporized hydrogen peroxide) that have become available since the 2003 and 2008 recommendations were made. (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1030 §d.3.i, ii), Discard used PPE by using routine disposal procedures or decontaminate reusable PPE as appropriate. When anesthetizing a patient with confirmed or suspected TB, place a bacterial filter between the anesthesia circuit and patient’s airway to prevent contamination of anesthesia equipment or discharge of tubercle bacilli into the ambient air. Ensure compliance by housekeeping staff with cleaning and disinfection procedures. Use disposable, impervious covers to minimize body substance contamination to autopsy tables and surfaces. (ASHRAE: 12:2000), Maintain towers according to manufacturers’ recommendations, and keep detailed maintenance and infection control records, including environmental test results from legionellosis outbreak investigations. (OSHA: 29 CFR 1910.1030 § d.4.ii.A, interpretation), If a spill occurs on carpet tiles, replace any tiles contaminated by blood and body fluids or body substances. Air, Water, and Environmental-Surface Sampling, G.III. Controlling the Spread of Waterborne Microoganisms, D.II. * Discard spent filters as regular solid waste, regardless of the area from which they were removed. Environmental-surface culturing can be used to verify the efficacy of hospital policies and procedures before and after cleaning and disinfecting rooms that house patients with VRE. (OSHA: 29 CFR 1910.1030 § d.4.iv), Identify bags or containers for contaminated textiles with labels, color coding, or other alternative means of communication as appropriate. Minimize contact with animal saliva, dander, urine, and feces. Strongly recommended for implementation and supported by certain experimental, clinical, or epidemiologic studies and a strong theoretical rationale. (AAMI: ANSI/AAMI RD62:2001), When storage tanks are used in dialysis systems, they should be routinely drained, disinfected with an EPA-registered product, and fitted with an ultrafilter or pyrogenic filter (membrane filter with a pore size sufficient to remove small particles and molecules ≥1 kilodalton) installed in the water line distal to the storage tank. Place laboratory specimens (e.g., fixed sputum smears) in covered containers for overnight storage. Select a high-volume air sampling device if anticipated levels of microbial airborne contamination are expected to be low. Position the units appropriately so that all room air passes through the filter; obtain engineering consultation to determine the appropriate placement of the unit. Follow appropriate procedures for use of areas with through-the-wall ventilation units. You will be subject to the destination website's privacy policy when you follow the link. Close off affected areas during cleanup procedures. (States; AHJ), Treat regulated medical wastes by using a method (e.g., steam sterilization, incineration, interment, or an alternative treatment technology) approved by the appropriate authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) (e.g., states, Indian Health Service [IHS], Veterans Affairs [VA]) before disposal in a sanitary landfill. (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [DHHS]: BMBL; OSHA: 29 CFR 1910.1030.132-139), Document standard operating procedures for the unit. Upon completion of the project, clean the work zone according to facility procedures, and install barrier curtains to contain dust and debris before removal of rigid barriers. (AIA: 7.2.C3), Conduct an infection-control risk assessment (ICRA) and provide an adequate number of AII and PE rooms (if required) or other areas to meet the needs of the patient population. When state regulations or codes do not allow hot water temperatures above the range of 105°F–120°F (40.6°C–49°C) for hospitals or 95°F–110°F (35°C–43.3°C) for nursing care facilities or when buildings cannot be retrofitted for thermostatic mixing valves, follow either of these alternative preventive measures to minimize the growth of Legionella spp. Change the mop head at the beginning of the day and also as required by facility policy, or after cleaning up large spills of blood or other body substances. (Occupational Safety and Health Administration [OSHA]; 29 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] 1910.134,139). (USDA: 7 USC 2131). Clarification Statement: CDC and HICPAC have recommendations in both 2003 Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities and the 2008 Guideline for Disinfection and Sterilization in Healthcare Facilities that state that the CDC does not support disinfectant fogging. Protective Measures for Immunocompromised Patients, H.V. * touched frequently with gloved hands during the delivery of patient care; * likely to become contaminated with blood or body substances; or. (AIA: 5.1). (FDA: 21 CFR 801.5, 807.87.e), Apply standard cleaning and disinfection procedures to control environmental contamination with respiratory and enteric viruses in pediatric-care units and care areas for immunocompromised patients. Periodically increase the hot water temperature to ≥150°F (≥66°C) at the point of use. No recommendation is offered for performing orthopedic implant operations in rooms supplied with laminar airflow. (AIA: 1.1.A, 5.4), Monitor ventilation systems in accordance with engineers’ and manufacturers’ recommendations to ensure preventive engineering, optimal performance for removal of particulates, and elimination of excess moisture. Whenever possible, disconnect the ice machine before planned water disruptions. Clean walls, blinds, and window curtains in patient-care areas when they are visibly dusty or soiled. (AIA: 7.2.C4), Provide ventilation to ensure ≥12 ACH for renovated rooms and new rooms, and ≥6 ACH for existing AII rooms. No recommendation is offered regarding permitting pet visits to terminally ill immunosuppressed patients outside their PE units. No recommendation is offered regarding negative pressure or isolation rooms for patients with Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. Portable HEPA filter units previously placed in construction zones can be used later in patient-care areas, provided all internal and external surfaces are cleaned, and the filter’s performance verified by appropriate particle testing. Decontaminate the water supply as outlined previously (Water: IV). The 2003 and 2008 recommendations still apply; however, CDC does not yet make a recommendation regarding these newer technologies. Develop a contingency plan for backup capacity in the event of a general power failure. (ASHRAE: 12:2000), Use an effective EPA-registered biocide on a regular basis. When using a sample/rinse method for sampling an environmental surface, develop and document a procedure for manipulating the swab, gauze, or sponge in a reproducible manner so that results are comparable. Maintain backup ventilation equipment (e.g., portable units for fans or filters) for emergency provision of ventilation requirements for operating rooms, and take immediate steps to restore the fixed ventilation system function. A strong theoretical rationale cooling towers or evaporative condensers are implicated in health-care–associated legionellosis, decontaminate cooling-tower! Other health-care–associated airborne fungal spores from dust Generated during care of the recommendations and an chlorine... Dander, urine, and decontamination standards and fully document departures from standard methods laundry equipment according to policies. Stock, or a theoretical rationale avoid providing access to nonhuman primates reptiles!, EPA guidance ) housekeeping purposes in patient-care rooms to avoid creating infectious aerosols will tailor the application to intent! Manuscripts should be fresh air through the system for ≥2 months after initiation. 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