I find a delicious irony the NYTIMES piece was whittled down for just the very goal of what you accuse your adversaries of–removing facts, context & history to align with a belief system. I recently spent a day at the National Underground Railroad Museum in Cincinnati (which was the border between the free north and south). Thanks so much for this link, Nancy ! It was created in 1812 to take over functions previously conducted by the United States Department of the Treasury.Starting with the passage of the Land Ordinance of 1785, which created the Public Land Survey System, the … It’s magic! It is a free country. I have my doubts, but OK. How do you know it could have been handled non-violently years ago? Now he runs cattle with no permit on these government lands larger than the old Bunkerville allotment and in numbers that exceed the original terms. I apologize for displaying that anger here. This issue, for me, is black and white. as far as exploiting Hispanic labor, hmmm I wonder what those immigrants are doing when they get here? And don’t tell me they don’t have better family structure than most of us white people. A PLUZ is a tool for managing recreational activity while considering other land uses.. A PLUZ is created for a specific land base and the unique conditions that exist within that land base. Not because he has any right to the Bunkerville Allotment but because there is enough circumstantial evidence to suggest the BLM was not honest in their agenda against the ranchers in that area. In general, Congress must legislate the creation or acquisition of new public lands, such as national parks; however, under the 1906 Antiquities Act, also known as the National Monuments Act, the President may designate new national monuments without congressional authorization if the monument is on federally-owned land. The BLM is said to have received the federal lands “no one wanted,” but today there can be a struggle over almost every acre as they have been discovered more and more for mining, recreation, wilderness, water, wildlife, and energy as well as grazing. Its the only reason I am still wasting time on any of this. Written for the Public Land Law Review Commission, by Paul W. Gates; with a chapter by Robert W. Swenson. Slave Narratives during Slavery and After, Image: caption follows It so happens those changes limited his head of cattle to 150 from 450 and required that he remove the cattle for a couple of months every year. Putting a smoke screen up on land abuse and resource over use is what conservatives like to do. Mr. Bundy and his supporters seem to be fueled by an incendiary combination of self-entitlement, the resurgence of treason and Confederate sympathizers, right-wing militias, outright bigotry, and a LDS mythology that says God gave the land to them. The valid and controlling federal Court Orders having to do with trespassing cows are front and center in the Bundy matter; he exhausted his appeals, and all that is before us now is the enforcement of them. A lot of damage can be done in that time. The battle is being called Sagebrush II, a sequel to a 1970s movement that sought a state takeover of federal public lands. The slave, according to George Fitzhugh, one of the most vigorous of the proslavery propagandists, “was happy as a human can be.”3. That statement was not not made out of context at all, he just spoke what he was in his head and unfortaunetly for him it revealed the kind of persistent racist mentality that this country is trying hard to leave behind. A wilderness study area is a tract of land that has wilderness characteristics, and is managed as wilderness, but has not received a wilderness designation from Congress. The following examples illustrate some of the range. From wars, treaties, immigration, and settlement, land is interwoven into the very core of what it means to be America. Find and buy the paper maps you need to find trails, campgrounds, hunting units, … Livestock grazing takes place on 155 million acres of public lands in the United States, with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) administering nearly 18,000 grazing permits and leases. Then there’s always that political cronyism aspect of Harry Reid’s, which if the conservatives were doing the Democrats would be all over like stink on shit. I mean really blacks would be more happy back in the cotton picking days as slaves when they had something to do! I even drove my Toyota, which has a Wildearthguardians bumper sticker on it. • Is calculated to influence or affect the conduct of government by intimidation or coercion, or to retaliate against government conduct; and All these rights that I claim, have been created through pre-emptive rights and beneficial use of the forage and the water and the access and range improvements.”, Fact: Clark county property records indicate “Cliven Bundy’s parents bought the 160 acre ranch in 1948 from Raoul and Ruth Leavitt. Of course the BLM should have removed his cattle decades ago, but we can’t unring that bell. The straw that broke Forbes’ back was published Friday on the complexities of wild horse and burro management, and the related high cost to taxpayers of the federal grazing program. While some of the federal lands are private lands that were purchased or gifted to the government, close to 100% of the BLM lands have been federal land since they were acquired by the United States in purchase (such as the Louisiana Purchase) and conquest (the Mexican Cession). Dr. Ralph Maughan is professor emeritus of political science at Idaho State University with specialties in natural resource politics, public opinion, interest groups, political parties, voting and elections. “Seldom Was Heard an Encouraging Word, A History of Bureau of Land Management Law Enforcement.” Dennis McLane has a Guest Opinion in the Idaho Statesman about Bundy. Everyone is entitled to their opinion…even you and Bundy…but are telling me you can drive by a public housing development and not see some very serious and negative social issues…crime, drugs, gangs, lost hope, broken families, teenage mothers, etc? The link to the 104 page thesis is here http://books.google.com/books/about/Surviving_Slavery_and_Patriarchy.html?id=zLxGHAAACAAJ Bundy is being disowned by his followers and discredited by almost everyone else , including some silk tie Republicans. Livestock grazing and the desert tortoise. • Is a violation of one of several listed statutes, including § 930(c) (relating to killing or attempted killing during an attack on a federal facility with a dangerous weapon); and § 1114 (relating to killing or attempted killing of officers and employees of the U.S.). The concept of a formal designation and conservation of public lands dates back to our first National Parks. Groups File Notice of Intent to Sue Over Sheep Experiment Station. The system of tenure of public land, and the terminology used, varies between countries. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. USDA Under Secretary of … Once again, it’s the corruption through politics that bites our asses, not the technology itself. I will say the distinction between the Hage matter and its litigation are somewhat different than the Bundy matter, at least those that are currently pending (I know you are pre-occupied/obsessed with Bundy water rights, but I don’t think those are so much at issue to the point of being timely litigated in whatever court might have jurisdiction. The General Land Office (GLO) was an independent agency of the United States government responsible for public domain lands in the United States. His speech is incoherent. "At some point we must draw a line across the ground of our home and our being, drive a spear into the land and say to the bulldozers, earthmovers, government and corporations, “thus far and no further.” If we do not, we shall later feel, instead of pride, the regret of Thoreau, that good but overly-bookish man, who wrote, near the end of his life, “If I repent of anything it is likely to be my good behaviour. Its unfortunate Bundy did not continue the grazing permit and fight it through the courts but that would sure be expensive for a simple organic melon farmer. The reality is that they lie. Please post it Clutch. Not a shot? Bundy threatened BLM with bodily harm, and they show up prepared for that, and yet not a shot fired, and you say “guns blazing”? This man doesn’t have a public defender, believe me. Maybe its best you do bow out. Contact information for your Senators and Representatives “The longer Bundy waits to comply the greater his financial obligation as these cows are charged extra for each day they remain, and there are also mounting costs when, NOT if, I might suggest,these wranglers come back with a BLM or other federal escort. Or are they better off under government subsidy? I did not realize that you were discussing Bundy’s latest speech–where he attempts to apologize. Obviously, the stress of the armed stand-off and everything that has transpired since then has left this simple man exhausted and then his bewilderment at people accusing him of being racist was the straw that put him over the edge. He must’ve borrowed that soapbox he accused you of preaching from Louise. Case in point, how many of you have actually searched out the full transcript of Bundy’s comments on race? The Judge who issued the first Court Order back in 1998 is a Black female. Ah Clutch! I’ve lived in the south too. FORBES WRITER, VICKERY ECKHOFF, SACKED FRIDAY NIGHT AFTER PUBLICATION OF FEDERAL GRAZING PROGRAM IN BUNDY DISPUTE RIPS-OFF TAXPAYERS, WILD HORSES The longer Bundy waits to comply the greater his financial obligation as these cows are charged extra for each day they remain, and there are also mounting costs when, NOT if, I might suggest,these wranglers come back with a BLM or other federal escort. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. “And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. I only ask since you find such a similarity between the two events . Facilities are even more destructive to the Desert Tortoise and birds and good hiking and camping than cattle ever were.”, “…the vast tracts of public land provided to Solar Power • Involve acts dangerous to human life that violate federal or state law; A Las Vegas news station has actually done a pretty good job of summarizing both Bundy’s property and water rights claims (going so far as to scan and post the actual documents). Frankly, I find it outrageous that you would defend his comments. The Sagebrush Rebellion at that time, which picked up where the racist states-right segregationists left off, knew exactly how to appeal to the prejudices of ranchers. Yeah, Rich, why don’t you get right after that. I wish to edit my final sentence to read: “Hopefully, people that side against Bundy for environmental concerns will also see that the vast tracts of public land provided to Solar Power A 2016 report by the Department of Interior noted that 30% of assessed federal rangelands are not meeting the promulgated land health standards, and the damage is significantly attributed to … Granted, the BLM is despised by many groups of people, and for different reasons. Never mind that more Whites than Blacks receive federal assistance! It is by Dennis McLane, of Boise, Idaho. When have politicians ever expressed honest emotion? Dang it. —-. The Grazing Service lasted about a decade. You may have all the time in the world with a broken leg, but I have a job and a family. dunno….technically, maybe it was a ‘tazer gun’? Ida: did you read the post directly above? Some will automatically believe him and others reject anything he says, but is there any way to tell? I think Mr. Bundy’s status as a status as a right wing hero is coming to an abrupt end with the overtly racist comments he made (quoted in yesterday’s NYT piece). Faith and beliefs are not subject to proof or evidence. The grazing permits had “terms and conditions” specifying the details of how, when and where the grazing was to be. ” The man was perfectly capable of organizing an insurrection of sorts and threatening violence when it suited his needs. not, not come to our party. —- As far as Mr. Bundy’s personal beliefs, I should have said it is ‘immaterial’ to the issues at hand. Parks can also be an area of public land that is used for amusement, enjoyment, and recreation. The BLM allotments were never supposed to be “the ranch”. They would know better than we do what constitutes offensive racism and what doesn’t, or what to brush off as ignorance that has no bearing or consequence to them and not waste their time on. 55 national forests, almost 190 million acres). Is that behavior befitting of a government agency? At least I walk the walk. I had a good hour lecture on that. Bundy was not talking about “slaves” and slavery. If you recognize the failings of this Gov’t attempt for the Native Americans then you understand what Bundy is wondering about with the residents of that Northern LV urban housing program. Weren’t the fees on the early permits and leases under the Taylor Grazing Act based on acreage rather than head of livestock? Or, they’ll agree with Bundy’s assertion that somehow, by reporting his own words, that NYT spun it into “a racist-type thing.”. Most of those farmers were veterans of the War of Independence. Well, he’s got a few supporters in the community from what I have seen. He is a simple-minded organic melon farmer. When Bundy cattle trespass situation came to a head this month, there was great media interest and a mass of confusion too. I think you said among other things, “I find a delicious irony the NYTIMES piece was whittled down for just the very goal of what you accuse your adversaries of–removing facts, context & history to align with a belief system. He hasn’t walked in their shoes, nor does he carry the burden of their history in the U.S. Down there they was probably growing their turnips – so that’s all government, that’s not freedom. The concept of wilderness areas was legislatively defined by the 1964 Wilderness Act. Is it because of the article in today’s Washington Post where Bundy uttered that African Americans were and are better off as slaves? Hannity and Bundy bothgot a lot if mileage out of this interviews. Why? Various Utah Federal elected officials have argued for "state rights concerning public lands" for at least several decades prior to 2012. “Where are all the EIS and related studies that show a direct causality between cattle grazing and tortoise declines? I find it interesting that we live in such a patriarchal society that his detractors continue to recognize only his paternal family history and not his maternal. As I have pointed out to many who argue on behalf of the Confederacy by comparing it to the American Revolution: you had better make sure the thing you’re standing up for is worthy of bloodshed, and like slavery, I doubt land acquisition by squatter’s rights and not paying grazing fees of a dollar-fifty a head are up to that standard. Great ideas. Wind has already done a lot of damage to ecosystems (birds, bats, butterflies, etc.) I was amused by Bundy parading the Stars & Stripes on a flag pole while mounted on his horse – all the while refusing to acknowledge the existence of the United States. Well, zlouise, atleast you have done a very thorough job of ridiculing those that don’t speak like you–but zi am not certsin, were you attempting to imitate zbundy, or African-Americans or is that just a generic all-encompassing accent to suggest all hicks are ignorant? Coal pollutes the air and makes a large footprint on the land, nuclear is politically hot, hydro adversely affects aquatics and almost every river is already dammed, bio-fuel is limited and oil is enough said. This kind of jumping ship is what I hope for someday when people are exposed as predator or wildlife haters, abusers and killers. Bundy defending property (erroneously since the court order awarded that property of cattle to the BLM) and the militia looking to live out their group psychosis fantasies of armed insurection. They didn’t get no more freedom. WM, It can easily be argued Bundy created the issues facing him today, I am not suggesting he is a victim; however, this man is no longer well. Come on now, quit making excuses for these outlaws, who were loaded with guns and ammunition. Oh my, Indeed! Cliven Bundy tore up his new permit in 1992 because he said he didn’t like the new terms. They have been used to bullying there way around the laws that most people obey. It’s a last ditch effort by some to cloud the issue. It would not surprise me to see Bundy before a judge again within a days/few weeks. I’ve known a thousand just like Bundy. Name calling? Fish and Wildlife Service must be dispassionate and use the best available science. If Bundy did not like the terms of the lease, go lease some other land or buy some other land. He was talking about sharecroppers. My ‘ simple, two-dimensional world ’ workers now travel mostly in pairs and are usually for. Conditions on public, the whole Tea Party slaves ” and not interesting to most people, the. Why allthe 46 other ranchers all “ drug up ” be right about Bundy ’ s quote: “ want! 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