There have also come in my way a few other originals of a questionablesort, who are in all respects undesirable, and most intolerablein their demonstration of friendship. why didst thou not seethy apotheosis in those eyes? "Between ourselves, I am always away now when he visits her: and Ifeel delighted when I find her alone. German is printed on the left page, and English on the right page. No, I am not deceived. We arrived here yesterday. Is it not enoughthat we want the power to make one another happy, must we depriveeach other of the pleasure which we can all make for ourselves?Show me the man who has the courage to hide his ill-humour, whobears the whole burden himself, without disturbing the peace ofthose around him. We are so constituted that we believe the most incrediblethings; and, once they are engraved upon the memory, woe to himwho would endeavour to efface them. I was upon the terrace under the tall chestnut trees,and watched the setting sun. The gardener has become attached to me within the last few days, and he will lose nothing thereby. I only suggest one objection. I relieved their anxieties bypretending to be weather-wise, although I myself had someapprehensions lest our pleasure should be interrupted. Imust away. Descending a gentle slope, you cometo an arch, where, some twenty steps lower down, water of theclearest crystal gushes from the marble rock. We were hardly seated, and the ladies had scarcely exchangedcompliments, making the usual remarks upon each other's dress, andupon the company they expected to meet, when Charlotte stopped thecarriage, and made her brothers get down. I must love him for therespect with which he treats her. I bent overher hand, kissed it in a stream of delicious tears, and againlooked up to her eyes. So was itwith me and this servant. "It is the custom here," she said,"for the previous partners to waltz together; but my partner isan indifferent waltzer, and will feel delighted if I save him thetrouble. My days are as happy as those reserved by God for his elect; and,whatever be my fate hereafter, I can never say that I have nottasted joy, -- the purest joy of life. It is her favourite air; and, when sheplays the first note, all pain, care, and sorrow disappear fromme in a moment. I sat down upon a plough opposite, andsketched with great delight this little picture of brotherlytenderness. Like her! You may answer me, if you please, with a similar analogy, "Whowould not prefer the amputation of an arm to the periling of lifeby doubt and procrastination!" The novel was a sensation in its time - th… It was delightful to seethe fun. I buried myface in my handkerchief, and hastened from the room, and was onlyrecalled to my recollection by Charlotte's voice, who reminded methat it was time to return home. My dear friend, the bare recollection of those hours still consolesme. Year: 1987. Well, in the first case,pursue your course, and press on to the fulfilment of your wishes.In the second, be a man, and shake off a miserable passion, whichwill enervate and destroy you." The Sorrows of Young Werther by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Full Text Free Book File size: 0.3 MB What's this? Albert had promised to come to Charlotte in the garden immediatelyafter supper. She attemptedto withdraw her hand: I held it still. The garden is simple; and it is easy to perceive, evenupon your first entrance, that the plan was not designed by ascientific gardener, but by a man who wished to give himself uphere to the enjoyment of his own sensitive heart. She is gone tospend a few days in the town with a very worthy woman, who is givenover by the physicians, and wishes to have Charlotte near her inher last moments. Some of the gentlemenhad gone down-stairs to smoke a quiet cigar, and the rest of thecompany gladly embraced a happy suggestion of the hostess to retireinto another room which was provided with shutters and curtains.We had hardly got there, when Charlotte placed the chairs in acircle; and, when the company had sat down in compliance with herrequest, she forthwith proposed a round game. I no longer remember where I stopped in my narrative: I only knowit was two in the morning when I went to bed; and if you had beenwith me, that I might have talked instead of writing to you, Ishould, in all probability, have kept you up till daylight. And then, Albert -- yes, I must go. They arequite at home with me, tell me everything; and I am particularlyamused with observing their tempers, and the simplicity of theirbehaviour, when some of the other village children are assembledwith them. The subject matter, especially coming from an author in the late-1700s, is treated fairly and compassionately, and the delivery, though somewhat conventional, has its unique traits. But all this is ugly balderdash, which expresses not a singlecharacter nor feature. He appeared interested in me on one occasion, when Ihad to transact some business with him. I haveseldom seen a place so retired and peaceable; and there often havemy table and chair brought out from the little inn, and drink mycoffee there, and read my Homer. whocan do justice to her language? If I occasionally forgetmyself, and take part in the innocent pleasures which are not yetforbidden to the peasantry, and enjoy myself, for instance, withgenuine freedom and sincerity, round a well-covered table, orarrange an excursion or a dance opportunely, and so forth, allthis produces a good effect upon my disposition; only I must forgetthat there lie dormant within me so many other qualities whichmoulder uselessly, and which I am obliged to keep carefully concealed.Ah! The novel is the story of a sensitive, artistic young man who demonstrates the fatal effects of a predilection for absolutes-whether those of love, art, society, or thought. Inflamed by the flatteries of men, her former pleasuresbecome by degrees insipid, till at length she meets with a youthto whom she is attracted by an indescribable feeling; upon him shenow rests all her hopes; she forgets the world around her; shesees, hears, desires nothing but him, and him only. "Because she is already engaged to a very worthyman," she replied, "who is gone to settle his affairs upon thedeath of his father, and will succeed to a very considerableinheritance." So many agreeable circumstances, and of a kind toensure a worthy man's happiness, are seldom united. I cannot be idle, and yet I am unableto set to work. I treat my poor heart like a sickchild, and gratify its every fancy. Noprospect, no hope, no consolation -- forsaken by him in whom herexistence was centred! BOOK I . You should see how foolish I look in company when her name ismentioned, particularly when I am asked plainly how I like her.How I like her! In the evening I would not resist telling the story to a personwho, I thought, possessed some natural feeling, because he was aman of understanding. My dear friend, what a thing isthe heart of man! I have met few persons so punctualand methodical in business. The novel is the story of a sensitive, artistic young man who demonstrates the fatal effects of a predilection for This is the more annoying, as I wasformerly very happy in taking likenesses. I should be incapable ofdrawing a single stroke at the present moment; and yet I feel thatI never was a greater artist than now. It would have broken my heart! see in The Sorrows of Young Werther a certain vindication of his friend (what his contemporary Lessing might have termed a Rettung, i.e., a rescue from misjudgement). "Yes," she said; and, giving the eldest a piece ofbread, she took the little one in her arms and kissed it with amother's tenderness. They stood around the bed; and she raised her feeblehands to heaven, and prayed over them; then, kissing them in turn,she dismissed them, and said to me, 'Be you a mother to them.' Plot Summary. Was it my fault, that, whilst the peculiar charmsof her sister afforded me an agreeable entertainment, a passionfor me was engendered in her feeble heart? I can imitate without affectation. (We feel obliged to suppress the passage in the letter, to preventany one from feeling aggrieved; although no author need pay muchattention to the opinion of a mere girl, or that of an unsteadyyoung man.). said I. Nowor never. But when, in spite of weakness and disappointments, we set to workin earnest, and persevere steadily, we often find, that, thoughobliged continually to tack, we make more way than others who havethe assistance of wind and tide; and, in truth, there can be nogreater satisfaction than to keep pace with others or outstripthem in the race. Theold man seemed quite in spirits; and as I could not help admiringthe beauty of the walnut-trees, which formed such an agreeableshade over our heads, he began, though with some little difficulty,to tell us their history. Heart-rending! The coolness of his temper contrastsstrongly with the impetuosity of mine, which I cannot conceal.He has a great deal of feeling, and is fully sensible of thetreasure he possesses in Charlotte. A peasant came from an adjoining house, and set to work arrangingsome part of the same plough which I had lately sketched. Since that time I have gone out therefrequently. "She was worthy ofbeing known to you." Albert seated himself beside her. My dearfriend I promise you I will improve; I will no longer, as has everbeen my habit, continue to ruminate on every petty vexation whichfortune may dispense; I will enjoy the present, and the past shallbe for me the past. He is free from ill-humour,which you know is the fault I detest most. I threw myself upon the ground, and wept: I then sprangup, and ran out upon the terrace, and saw, under the shade of thelinden-trees, her white dress disappearing near the garden-gate.I stretched out my arms, and she vanished. First published in 1774, it is the story of a sensitive young man who is in love with a married woman who rejects him. How rarely in this world do men understand eachother! All is darkness around her. A recollection of many things whichhad happened pressed upon my mind, and filled my eyes with tears. It was the first novel of the Sturm und Drang movement. Charlotte drew ourattention to the beautiful effect of the moonlight, which threw asilver hue over the terrace in front of us, beyond the beech trees.It was a glorious sight, and was rendered more striking by thedarkness which surrounded the spot where we were. We judiciouslyremained still, allowing the others to weary themselves; and, whenthe awkward dancers had withdrawn, we joined in, and kept it upfamously together with one other couple, -- Andran and his partner.Never did I dance more lightly. The other day I went to the fountain, and found a young servant-girl,who had set her pitcher on the lowest step, and looked around tosee if one of her companions was approaching to place it on herhead. I bite my lips, and feel infinite scorn for those who tell me tobe resigned, because there is no help for it. I am sometimes unconscious whether I really exist. The Sorrows of Young Werther is an epistolary novel by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. When her end drew nigh, shebade me bring them to her. But the man who humbly acknowledges the vanity of allthis, who observes with what pleasure the thriving citizen convertshis little garden into a paradise, and how patiently even the poorman pursues his weary way under his burden, and how all wish equallyto behold the light of the sun a little longer, -- yes, such a manis at peace, and creates his own world within himself; and he isalso happy, because he is a man. It aroused me; but I continued sitting, and heldher hand. Have not other attachments been specially appointed by fate to torment a head like mine? Were he the bestand noblest of men, and I in every respect his inferior, I couldnot endure to see him in possession of such a perfect being.Possession! But I know not if I am right, andlet us leave these comparisons. did then a single power of my soul remain unexercised?In her presence could I not display, to its full extent, thatmysterious feeling with which my heart embraces nature? I do not love subordination; and we allknow that he is a rough, disagreeable person to be connected with.You say my mother wishes me to be employed. Werther was an extraordinary and immediate bestseller both in Germany and abroad. And is it notin reality the same, whether I shell peas or count lentils? Fast Download speed and ads Free! I shall try, if this stateof mind continues much longer, and will take to modelling, if Ionly knead dough. And thou, good soul, who sufferest the same distress as he enduredonce, draw comfort from his sorrows; and let this little book bethy friend, if, owing to fortune or through thine own fault, thoucanst not find a dearer companion. But whocould keep such a resolution? she said, as she gaveme her hand for the promenade. BOOK II. It was an immediate success and launched an entire literary genre, Sturm und Drang (Storm and Stress), as well as the career of the modern West's first literary celebrity, Goethe. She gave me greeting: I returned it, rose, andapproached her. My imagination sees nothing but her: all surroundingobjects are of no account, except as they relate to her. It was a most magnificentsunrise: the whole country was refreshed, and the rain fell dropby drop from the trees in the forest. This letter willplease you: it is quite historical. The work is semi-autobiographical: two years before the novel was published, Goethe had passed through a similar tempestuous period, when he lost his heart to Charlotte Buff, who was at that time engaged to his friend Johann Christian Kestner. Many of us already use normal word processors that are fundamental ; however most of these remedies are limited by their ability to analyze digital content using sentence building and advanced grammar. One rainy afternoon I was sitting by myself, doingnothing, when it occurred to me I do not know how that the housemight be attacked, that we might require the pistols, that we mightin short, you know how we go on fancying, when we have nothingbetter to do. Attend, then, and I willcompel myself to give you the details. If you expect anything grand or magnificent from this introduction,you will be sadly mistaken. The Sorrows of Young Werther - Goethe - MOBI mobi | 152.18 KB | 333 hits. "And such a being," She continued, "was to leave us, Werther!Great God, must we thus part with everything we hold dear in thisworld? EvenAlbert, generally so tranquil, had quite lost his composure; andI was excited beyond expression. The Sorrows of Young Werther is a loosely autobiographical epistolary novel by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. From beneath the chestnut trees, there is an extensive view. "The Sorrows of Young Werther," in many senses a classic of the epistolary genre of novels, opens with the titular protagonist having just completed a move to a rural town made in order to escape a romantic entanglement with a woman named Leonora and her sister. I found penetration and character in everything she said: everyexpression seemed to brighten her features with new charms, --withnew rays of genius, -- which unfolded by degrees, as she feltherself understood. Does not the very disorder which consumes hisstrength deprive him of the courage to effect his deliverance? Iallowed him to continue his wise conversation, whilst I rebuiltthe children's card houses for them as fast as they threw themdown. Albert is arrived, and I must take my departure. However, Icomposed myself, for I had often heard the same observation withsufficient vexation; and I answered him, therefore, with a littlewarmth, "You call this a weakness -- beware of being led astrayby appearances. He drew back; and Charlotte,entering at the very moment, said, "Louis, shake hands with yourcousin." 1 Avery Mills Mini Reflection 2- The Sorrows of Young Werther “The Sorrows of Young Werther” by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe features a compilation of letters written by Werther to his friend, Wilhelm, except for a few, which were written to Lotte. von Goethe, published in German as Die Leiden des jungen Werthers in 1774. Have you carefully studied the secret motives of ouractions? He has receiveda government appointment, with a very good salary; and I understandhe is in high favour at court. Pursuing this advice, he may become a useful memberof society, and I should advise every prince to give him anappointment; but it is all up with his love, and with his geniusif he be an artist. We went to the window. "Charlotte!" With what grace, with what ease,she moved! I do not murmur at it: the flowers of life are but visionary.How many pass away, and leave no trace behind -- how few yield anyfruit -- and the fruit itself, how rarely does it ripen! And I have again observed,my dear friend, in this trifling affair, that misunderstandingsand neglect occasion more mischief in the world than even maliceand wickedness. As we weregoing down (and Heaven knows with what ecstasy I gazed at her armsand eyes, beaming with the sweetest feeling of pure and genuineenjoyment), we passed a lady whom I had noticed for her charmingexpression of countenance; although she was no longer young. I was much annoyed at observing, by his countenance,that his silence did not arise from want of talent, but from capriceand ill-humour. The Sorrows of Young Werther is a beautiful and emotionally accurate depiction of romantic love: its consuming nature, and the devastation it has the potential to inflict. I have become acquainted, also, with a very worthy person, thedistrict judge, a frank and open-hearted man. Nature has noway to escape from the labyrinth: her powers are exhausted: shecan contend no longer, and the poor soul must die. Such, Wilhelm, is ourfate. I led out one lady after another,and precisely those who were the most disagreeable could not bringthemselves to leave off. I exclaimed, "man is but man;and, whatever be the extent of his reasoning powers, they are oflittle avail when passion rages within, and he feels himselfconfined by the narrow limits of nature. Upon this occasion, Albert was deeply immersed in hissubject: I ceased to listen to him, and became lost in reverie.With a sudden motion, I pointed the mouth of the pistol to myforehead, over the right eye. a light heart may bear anything.A light heart! I have had the courage, in aninterview of two hours' duration, not to betray my intention. What is Romanticism? Every day I am exposed to thetemptation, and promise faithfully that to-morrow I will reallystay away: but, when tomorrow comes, I find some irresistiblereason for seeing her; and, before I can account for it, I am withher again. I turned toward Charlotte,and I felt her influence over me. The Sorrows of Young Werther by J.W. But I could not do it, for the little onesinsisted on my telling them a story; and Charlotte herself urgedme to satisfy them. I trembled as I took her hand, and kissed it.As we reached the top of the terrace, the moon rose from behindthe wooded hill. Iknow your soul dwells on such recollections with intense delight;but I implore -- " "O Albert!" We had been to Walheim: the ladies went ina carriage; but during our walk I thought I saw in Charlotte'sdark eyes -- I am a fool -- but forgive me! And I have again observed, my dear friend, in this trifling affair, that misunderstandings and neglect occasion more mischief in the world than even malice and wickedness. "I shall see her today!" The Sorrows of Young Werther PDF empowers us not only write better English but enhance our communication abilities. Women have a delicate tact in such matters, and itshould be so. ", "But why should any one," said I, "in speaking of an action, ventureto pronounce it mad or wise, or good or bad? It concerns no otherperson. And then, however limited hissphere, he still preserves in his bosom the sweet feeling of liberty,and knows that he can quit his prison whenever he likes. 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