Based upon his preachings, the whole congregation should be multi-millionaires. I am doing my best as a servant of God to preach the gospel so that a lost and hurt people may come to know Jesus Christ. Look at the lineage of Jesus in the book of Matthew, Jesus line is litter with imperfection. Cornerstone Church took part in one of several suits against the State of California and. With all of these public sins, why hasnt there been some public contrition from Pitts? The results of that test caused the trooper to take Pitts into custody, and take him to the Highway Patrol Post on Airport Highway. I doubt, however, that he likes to advertise his legal difficulties. The Chapel, where Aarums brother Wes Aarum Jr.was a pastor until he resigned in early 2021,is attended by about 5,000 people. (except my cousin). Were talking about the kingdom of God. Safety starts with understanding how developers collect and share your data. This policy was included in a 2003document from a camp event titled The Circle CTen Commandments, and was mentioned by multiple camp staff members interviewed for this story. I went there for half my life. It is not Bill Gates billions of dollars in donations that makes him righteous. BTW I happen to know Pastor Michael Pitts didnt go to college. Pastor Implicated in Sex Abuse Scandal is Back Pastor what do you mean by an understudy degree. -
Mr. X, If I wanted to get a copy, yes I could get it..anyone can. ( dont you worry about your own walk and stop judging another mans servant if you want reference scripture. (The Pitts camp claims the officials are lying.) Shed resignfrom her position not long after, her emotions a mix of heartbreak andfrustrationasshe leftthe Ranch. Meanwhile,Adema, who alleged abuse from Aarum in the 1990s at The Chapel,confronted Aarum himself over a video callin early 2020. It wasnt until this year that I saw (these moments)for the evil that they really are, McDonaldsaid in a recording of the meeting. 2023 First off, Pastor Michael has never preached or obviously practiced abstinence. and I thank You Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for your review. If these things are true ( which only God and Pastor Pitts really know ) then we should be protecting him. It detailed the Ranchsdenial of the allegationsand called the data found by theMinistrySafe investigationessentially meaningless.. Im down-trodden that we have found a place to BB-Q those who try to serve a living God. I just dont get it. Unfortunately, there is no one to rebuke him sharply, openly and to his face until he repents. Theyformedfriendships around their desperation to see their stories taken seriouslyby leaders at the Ranch. And since for some reason, you are having a hard time with me, and I dont want to cause you to stumble, Im leaving this forum. Cornerstone Church is a biblically-based church that declares Jesus everywhere and leads believers in a life of resilient faith. Lily, your bitterness is showing. In an interviewwith Buffalos WKBW-TV in March, Wayne Aarum told reporters he'd like to knowthe identities of thewomenwhoare accusing him ofimpropriety. I honestly didnt even know what was happening to me, said Snell, now 21. Let it go? Dedicated on line cs. People dont have problem with a church, until they see you building beyond the church structure itself. Then, in 2012,Elle Campbell, a staff member and youth leader at The Chapel,went tocurrentLeadPastor Jerry Gillisabout a concerning incident between a youth group member and Aarum at Snow Camp. Herdetermination to bringto lightwhat she calls her Wayne story propelled her through the events of the last yearconfronting Aarum, speaking to investigators and police and comforting other women whove been through similar experiences. Its well in excess of 5 million dollars a year. Pitts recurring issues with liquor, sex and false teaching do not meet the standards. Modern doctrine, especially in the Charasmatic Church centers around selfishness, what can I get, how much do I sow to reap Charasmatic doctrine is not one of selflessness but of selfishness. But, the one thing that made me open my eyes to the reality of my church was the internet and a website called reveal. Circle C Ranch, founded by Aarums father, Wes Aarum Sr., in 1968and still operated bythe Aarumfamily,welcomesthousands of children every summer and hosts church youth retreats in the winter months. Dear IMpersonator, 'I was so young': Former Circle C Ranch staffer discusses effects of abuse. Its so easy to stand outside a situation and form opinions based on the malarky that the media puts out there, as well as the gossip of others. How can anyone in their right mind ignore the Delta arrest? And if you find out if the other was true. His alleged penchant for public masturbation only became a story after he was facing criminal indictment. I just want to say thanks for posting these articles. FOR ALL THE MEMBERS OUT THERE I WAS CURIOUS WHAT HE SAID ABOUT THAT? Did you wear braces Kristi? Rather the DA, deputy sherriff or a Sherriff himself. Protesters demand accountability for Cornerstone Church leaders accused of sexual misconduct 00:00 00:00 An unknown error has occurred The allegations were made by former and current members of. Theres some thoughts to ponder Julie. But I for one, am not ever going to go to a church where the guy has had so much evidence pointing at him, and putting him in such a bad light. The organizations legal counsel at the time, Julia Hilliker, a partner at major Western New York law firm Hodgson Russ LLP,investigated the initial abuse claims. Appreciate the feedback. Read all 4 reviews . But I want justice.. Attorneys file lawsuits. I assure you I never studied law, Ive never issued warrants, or any of that nonsense. Add to that Pitts drunk driving conviction and you wonder what is it that attracts these paper mache religious leaders to something like his latest conference called Decree: Heaven on Earth (make sure to look at the url closely). At that point, Carolyn McDonald briefly considered alawsuit, butdropped it after her lawyers saidit wouldbedifficult to bring her most egregiousallegations of abuseto court, because she couldnt remember whether she was 17 or 18 when they occurred. Youre defensiveness is coming out. He has dozens and dozens of engagements annually. (408) 315-6880. Citing client confidentiality, Dr. Forgac would not comment. And Mohler has been just as steadfast a friend to Mahaney, using his influence to help promote Mahaneys work in the past with no signs that the lawsuitecaused Mohlers faith in Mahaney to waver on iota. The judge was SOOOO MAD! Last time I checked, Dave, I wasnt trying to convince anyone I was a holy man who is the best route to understanding God. I dont buy it. Aarum declined to do a phone, Zoomor in-person interview. Secondly: The majority of the sitings of indecent exposure were DOCUMENTED days of OUT OF THE COUNTRY travel of the pastor. He was out of the country on half of the alleged dates. I was a real prick. He. Anyone that builds a multi-million dollar organization is not stupid, slow, ignorant or any such thing. The public indecency charge was dropped on January 15, 1998 when Judge Francis Gorman of the Toledo Municipal Court ruled that the statute of limitations had expired for the initial event. We all fall short of Gods laws. He suggested they pray. You would think, If I were going to impersonate someone of any stature at all that I would atleast spell things correctly and not say things like I have an understudy degree in law. Some peoples zeal needs redirected because it is more detrimental than it is beneficial. I dont mean to give you a hard time but just want to encourage you to seek the truth and remember that your relationship with God, and answering to God is more important than answering to a leader of Cornerstone I just move to area when all that stuff was going on, I really didnt understand why. Youre not Michael Pitts. He validated my life., In aApril 28 emailto the USA TODAY NETWORK, WayneAarum acknowledged that his conversationswithyouth group membersat The Chapel, meant to help them navigate their adolescent struggles, could have sometimes hurt (them) because of the listeners personal situation, he said." [3] It was the first racially integrated church in the region. I thank You Lord!! youve got to be kidding me you really are a beacon of light Julie, Um, who said that? Get Involved. Aarum was neitherdefensive norapologetic, she said. The MinistrySafereportgiven tolocalChild Protective Services in2021 outlined that the company hadfoundevidence of an ongoing pattern of manipulation and intimacy between Aarum and teenage girls. Unlike the other incidents hes accused of, at Delta Pitts was actually caught on the scene! It is what a person believes that makes him righteous. [7], Pitts has not attended seminary or theological college, but is self-taught from tapes, CDs, books, and other materials. A young Michael and Kathi Pitts founded Cornerstone Christian Center, "This is a place you can pastor the city from." You really are deceived. By signing, you accept Change.orgs Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and agree to receive occasional emails about campaigns on God Bless Pastor Pitts and the whole Cornerstone Family, I myself have benefited greatly from the annointing spirit that overflows beyond the walls of Cornerstone. He said, I need you to make sure Wayne isnt touching girls or is alone withthem.In a sick way, I already felt like that was myresponsibility.. Rembember, we are all sinners. The Lord showed Bishop Pitts to me in a very vivid dream because I was idolizing him. I wish Id done more, Gillis said. Not just the ones called to a pulpit and their families. I think Pastor Pitts is very annointed visionary that was sent by God. The specific authority in this case would be applied to the owner of this forum. They lived bored lives and were hungry for entertainment. Shut it down with in 72 hours or I will sue you for slander. Absolutely furious. I happened to be attending the service right after Pastor P. had received the DUI. Hi Romesha, Lily was a ho, but know she is above pastors, [9] Pitts has preached at the annual Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance conference several times,[10] as well as in Mexico and at annual meetings in South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Ghana. None righteous, no not one. Your post is very attacking to the point of threatening. So if you are comforting yourself, I have a stack, well you might have a stack, but if we consider the nature and content of your stack as opposed to his stack, well, your stack looks pretty sorry and pathetic. Christ said the only person with the right to cast stones is someone who is without sin right? Georgie Silvarole/USA TODAY Network New York, Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. I can say with extreme certainty that Pastor Pitts never said that the church did not give him enough for his birthday and never re-passed the offering containers. Michelle Poulsen and Joy McCullough allege Wayne Aarums physical and verbal behavior toward them was inappropriate and abusive while they were youth group members at The Chapel in the late 1990s. The warrants issued by a court normally are search warrants, arrest warrants, and execution warrants. Do you feel like this? If you have answered yes to any of these questions its time to start questioning your leaders. If you open up your heart and ask God to reveal to you the truth, He will. In a May 7, 2021, email, Aarum said there were occasions, such as when problems arose at the Ranch, when he wouldhaveto enter a space where a female counselor is present.. Hes known for his knowledge, humor, devotion to the Lord and to His people. Its called the 10 Commandments. He is married to Kathi and they have two children. I did and so did my son and most of his friends. matthew! [24][25], Pitts is the second of four children to Eugene and Brenda Pitts. BUT ANYONE WHO SAYS, YOU FOOL! WILL BE IN DANGER OF THE FIRE OF HELL. I have no doubt that Cornerstone does many wonderful things. In skits at church and later at Circle C, he played Jesus. So if you absolutlet must talk about Mr. Pitts, or any one else for that matter, talk about them on your knees, where it will at the very leat, yeild more results than the assinine remarks and articles you post on your site. What we should concentrate on is the plank in our own eye and not the speck in our neighbors. There are many (legal) ways to structure things where you can take the burden of insurance off the church. If youve had experiences with Wayne Aarum that you believe to be abusive, please help us investigate. Id rather have a pastor who is filled with love and compassion.two qualities definitely lacking in Pitts. I have a hard time believing Pastor Pitts would have done those things and continue to minister. He also formed deep emotional bonds with these girls,acting as a father figure and maintaining a constant stream of intimacy and adoration, according to the women alleging abuse. He demanded details and full eye contact. no problem Julie if anyone wants to know the TRUTH about Pastor Pitts e-mail me at lets just say I have an inside connection. All Cornerstone campuses can use the information found in this app. New York State Domestic and Sexual Violence Hotline. What good is all this gossiping and backstabbing doing the Kingdom of God? I donot follow him I follow Christ The people at Cornerstone are blinded to the truth because they worship him. A Roundtable, In Israel, Left and Right Join to Protest New Government Threat to Democracy Whats Striking is Whats Missing, He Gets Us and Sleazy Swift Boat Ads Share a Central Figure Further Evidence of a Right-Wing Bait-and-Switch, The Dreher Affair Highlights the Rights International Networks, Correction: The SBC Does NOT Oppose Womens Ordination Just Women Pastors, Women as Head Pastors Was Final Straw for Southern Baptist Convention Not Scandal, Sexual Abuse, or Dalliance with Dictators, Still Left Behind: What the Endurance of the Left Behind Cinematic Universe Can Tell Us About Conservative Moral Psychology, Espionage Allegations Against Russian Church Raise Religious Freedom Issue in Ukraine, As Tensions Escalate in the Balkans, the West Could Hand Putin a Valuable Weapon, Putins Violent Holy War Rhetoric Made it to the Christian Right Fringe And Theres Reason to Believe itll Go Mainstream, the largest evangelical sex abuse scandal to date. and Jesus says I never knew you, you workers of iniquity. Let the mean rest? Havent they ready the first 5 chapters of Acts? than to poke my nose in the buisness of one man. touchy touchy arent we? That thiswas what Ihad hoped for and thought that it was.. Id settle down on the f word if I were you. This response is the subjective opinion of the management representative and not of Tripadvisor LLC. Has your involvement in Cornerstone alienated you from your family? Barnum may have had something to say about the issue. [1] Early life and career [ edit] wow this is a trip! The Cstone app from Cornerstone Church connects you with everything that is happening. I dont foresee that happening. It is easy to criticize the Cornerstone Church and Pitts until you analyze the situation. Man leads, but the Holy Spirit will let us know whether or not its the truth that we are being told. A legal warrant. They are both the same because they are both sin. And others here. It seems as though youve stirred up a hornets nest by doing this, but I dont see anything wrong with it. Hewould frequentlysitalone withgirls,hishand ontheirthighs, former camp staffers said. All fourdid not respond. This terminology is a reflection of the false teachings that it supports. His next arrest was the very public exposing incident, in which the majority of charges were dropped and Pitts plead guilty to trespassing. In 1997, he faced eight counts of public indecency and seven counts of criminal trespass, linked to a series of incidents in which a man matching Pastor Pitts description was reported exposing himself to people in places like a local park and a Wal-Mart parking lot. FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- A downtown Fresno church is celebrating a win in a lawsuit against the state. Appreciate the feedback. I wish someone had opened my eyes and asked me these questions. Finally, the prosecutors said they agreed not to file charges if Mr. Pitts would agree to counseling, which Mr. Smith said Mr. Pitts did. That is love! Here is my last offer. Others have expressed suspicion, nonchalance or patent disbeliefregardingwomens stories on social media, or in person at church meetings. Of course, Pitts was able to continue putting on his grand conferences because no one really knew that he was showing his private parts to little boys on a golf course. Why am I bringing this up after the fact? Ferchenwas sufficiently concerned, he said, that heconfrontedAarum at the time about ending upalone in a space with someone of the opposite sex, which was prohibited underanother one ofthe Ranchs policies. Ive been a part of the Charasmatic movement for over 20 years and a part of Cornerstone Church for over 10 years. It is used to compel the testimony of witnesses in a trial. . Nor does that attitude reflect in my posts. The vehicle stood out and was recognizable for its color, make, model, and convertible status. Im sure your already looking into these things but hope I helped. In 1997, he faced eight counts of public indecency and seven counts of criminal trespass, linked to a series of incidents in which a man matching Pastor Pitts description was reported exposing himself to people in places like a local park and a Wal-Mart parking lot. You know Matt, if you spent as much time arguing the CAUSE OF CHRIST, instead of the CAUSE OF PASTOR PITTS, maybe more people would be in Heaven someday. Michael Pitts (@bishoppitts) / Twitter As far as thinking the people were walking in funny ummm I guess I can believe you were once a member of a cult. In afall 2020 letter,Wayne Aarum saidhe was reinstatedas presidentand that Circle Cs independent investigation was complete, andhad found no factual basisfor the allegations against him at that point. MinistrySafes investigation, separate from Circle Cs independent investigation, first focused onallegations of abuseat The Chapel youth groupin the 1990s. A comment from subversive Christian bloggerJulie Anne Smithwhom I spoke to about a month ago was sadly prescient: As long as a pastor has the right theology, their behavior, no matter how bad it is, can be covered up.. The divine person, the Holy Spirit, was promised and sent to the early Church for empowerment in Christian living and demonstrations of God's power. Obviously, he is above reproach. That should tell people something right there. One can still see what a wonderful teacher he is. (Ive heard Pitts say this from the pulpit). pastor pitts - Crabwalk He is frequently in other cities and out of the country and so none of those charges stuck because you sure cant argue with airline info and 3000 people who were listening to you preach in their country that day! 38 people follow this. My opinion. And, truly there was no real explaination given for his actions. This is perplexing me. If someone was so concerned about thos so called young witnesses, wouldnt you be more concerned about getting a creep off the streets. Charlton wrote here on RD back in March: Thesuit has been filed not only on behalf of the individual plaintiffs [8 at this point], but also on behalf of a much larger class of people allegedly abused as minors in SGM, who do not wish to come forward with their stories.