The majority of the sugar in sweet potatoes is from sucrose . If you purchase anything through a link on this website, you should assume that we have an affiliate relationship with the company providing the product or service that you purchase, and that we will be paid in some way. While swapping these into recipes that call for orange sweet potatoes is a fun way to add a burst of color, their mild flavor and dense texture makes a one-for-one substitution tricky. Sweet potatoes contain Potato Vs Sweet Potato - Carbs Content When comparing strictly on carb content, both potatoes and sweet potatoes both have the exact same amount of carbs at 21g. They have light tan to creamy-colored skins with white flesh. In its raw state, the potato flesh has a faint white marbling effect. Purple Sweet Potato vs Sweet Potato: Whats The Difference? Policy. Copyright 2021 - NBIP LLC; Operated by Nourishing Brands LLC | Privacy Policy | Disclaimer, Terms, & Conditions | Contact National Center for Biotechnology Information. An amino acid in sweet potato may be beneficial for helping you relax. Let's take a look at the nutrients contained in each potato. Purple sweet potatoes and sweet potatoes can be stored together in a cool, dark place at a temperature between55F and 60F. It features beautiful dark-purple skin and pale yellow flesh than darkens as it cooks. This mineral also plays a role in fat and carbohydrate metabolism, calcium absorption and blood sugar regulation." Yukon Gold Potato vs Russet Potato: Whats The Difference? Allgold is a variety of sweet potato that was developed in Oklahoma. Depression and anxiety can contribute to difficulty sleeping. The Jewel variety is likely what you are used to seeing and eating when you think of a classic sweet potato. Types of Plums: Black, Red, and More Varieties (With Pictures) - Including Plumcots, Apriums, and Pl Types of Sweet Potatoes: Japanese, Hannah, Jersey and More, Ultimate Guide to Different Kinds of Potatoes. In 100g of sweet potato there are about 20g carbs, 1.6g protein and 86 calories. Having many similarities between the two, many people wonder about their differences. You can also try them pureed or mashed for soups, stews, sauces or a simple mashed side dish. Boost Your Energy, Lose Weight, & Feel Better by Starting the Smart Way. For reference: An average 5-inch long medium sweet potato is about 130 grams. We CompareContinue, Salmon is known to be a healthy and delicious type of meat. This sweet tuber has tan-colored skin and mildly sweet yellow-orange flesh. Purple sweet potatoes have a creamy texture and delicate, sweeter taste than their All potato varieties provide a good amount of potassium. Purple sweet potatoes and sweet potatoes can substitute for each other in recipes for almost any dish. Many people confuse sweet potatoes with yams. However, there are hundreds of different types of sweet potatoes. They grow in warm, temperate climates as well as in tropical regions. Enter the white sweet potato. The conclusions suggested that supplementing magnesium in people with physical and mental stress can help relieve restlessness, irritability, depression, lack of concentration or insomnia. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. You can find an email on ourcontact page. Lets examine the different taste and texture of each sweet potato. These tuberous starchy roots belong to the family Convolvulaceae (morning glory) in the order Solanales. While not inherently bad in any way, the sweet potato seems to overpower the spices. Vitamin A, fiber, and protein are three health benefits of sweet potatoes that can potentially help people with diabetes manage their blood sugar, lose weight, and reduce insulin resistance. According to Harvard University, vitamin A is a great source to stimulate healthy white blood cells 7. Jewel potatoes are one of the most popular orange varieties of sweet potato used for baking and making casseroles. Try using this variety in our recipes for candied yams (or, more accurately, candied sweet potatoes), miso-scallion roasted sweet potatoes, and sweet potato biscuits. Read More Atlantic Mackerel vs Spanish Mackerel Are They The Same?Continue, The difference between types of oats is not always immediately apparent. Garnet sweet potatoes aren't necessarily sweet, but they're full of nutrients. Generally more round (fatter) than the Stokes purple variety, which are more elongated. Download Our Essential Paleo Pantry List For Free. Eating purple sweet potatoes is also extremely good for you. Brinkley White sweet potatoes have creamy white skin and white potato flesh. One medium, 5-inch sweet potato, cooked, provides 23.6 grams or 8 percent of your daily value (DV) for carbs, according to the USDA. The primary difference between oat bran and oatmeal is how each is made. Sweet potatoes have 10% of recommended vitamin A, as well as vitamin C, B6, potassium, and manganese." In fact, a medium potato contains twice as much potassium as a medium banana. Potato, potahto. If you are interested in integrating more protein into your diet, you should probably consider traditional potatoes instead of sweet potatoes. Serotonin is a brain neurotransmitter that helps regulates mood and sleep, among other things. When baked, boiled, or fried, the smooth flesh has a sweet nutty taste. Tryptophan is the precursor of serotonin and melatonin. Certified Organic Slips. It seems that it became popular to call sweet potatoes yams in the US during the late 1800s. It may surprise you to learn that the tubers many refer to as yams are actually varieties of sweet potato. Get fresh recipes, cooking tips, deal alerts, and more! Plants in this family produce solanine, which is poisonous. Korean sweet potatoes are some of the best examples of these Asian vegetables. Types of Potatoes: Varieties, Uses, Cooking Suggestions, & More Chan: "The Nutrition Source: Sweet Potatoes", Journal of Medicinal Food: "Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Batatas [L.] Lam)--A Valuable Medicinal Food: A Review", MyFoodData: "Nutrition Facts for Sweet Potatoes", Harvard T.H. The reason why these white-fleshed OHenry sweet potatoes are so popular is that they are almost as sweet as the orange varieties. FLESH Orange. Purple sweet potatoes cost $2 more per pound than sweet potatoes. These are the One such study, published in Molecular Nutrition and Food Research in June 2013, concluded that purple-fleshed sweet potatoes had the highest overall level of phenolics, antioxidant content and total soluble dietary fiber. Due to their different color flesh, one would think they taste different. Pat the sweet potato dry, then pierce the skin 3 to 4 times with a fork. Redear sunfish is the L.microlophus and bluegill is, Read More Bluegill vs Redear Sunfish Are They The Same? Flavor was not the primary goal for the production of these varieties. That doesnt mean that Beauregard, jewel, and garnet sweet potatoes dont serve their purpose in all sorts of recipes, but compared to some other varieties, their flavors and textures are mild. This has reddish-purple skin and vibrant orange sweet flesh. When cooked, these sweet potatoes have a slight flakiness akin to a regular potato. Color: Purplish-red skins, deep orange flesh.Flavor: Sweet.Texture: Slightly stringy, juicy when cooked.Best uses: Mashing and in baked goods and desserts (candied yams, biscuits). But there are several different types of sweet potatoes grown worldwide. All types of sweet potatoes offer nutrient-dense benefits to your health. However, a roughly equivalent amount (100 g) of peeled potato contains approximately 110 calories per serving, or 400 calories total. Ironically, when you want a classic baked sweet potato, with a crisp skin and fluffy orange flesh, or sweet potatoes for Thanksgiving sweet potato casserole, what you should buy will be probably labeled yam. Jewel potatoes are one of the most popular orange varieties of sweet potato used for baking and making casseroles. SKIN Orange/copper. Sweet potatoes trace their colorful orange flesh to the presence of beta carotene, an antioxidant that works to protect your bodys cells from damage and diseases like cancer. Color: Off-white or dusty purple skins, vibrant purple flesh.Flavor: Mildly sweet.Texture: Dense.Best uses: Roasted whole or mashed with butter, in stews and braises. Mix well with a fork. The fresh purple yam flesh is pale purple with white specks through it. Sweet potatoes are a popular vegetable in North America where they are also called yams. Thousands of different varieties exist today. Their flesh becomes sweet when cooked. The Caiapo contained also has a positive effect on the cholesterol level. I roast them in a scorching-hot oventhough science (and our culinary team) advises against thisuntil the skin turns to a crinkly leather and the interior is a gooey, steaming mess of bubbling sugars and chewy flesh. White sweet potatoes have light brown skin with pale flesh. In addition to being a potent antioxidant, anthocyanins may possess anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial effects, in addition to helping to protect against obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer, according to a study published in Food and Nutrition Research in August 2017. It's also because white potatoes are, well, white. Regular potatoes have white or yellow flesh inside, while sweet potatoes are known for having orange innards. And aside from being healthy, theyre inexpensive and versatile in meals.. Sweet vs. regular potatoes: - Precision Nutrition Sweet potato puree from the potato's flesh has about 3 grams of fiber in 1/2 cup, and a slice of sweet potato pie has just 1 gram of fiber. Most people may think they are a member of the potato family 1. Piercing . Poke a few holes into each potato and place them onto the rack. Sweet potatoes are native to tropical countries in Central and South America. Difference Between Potato and Sweet Potato Information on this site is NOT intended to serve as a substitute for diagnosis, treatment, or advice from a qualified, licensed medical professional. Lutein and zeaxanthin may be helpful in improving pigment density in your macula and neutralizing damaging free radicals. You can recognize a garnet sweet potato thanks to its dark orange-red skin, which conceals bright orange flesh. To me, it seems that garnets are slightly more reddish in color on the outside. So does that mean you should skip white potatoes? One of the slight differences between jewels and garnets is that jewel sweet potatoes have copper colored skin, slightly lighter than garnets. (2). Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. In a large mixing bowl, combine sweet potatoes, eggs, milk, sugar (if using), vanilla, salt, and melted butter. 2023 Food Storage, Choices and Alternatives, Because of their denseness, these sweet potatoes take longer than some other varieties to cook, but the wait is well worth it. They are both good to eat as a part of a healthy . The cooked sweet potato skin peels off to reveal dark sweet orange flesh. (6). Sweet potatoes are root vegetables that have the scientific name Ipomoea batatas and are part of the morning glory family, Convolvulaceae. A German study, published in the journal MMW Fortschritte Der Medizin in December 2016, analyzed the association of magnesium intake with stress reduction. Want more Paleo sweet potato recipes? Though they can get watery, jewels and Beauregards are both excellent all-purpose sweet potatoes. It may be harder to find recipes including purple. Potatoes vs Sweet Potatoes - We Compare them They have tapered ends, a slight curve to the overall shape and are small to medium in size. For a delicious meal, pick these potatoes sweet in flavor. However, white, cream, yellow, and deep purple are also other colors of sweet potatoes. Another type of sweet potato not to be confused with regular potatoes is the OHenry cultivar. Almonds are better due to their greater percentage of minerals, fiber and vitamin E.Almonds have a, Read More Pistachios vs Almonds: Which is Better? Start by thoroughly scrubbing it under cool water with a stiff-bristled scrub brush to remove any caked-on dirt. The moist orange flesh is perfect for baking and using in desserts. The Top Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes for People With Diabetes This is why sweet potatoes are known to ward off certain diseases such as colon cancer . Interestingly, they can come in various varieties, each having different flavors, sizes, shapes, textures, and firmness. A boiled potato has a high GI around 78, while a boiled sweet potato has an intermediate GI of 63. The Difference Between Yams and Sweet Potatoes | Kitchn A Matter of Nutrition: Sweet Potato vs Potato. But while they contain significantly more vitamin A, regular potatoes contain slightly more vitamin C. If you have a local farm or roadside stand close by, buy them there. Stokes from North Carolina originally but is grown commercially in Central California. A guide to sweet potato varieties: How to choose, prep and store them In a small bowl mix spices and sprinkle generously over potatoes. Sweet Potato vs. Russet Potato: Whats The Difference? Their skins can be various shades of brown, yellow, orange, red or purple. All types of sweet potatoes offer nutrient-dense benefits to your health. Though many grocers use the terms "yam" and "sweet potato" interchangeably, the two are far from the same. Since pistachios and almonds provide many nutrients some of my clients wonder if one is better. Can purple sweet potatoes and sweet potatoes be stored together? All Rights Reserved. Whole Wheat Pasta VS Sweet Potato - Forums Pistachios vs Almonds: Which is Better? How to Cook a Sweet Potato In the Microwave - Food Network Sweet potatoes are full of nutrients like fiber and vitamin A, according to the USDA. The more intense the color of the sweet potatoes, the more Contains carotenoids and anthocyanins. Sweet potatoes are a lower-calorie, high-fiber alternative to starchy potatoes, making them a favorite healthier alternative. Sometimes, potatoes are called white potatoes or Irish potatoes to distinguish them from batatas, or sweet potatoes. For this reason many people wonder if theyre the same or differences. Sweet potato fries, sweet potato pie or candied sweet potatoes are great ways to use O'Henrys. Lets answer which is better, pistachios or almonds? Find out about the different types of sweet potatoes like Jewel, Garnett and Japanese as well as how they differ in taste and texture, and how to cook them. On the bright side, this means you're highly unlikely to accidentally purchase a yam at your local supermarket. When cooked, Envy sweet potatoes have a mildly sweet taste and moist flesh. Calories There are 125 calories in a white potato versus 108 calories in a sweet potato. I lived on this island off the Southern coast of China for 3 months, and I survived in large part on sweet potatoes (in addition to salted duck eggs, roasted duck, and fresh fish!). 3. Yam vs. sweet potato: Which one is healthier for you? Types of Potatoes: Ultimate Guide to Different Kinds of Potatoes Find out how white sweet potatoes compared in my comparison article. Poke a few holes into each potato with a fork or knife, place in microwaveable dish, and microwave on high for 5-10 minutes. Olive Oil vs Soybean Oil: Which of the Oils is Better? They have a slightly sweet taste and are fairly firm inside. One medium cooked sweet potato with skin has about 105 calories and 4 grams of dietary fiber. The quantity needed in recipes doesnt change when substituting one potato for the other. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Sweet potato covers your daily need of Vitamin A RAE 107% more than Red potato. They have white flesh which tends to be dryer and starchier than other sweet potato varieties, with a slightly nutty, floral, sweet flavor. Increased cooking times is recommended for purple. Potatoes are part of the nightshade family, while sweet potatoes belong to the morning glory clan. Sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) are not a 'true' potato from the nightshade Solanum tuberosum variety.Types of sweet potatoes such as the Japanese sweet potato and Hannah sweet potato are starchy tubers from the Ipomoea batatas plant. The Fiber Content of Sweet Potatoes | Healthy Eating | SF Gate They're naturally sweet and nutty with a more robust flavor than traditional sweet potatoes. What Is Boniato? Benefits, Recipes, Nutrition & More - Abasto They can also be added to casseroles, soups and stews to enhance the flavors of other ingredients. Like other sweet potatoes, purple sweet potatoes are root vegetables and are members of the Ipomoea genus. There are a ton of different kinds of sweet potatoes from Beauregard to Regal, but its hard to find most of them in the store. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. An orange variety of sweet potato similar to Puerto Ricans is the Carolina Nugget. Purple sweet potatoes have a rich taste, almost wine-like flavor with a creamy texture. Although most types of sweet potatoes have a similar vitamin and mineral content, an outstanding difference is their phytonutrient profile. Regular potatoes have white or yellow flesh inside, while sweet potatoes are known for having orange innards. Sweet Potato vs Potato: Which Is Better for You? - BioTrust The calories, fat, protein, and carbohydrates that both provide are basically the same," says Manaker. Lets start with this basic fact: Potatoes and sweet potatoes bring a lot to the table when it comes to nutrition, says Czerwony. Their skin can be shades of dark red, purple, or dark brown. Here are some basic instructions for each cooking method: Fill a pot with water. and are quickly gaining in popularity in the U.S. because of their unique color. So, when looking at all three types of potatoes, gram for gram, white potatoes will cause a sharper spike in blood sugar when eaten. So, sweet potatoes (family Convolvulaceae) are completely unrelated to yams. The Verdict On Whether White or Sweet Potatoes Are Healthier - Yahoo The biggest difference amongst potatoes and sweet potatoes, is the Vitamin A content. Olive oil is better than soybean oil due to its higher percentage of minerals, antioxidants and healthy monounsaturated, Read More Olive Oil vs Soybean Oil: Which of the Oils is Better?Continue. Sweet potatoes hold their sweetness consistently. Yams vs Sweet Potatoes: What Are The Differences & Similarities? What Are White Sweet Potatoes And Why Aren't They Orange? - Kitchn For example, what is the actual difference between oatmeal and oat bran? Because Hannahs are quite firm, they also do well when used for gnocchi, baked into a casserole or sliced into wedges and fried. Theyre not nearly as sweet as sweet potatoes and take best to boiling and slow braising. Sweet potatoes are easier to find in supermarkets. They are native to Polynesia and the Central and South America region, domesticated more than 5,000 years ago, and grown worldwide today. Known as either Jersey or Yellow Jersey sweet potatoes, these vegetables have a golden-yellow skin that often fades to tan after they've been stored for a bit. Yukon Gold, white potatoes, and purple . One cup of cooked brown rice is about 195 grams. They have purple skin and a subtly sweet-tasting flesh that intensifies in color when cooked. The O'Henry sweet potato is incredibly versatile. Sweet potatoes actually belong to the morning glory family, Convolvulaceae (that means lots of pretty flowers! Due to its dense flesh and low moisture content, it is best to bake these types of purple potatoes at a low temperature and longer than orange or white sweet potatoes. Eric Adjepong Made His 'Top Chef' Finale Meal Anyway. From sweet potato fries to baby food, there are hundreds of entries containing the orange type, but nothing for the white, yellow, and purple varieties. To conduct original research, I decided to visit a few local supermarkets and compare the prices of each one. Beauregards will break down slightly when cooked, and when roasted, while they'll still hold their shape, they don't maintain the same chewy bite that other varieties do. Another of the most popular varieties of sweet potato is the delicious Covington cultivar. If you have any questions about this article dont hesitate to email us. Fat. Sometimes referred to as the Ube sweet potato, this tuberous root is actually a type of purple yam. A Field Guide to Sweet Potato Types (and the Dirt on Yams) - Serious Eats The sweet potato ( Ipomoea batatas) is an underground tuber. Studies have compared the antioxidant content of white, cream and purple-fleshed sweet potatoes. Not just in how they taste, but in how they are grown, the timing for planting them, and much more. Looking at pictures of the Jersey sweet potato you can see that it is similar in color to regular potatoes. In addition to coaching clients about them, Ive purchased, researched and consumed both prior to, during and after writing this article. There is also some confusion if sweet potatoes are a type of true potato. Red potato has less Sugar. But while most Americans are comfortable with the two or three shades of sweet potato theyre familiar with, they might avoid some of the tastiest varieties for lack of familiarity. Purple sweet potato is not considered to be high in sugar. A typical question asked, is soybean oil better than olive oil? Covingtons have a moist and creamy texture with a malty sweet flavor when cooked. Its flesh is a light color and is dry and starchy. Very similar in appearance to garnets, Jewel sweet potatoes also have deep orange, sweet-tasting flesh. In contrast, sweet potatoes with purple-colored flesh are rich in anthocyanins, the compound that gives them their rich, vibrant color. These are what you typically find in the grocery store, even if the label says yam. Although they are sometimes mistaken for yams, they are more firm on the inside and have a slightly sweet taste. Beauregards have purplish-red skin and a deep orange interior. Yams have toxic and rough skin that is more difficult to peel, while sweet potato skin is edible, smooth, and easy to peel. Yams and sweet potatoes may look similar when it comes to shape, skin color, and flesh color. SKIN Cream colored and pretty smooth. The most common carotenoids are beta carotenes, lutein, zeaxanthin and lycopene. There are two main common variations of purple sweet potato. Click To Download Your Paleo Diet Food List. This compound is tryptophan; the USDA reports that sweet potatoes contain 46 milligrams or 16 percent of your DV per serving. If you are looking for one of the sweetest types of potato, then this Hernandez variety is one of the best. Purple and regular sweet potatoes are both stored in a cool, dry, ventilated container. The Confusion of Yams vs Sweet Potatoes Comes from Slave Trade In most Spanish speaking countries, sweet potatoes are known simply as batatas. As with all varieties of sweet potato, these are rich in fiber and vitamin C. Creamsicle sweet potatoes get their name from the cream-colored skins and extremely sweet flesh. Itll add some variety to your diet.. So, sweet potatoes are a completely different type of vegetable from potatoes. A 2017 study even found that eating fried potatoes twice a week increased your risk of death. Sweet vs White Potato: Which is Better? - Kay Nutrition Lets Compare. It's not just the beta carotene-rich, orange-fleshed, sweet potato that may be beneficial to the health of your eyes. Sweet Potato vs Russet Potato: Which Potato is Better? The Health Benefits of Sweet vs. Regular Potatoes - HuffPost Sweet potatoes with orange flesh are rich in carotenoids. Everyone loves the sweet, caramelized flavor of a sweet potato, and its health benefits make this spud a spectacular addition to your diet. These sweet potatoes don't boast the most complex flavor, but they make up for it with plenty of sweetness. They taste less sweet and are more akin to winter squash with a heavy, pumpkin-like quality and flavor. Potato or Sweet Potato: Which Is Healthier? - Cleveland Clinic this post of 66 Paleo sweet potato recipes here. Place the potatoes either into the water or onto a steaming rack. One of the most interesting varieties of sweet potatoes from Asia is the Murasaki sweet potato from Japan. If youre interested about how pumpkin compared for health and nutrition, check out my article here. This oblong-shaped potato has rosy skin and medium orange flesh. Conclusions, published in Preventive Nutrition and Food Science in June 2016, reported that all colors of potatoes were similar in polyphenol content, but the purple-fleshed potato had the highest content of anthocyanin antioxidants, while white-fleshed sweet potatoes had the lowest amount. My friend, who is living in Okinawa, expressed the same problem. Garnet sweet potatoes are high in moisture and have reddish to purplish skin with orange flesh. According to scientific studies, vitamin A helps the eyes when it comes to dim light vision and dry eyes5. With only 103 calories in a whole, cooked sweet potato, there is no fat or cholesterol unless you smother your potato with butter or sour cream. Kevin Garce is a Certified Health Coach who encourages people by informing them on healthy nutrition and food topics important to them. Also called Murasaki Imo, these purple potatoes from Japan have a long slender oblong shape. In this article, you will find descriptions of the most popular kinds of sweet potatoes. When cooked, it is sweet, creamy, moist and dense, making it an ideal candidate for soups and stews. If you are among the many people who suffer from stress, anxiety or depression, eating sweet potatoes may help, due to their high magnesium content 30.8 grams or 7 percent DV per serving, per the USDA.