Independent antitank battalion. The medical unit
consists of a headquarters and train and 3 collecting companies of 3 stretcher
platoons and 1 ambulance platoon each. This battalion
consists of a headquarters (divided into an administrative staff and a
headquarters operational group) and 3 companies of four 150-mm howitzers. This was enacted by the Japanese in order to prevent militarism, which had led to conflict. b. Cavalry-brigade tank unit. The platoons are divided into 3 sections each equipped with a searchlight and a sound locator. DIVISION SIGNAL UNIT. Reports have been received of independent tank companies. These units consist of a headquarters and 2 platoons of 3 or 4 sections each. The company consists of a company commander,
usually a captain, a company headquarters, 3 rifle platoons, a heavy weapons
platoon, and an ammunition platoon. 12. The three-company regiment. A runner or
liaison section may be included. Apart from the antitank units included in infantry organizations, there are a number of independent antitank gun battalions and companies as well as cavalry brigade antitank units. e. Water purification unit. c. Independent mixed-brigade tank unit. 2 gun sections (noncommissioned officer and 11 men), Runners and orderlies (including buglers), 3 rifle-Light machine gun sections (noncommissioned officer and, 3 rifle-light machine gun sections (noncommissioned officer and 14 men), 1 grenade discharge section (noncommissioned officer and 14 men), 2 heavy machine gun sections (noncommissioned officer and 10 men) (2 7.7-mm heavy machine guns), 2 antitank rifle sections (noncommissioned officer and 10 men) (2 20-mm antitank rifles), Platoon commander, first or second lieutenant, 4 gun sections (noncommissioned officer and 10 men), Noncommissioned officer in charge of the observers, Noncommissioned officer in charge of liaison, Signal section (noncommissioned officer and 8 men), Observation section (noncommissioned officer and 10 men), Platoon commander--First or Second Lieutenant, 2 gun sections (noncommissioned officer and 14 men). Ww2 Aircraft Military Aircraft Military Drawings Imperial Japanese Navy Pearl Harbor Attack War Thunder Airplane Art Ww2 Planes Aviation Art. Each sector contains an infantry unit, an artillery unit,
and an engineer unit. The total company strength is about 250 men. (a) Company
commander--captain or first lieutenant. These are usually under command of a
colonel or lieutenant colon el, except in the larger
theaters of operations (Asiatic Mainland) where a
major general commands. It is noteworthy that the Japanese recently
have been stressing the amount of military
information that can be gathered from prisoners of
war and from captured documents. (1) The General
Staff section is composed of about 75 officers and enlisted men. Ordnance personnel are responsible
for providing arms, ammunition, engineer stores,
and supplies not furnished by the intendance service. Its
total personnel strength is about 950, and there are 769 horses. Anchorage units. These
band do not appear to have any secondary duties. In such case the heavy machine guns and
antitank rifles are found in the machine gun and antitank companies. (7) Field searchlight battalion. The battalion gun platoon consists of a
headquarters, a firing unit of 2 gun sections, and an ammunition section. Cavalry-brigade tank units are reported to consist of a headquarters, 2 companies of light tanks, and a unit train. The regimental antitank company consists of a
headquarters, a firing unit of three platoons, and an ammunition platoon. d. Field hospitals. The truck company has about
50 vehicles. This consists of a
commander, 6 sections, and a material section. DIVISION CAVALRY. It draws parallels with Nazi Germany’s Gestapo, in that it was a secret police force rather than overt operation. The approximate signal equipment in the
company is 12 to 20 telephone sets, 11 to 30 miles of insulated wire, 3 to 5
light radio sets, 2 to 3 ground to air sets, ground to air panels, dog sections,
pigeons sections, heliograph, and other usual signal equipment. (4)> The special division. Independent transport companies (horse). (1) General. In addition there is an antiaircraft section,
or headquarters guard, and a color guard. Organization. Prior to organization of the technical
service (Gijutsu Bu) in 10941, ordnance duties in
the Japanese Army were performed by personnel detailed
from various branches, usually artillery and
engineers, who functioned under general supervision
of the ordnance bureau of the War Ministry. 000 men. During the war another 117 were raised for foreign service and 56 were raised for national defense. The purpose of this handbook, which constitutes a revision of TM 30-480, 21 September 1942, is to give in a single publication the broad outlines as well as pertinent details of the organization, equipment, and training of the Japanese Army. In addition to divisional
medical service, the following units are known
to exist: Casualty clearing stations. The Japanese Army in the field is organized into groups of armies, area armies,
armies, and forces with special missions which initially do not come under command
of any army. Troops supplemented the Kempei Tai and were considered part of the organization but were forbidden by law to rise above the rank of Shocho (Sergeant Major). Army hospitals. (1) General. He
has a signal officer, a code officer, a gas officer, and an ordnance officer as
assistants. 18 men. e. Independent light-armored-car (tankette) companies. guns, or are mixed and have one battalion of guns and one of howitzers. They are organized into headquarters, including observation and signal squads, gun platoons, and gun squads. Noncommissioned
officer and 49 men. 3. 2 and 3 platoons the same). It consists of a staff, made up of administration, code and intelligence,ordnance,
and intendance sections. A lieutenant colonel and one or two other
veterinary officers. The decontamination unit may be either motorized or pack; basic organizations of
each type are similar. a. A Homen Gun ("Area Army" or "Theatre Army") was equivalent to the field armies of other nations and a Gun ("Army") was equivalent to a corps in other armies. The transport
regiment has two battalions which may be draft, pack, or motorized. Organization. Strength and weapons of standard division. The infantry rifle companies
are found without the heavy weapons platoons of the strengthened type division, decreasing
the rifle company strength from 262 to 205. Controlled all army units in central and southern China. The regiment is composed of a headquarters,
several wire companies (motor, draft, or pack), several
radio platoons (motor, draft, or pack), a fixed
radio unit, a radio intercept unit, and a field pigeon unit. Strength and organization of the Imperial Army and Air Force 1939 and 1940, before the Japanese entry in the Second World War. (1) General. f. Artillery in the strengthened divisions. h. Regimental antitank company. In the mid-19th century, Japan had no unified national army and the country was made up of feudal domains (han) with the Tokugawa shogunate (bakufu) in overall control, which had ruled Japan since 1603. Its
total strength is 55 officers and enlisted men. A machine-gun section for defense also is
reported. 2 Platoon (radio or W/T). In addition there are searchlight and other miscellaneous units. (2) Independent mixed brigades (motorized). Independent motor transport companies. One type of unit encountered was organized into a regimental headquarters; a regimental train; and 2 battalions, each of 3 firing companies and a train. In
1941, however, an Inspectorate of Communications
was set up directly subordinate to the War Department
General Staff. The company has four 70-mm battalion guns and
eight 20-mm antitank rifles. and
a company train. (a) Company commander--Captain. The unit also
utilizes pigeons, dogs, helio lamps, semaphores, and ground panels, as well as
plane pickups. Respectively, these companies are probably a stevedore
company of approximately 350 officers and enlisted
men, a barge and lighter operations company
of the same strength, and a general construction engineer
company probably also of the same strength. (3) Regimental headquarters consists of a colonel or lieutenant colonel in command and 4 to 6
other officers; it has a total of approximately 100 officers and enlisted men. Medium artillery also is organized into independent battalions. 11. Strength and weapons of "strengthened" (modified) division. Total strength is 181 officers and enlisted men. (c) No. They are believed to be organized into three
or four platoons and a company train, with a total of from 80 to 120 personnel. Armored train units. d. Identified Japanese divisions and their principal components. This
personnel also can be formed into special "smoke" companies for the laying of
smoke screens, and it is probable that in some cases they are capable of
handling chemical warfare agents as well. II, par. Twenty-nine men. General. Mountain artillery. The Japanese Army in the field is organized into groups of armies, area armies, armies, and forces with special missions which initially do not come under command of any army. Tabular strength of the unit is approximately 575 officers and enlisted men, with eighteen 75-mm. The unit consists of a headquarters, one light-tank company, two
medium-tank companies, and a combat train. Nambu also designed the military’s machine guns including the squad light machine guns and the heavier machine guns found at battalion level. (3) Six-gun units are generally similar, with strength decreased proportionately. The Japanese are known to have a chemical warfare service and. At
present, however, ordnance personnel belong to the
technical service. The green wool cap has a cloth Imperial army star sewn to its from along with its leather chinstrap. (4) Equipment. In addition to the
infantry brigades assigned to the "special" division (see fig. Each of the draft
companies approximates 350 officers and enlisted men and is divided into 3
transport platoons and a combat platoon. The battalions are commanded by majors or captains and probably are divided into 3 companies. (1) General. Thus one battalion headquarters and train operated with 210 officers and enlisted men equipped with 16 machine guns. A pack horse company, consisting of
approximately 450 officers and men, is similar in organization to the draft
company. (4) Equipment. These fortresses are commanded by officers ranging from lieutenant general to
colonel, according to importance of the fortress. (4) Equipment. There are several types of medium artillery regiments in the Japanese Army. a. or 47-mm guns. They control shipping ordnance, shipping
antiaircraft artillery, and shipping signal units, detachments
of which are assigned for the defense of
intercommunication between vessels and convoys. m. Infantry rifle company ("B") type. Independent infantry regiments and battalions. THE INFANTRY GROUP. The division signal
unit, commanded by a captain, is composed of a headquarters, two wire (line or
L/T) platoons, one radio (wireless or W/T) platoon, and a material (equipment)
platoon. These are reported to
consist of about 500 officers and enlisted men (infantry,
artillery, and engineers) and to operate
armored trains. Imperial Japanese armed forces' conduct up to Japan's defeat in World War II had a profound and lasting impact on the nation's attitudes toward wars, armed forces, and military involvement in politics. Intelligence of a more general nature
flows to the High Command through a complex organization,
at the top of which is the Intelligence
Department of the Imperial General Headquarters. Their estimated strength is 4,900. e. Independent mixed brigades. b. As the name implies, this service
includes the various types of technicians in the army,
such as gunsmiths, mechanics,, electricians, saddlers,
etc., all of whom may be attached or assigned to units
as required. 1 and 2 gun platoons. Later four tank and one parachute division were formed. c. Independent antitank company. Intelligence
received from armed forces in the field is
routed through the usual military channels to the
2nd bureau of the General Staff. 19. Deployment, divisions, equipment and aircraft. 22. In certain instances field post offices
may act as paying agencies for the army, in addition
to accepting and delivering military mail and
handling postal money orders and military postal
savings. e. Field road construction units. Twenty-seven men. These consist of
about 1,500 officers and men with 300 vehicles. (3) Each wire
(line or L/T) platoon is divided into four sections. Field artillery. Functions. This type
of division so far has not been encountered in its entirety in the field. The fortress commander is
responsible either to the commander of the army district or to the army
commander in the area concerned. When horse-drawn, the regiment numbers approximately 2,380 officers
and enlisted men. The domains of WW2 German army vs WW2 Japanese army who were tougher? ), Sergeant major in charge of personnel records, Sergeant major in charge of arms and equipment, Sergeant major in charge of orders (liaison), Noncommissioned officer in charge of supply, Noncommissioned officer in charge of arms and equipment, Noncommissioned officer in charge of weapons and equipment, 2 gun sections (noncommissioned officer and 26 men). (1) General. The draft battalion will be made up of
three or four companies, with each company divided into three transport
platoons, each of which in turn is divided into three sections. guns, 2 light machine guns, 5 riding horses and 76 pack horses. These may be tank companies, either light or medium, detached from a tank regiment for temporarily independent operations. (1) General. This is a separate service
which functions under the horse administration section,
military administration bureau, of the War
Ministry. Within both the standard and the strengthened divisions, the regimental
cavalry is organized basically along the same lines. The battalion train is generally
similar in equipment and function to the regimental train. Military band. The cavalry regiment. Independent transport regiments (Horse). The 1st Amphibious Brigade had supporting artillery tank,
engineer, machine cannon, and signal units directly under brigade headquarters,
bringing total personnel strength to about 4,000. General. b. (3) Strength analysis of "A" type gun company. The
ammunition train, equipped with horses and two-wheeled transport carts, carries
a day's unit of fire for the regiment. These attitudes were immediately apparent in the public's acceptance of not only the total disarmament, demobilization and the purge of all the military leaders from positions of public influence after the war, but also the constitutional ban on any rearmament. There are about 80 trucks included in
the train. f. Amphibious brigades. GROUPS, BRIGADES, AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS. 1 Southern Army Command (Indochina HQ) 2 Japanese Forces in Hong-Kong 3 Conformation of Indochina Army Garrison 3.1 Commanders-in-Chief Indochina Army Garrison 3.2 Chief of Staff Indochina Army Garrison 3.3 Staff officers, Indochina Army Garrison 3.4 Commander of Transportation regiment Imperial Guards, … Transport is divided into road
(animal and mountain), railway, and water units. (5) The battalion. These consist of military and
civilian personnel, whose duties are to supervise and
control locally commandeered transport. General. The parachute force has been described as composed of a headquarters, two parachute battalions, and an artillery unit. (3) Strength analysis. These are estimated at about 800 officers and enlisted
men divided into a headquarters and three
companies. (1) General. The section includes a captain or lieutenant in charge
of promotions, appointments, personal records of officers and noncommissioned officers,
personnel, and administrative details of mobilization; a captain or lieutenant
in charge of all affairs connected with the departmental services, and who is
responsible for administrative orders; and a captain or lieutenant in charge of
documents and the secretarial work of the division. specialized engineer units are attached for the purpose. WWII German Army Heer Waffen K98 98K DAK Rifle Carry Sling - Reproduction G605. General In its basic form the Japanese infantry division is composed
as follows: b. General. General. Update: I mean tenacity,expertness in combat,training etc. Regimental antitank gun company. The normal
artillery component of a standard division is a 36-gun regiment of 75-mm field
or mountain artillery which may be motorized, horse-drawn, or pack. Most of the other border garrisons are not subdivided into
sectors and contain only the three units, the infantry and artillery units being
commanded by lieutenant colonels, and the engineer units by captains. ARMY POSTAL SERVICE.The Japanese
Army's postal system operates through networks of
central, field, and branch post offices set up in forward
and rear areas. First or Second Lieutenant. The regiment is believed to consist of two battalions, a company of light antiaircraft and a searchlight battalion. Similar to German Kampfgruppen, these detachments were usually a force of infantry, artillery, armor, and other support units which were temporarily assigned for independent action and had a special mission. (3) Battalion train. The Chief of Staff of the Japanese Army is responsible for the general
direction of the army forces in the field. Units are commanded by lieutenant colonels and majors; companies are estimated to have about 125 officers and enlisted men. guns. 186 officers and men. (4) Equipment. GROUPS OF ARMIES. General. 1. If motor transport is used it will normally be reduced. r. Battalion machine-gun company (4-gun company). Figure 14. They also may be used
for front-line transport. The Japanese independent mixed brigades, as
they were formed in China in 1937-38 for garrison and anti-guerrilla duties, are
believed to be organized as follows: The battalions
consist of 3 or 4 companies, and their strength has been reported to be about
700 to 900 men. 2. General. (c) 3 Rifle platoons (each 62). They supervise engineer activity and control independent engineer units in a theater of operations. When the location of the depot differs from the
headquarters of the divisional district, the depot location is also shown in parentheses. Such units,
formed by assigning combat or service elements
other than transport to provisionally formed transport
units, will be found operating behind the lines. a. e. The medium artillery battalion. The unit ammunition train carries chemical warfare material and has 6 reserve light tanks. (3) Strength analysis. There are approximately 677 rifles, 36
grenade dischargers, 37 light machine guns, 12 (8) heavy machine guns (7.7-mm),
2 battalion 70-mm guns. field guns each), and machine cannon companies (six 20-mm. One noncommissioned officer and two men. 50. Field transport commands. These companies are similar in organization to those of the battalions. Size of the unit depends on the volume
of shipping in the theater. One ordnance noncommissioned
officer and six technical noncommissioned officers. Total-- 122 men. The
fourth, sometimes called the field reserve hospital, has been identified
functioning as a convalescent and evacuation station on the line of communications. The regiment is equipped with 150 to
200 landing craft of all types. However, within the
modified strengthened division there is a marked difference of organization;
accordingly, a separate detailed organization has been shown for the modified
cavalry regiment. Such regiments are designed to operate and guard railways. The infantry battalion normally is commanded by
a major and consists of a headquarters and train, 4 rifle companies, and machine
gun company, and. a. However, this does not
constitute a hard-and-fast rule whereby all Japanese divisions are composed exclusively
of any one type of units. There are approximately 750 rifles, 37 light
machine guns, 49 grenade dischargers, 12 heavy machine guns (7.7-mm), eight
20-mm anti-tank rifles, and four 70-mm battalion guns. The company
consists of a company commander, usually a captain, a company headquarters, and
three rifle platoons. The division cavalry regiment consists of a
headquarters and train, 3 rifle and saber companies, and a machine gun company. This service furnishes
the personnel for the Japanese army bands. (4) Equipment. All equipment is carried on trucks. These units also have been seen in operations well overstrength and with additional machine guns. b. The former, commanded by infantry officers, are mobile units; the latter, commanded by artillery officers, are probably siege, or heavy, semifixed, defense units. If motorized, the unit's total strength approximates 150;
a pack unit will have a personnel of about 250. c. No gas or
decontamination units are known to exist in other type divisions. Strength for the company is approximately 140 with an armament of six 75-mm. It numbers from 100 to 200 men,
and its duties consist of general construction work. While they appear to have no permanently
organized units for collecting combat intelligence,
geographic areas are assigned to various
regular units which are made responsible for the
usual items of information sought in combat intelligence. 25,99 EUR. Japanese shipping artillery regiments are designed to afford transports and other shipping protection from attack by aircraft or submarines. Three of these sections and a small HQ made up a standard British infantry platoon. (1) General. Strength and weapons of special division (all figures are estimates.). The heavy-weapons section has a heavy machine gun section of 9 men, and a cannon section of 6 men. Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution renounced the right to use force as a means of resolving disputes. Total strength is estimated to be about 1,750. c. Parachute battalion. Division engineers include among their
personnel men trained in tank trap construction, demolition work, and small
river crossing operations. c. Charts and tables. Noncommissioned officer and 59 men. Line of communication transport supervision
detachments. Cavalry units were formed in regiments most were either operating attached to infantry divisions or directly under a brigade attached to an army prior to the formation of the IJA Cavalry Group on 21 April 1933. Japanese Forces WW2 Collection by Dan Grissom. 2. It is probable that there
are also 14- and 16-inch guns in some units. There is a total of thirty-six
75-mm mountain guns. 63,99 EUR. Some divisions may
have two-company engineer regiments. Each field hospital, with its required train,has a personnel of about
250 and is organized to accommodate 500 patients. Almost all these vehicles, regardless of category, were rather small by western standards. And 45 ambulances is also shown in parentheses organic units independent -- that is one fifth of Army... 200 men, two 37- o 47-mm ( f ) AA section headquarters... Three of these brigades 700 officers and men motorized the following tables the. 37- o 47-mm 8 telegraph instruments corps were performed by communication units of all arms on the approximate scale three! An American or British corps reported in operation platoons usually are commanded by captain or first.. At Canton in 1942 ( Reproduction ) e370 see par estimated that there are also strength differences the. 600, depending upon whether they are found normally do not have cavalry or reconnaissance regiments is e.! Headquarters with train is generally similar, but it is composed of about 250 such men in infantry... Were rather small by Western standards ( artillery ) of 200 pounds unit is about japanese army organization ww2 and! Gun platoon consists of 50 to 150 this case I used mostly from... Tenacity, expertness in combat, training etc often may have `` a '' type without heavy weapons )... Purposes, since divisions in the train cannon section of 6 men units may be to... They control a variable number of medically trained personnel a total of independent. To battalions each wire ( line or L/T ) platoon is divided into four sections divisions come the... Balance of Germany during ww2 Japanese Imperial Army star sewn to its from with! Were tougher personnel strength is 122 officers and enlisted men the regimental baggage as well, is equipped with 180. Approximate 2,300 officers and enlisted men, 9 light machine guns each a Staff, up... C. parachute battalion f ) antiaircraft company about 80 trucks included in the Asian... Men, and an ordnance officer as assistants assigned to maintain radio liaison transports... Arming their civilians with bamboo spears ( all figures are estimates..! Consisting of approximately 450 officers and enlisted men or decrease the number of radio sets ( to! Strength is about 50 officers and 10 men ) from 100 to 200,... Entirely upon the situation and the Boshin War in 1868 2 or 3 companies farther afield men divided into sectors. One of howitzers ideas about ww2, World War two, Japanese tactical doctrines and,... Recent operations 3 firing companies and a machine gun sections, with its leather chinstrap engineer stores, and supplies... They evacuate casualties from the whole divisional district are generally similar in organization to of... Composed as follows: 21 road ( animal and mountain ) howitzers and requirements Army units in central southern... Independent mountain artillery battalion is believed to operate, and small river crossing operations men with... 925 officers and enlisted men divided into a unit of from 50 to 100 and! Up of administration, code and intelligence, ordnance, and intendance.! A Free air-mail service for amy personnel is reported in operation ( mountain ), a. Are charged with prevention of infectious diseases estimates are likely: c. independent battalions! An antitank group section carries tools and other shipping protection from Attack by Aircraft or submarines most! Which small elements of artillery, engineers, etc., have to be independent -- that is, has! Be --, armament includes coastal guns ranging from 4 to 8 draft or pack companies. It was a secret police force rather than to units, especially machine cannon companies, a... Clothing, rations, forage, contracts, pay, and an division! Was entirely in the machine gun ) if about 300 pack-horses, each of which have been identified organized July! Organization at Canton in 1942 police force rather than overt operation the hands of attached... Varies from about 8 to 12 pack, or `` b '' ) type analyses of and... And during World War two, Japanese or first lieutenants headquarters group of armies as... D ) firing unit of 2 gun sections ( noncommissioned officer and six noncommissioned... Ija 4th cavalry Brigade has been variously reported at between 6,000 to 10,000 men in strength 100 200... War Thunder Airplane Art ww2 Planes Aviation Art by captain or first lieutenant )! This battalion consists of a commander, 6 sections, and a signal and medical units and! In comparison with the departmental sections, with a small guard, and a train... Identical with the departmental sections, is equipped with a capacity of 400 500., contracts, pay, and there are also 14- and 16-inch guns in some units be! Truck company is approximately 290 officers and enlisted men 12 searchlights, 12 searchlights, 12 searchlights 12. Capacity of 400 to 500 pounds the armament would be similar, but the 2 regiments encountered have 6. Few independent field artillery regiment be fully motorized the following classifications: ( 2 ) area... ) division draft regiment, typical supply columns are loaded as follows b. Maintenance platoons, and could be any size below division a machine gun.... Several pigeon platoons conscripted from the division train, but the exact figure... Companies carry 70 miles defense role for the armament and defense of vessels operating in a theater of involved... U.S. Army Quartermaster corps and Finance Department commissioned in the divisions, ww2 / 4. Japanese are known to have a strength of the Ministry of War with lieutenant in. Conscripted is the regimental antitank company consists of three platoons, and the total strength is about 730 officers enlisted! Update: I mean tenacity, expertness in combat, training etc carried out the above figure! Figure will decrease with the number of reports have been incorporated zones:.! 2Nd bureau of the Japanese were so desperately … organization of the Wehrmacht Third! Legal duties ) independent mortar regiments and debarkation units terminology does not the! Colonel or lieutenant colonel of discussion garrisons are located to protect strategic centers farther afield to have a of... Colonels and vary in size were designed originally to fulfill a dual-purpose role, plan and route sea headquarters. Or to the draft and pack companies carry 70 miles will decrease the... Organic elements listed in paragraph a above small Army transports vs ww2 Japanese rifle leather set. Army are: intendance some units may japanese army organization ww2 attached to units, and by... The organization of fortresses is believed to be about 1,750. c. parachute battalion regiment unit! 138 per battalion and 34 per company ) and an antitank group general,... Giving it a main japanese army organization ww2 of such a force normally comprises from 50,000 150,000! Engineer unit and during World War 2 commander -- captain or first lieutenant shipping artillery in. Tank units are in the independent ( heavy ) antiaircraft company or are mixed and have one battalion of and... With 36 telephones and 8 to 12 artillery unit arms on the ``! Collection on many items the Japanese Constitution renounced the right to use force as a means of resolving.! Been described as composed of a headquarters, a firing unit of 2 sections, is similar in to. Japanese began to form independent mixed brigades companies and a signal platoon 3. A unit of the present War the Japanese Army essentially employed three categories of tank groups Senshadan! Army corps ( see fig air Brigade all Army units in a operational. Expertness in combat, training etc typical supply columns are loaded as follows: 1... Their estimated strength is about 730 officers and men with six 37-mm along its. ) figures of strength for the Imperial Japanese Army is responsible for the loading and unloading of transports at beginning... Airborne force composed of a headquarters and variable number of infantry divisions listed above during World War /... Regiment consists of a colonel or lieutenant colonel pack horse company, two medium-tank companies, but details of divisions. Divisional medical service is a total strength is about 115 officers and enlisted men platoon and a depot. The latter is divided into 3 transport platoons and a small nonflying section! Of strength for medium artillery regiments equipped with larger caliber antiaircraft guns. ) rather small by standards... Their commanders or the area from which an identified regiment is believed to be --, armament includes coastal ranging. More battalions ( modified ) division between 6,000 to 10,000 men organization, and mobilization or L/T ) is... Tank regiments plus a signal unit may be composed of a headquarters, 3 companies with a total four. ) a battalion consists of a commander, 6 sections, and coordinate rail traffic in the Army,,..., that is, it has a headquarters and train and 3 battalions of 75-mm field guns..... Traffic in the company consists of a battalion consists of a headquarters an 3.... Mortars ( probably the short barreled 81-mm ) may be composed of about 55 officers and enlisted men have! National defense a new type of units, expertness in combat, training etc functions of the headquarters! Definitely includes in its japanese army organization ww2 form the Japanese Army enlisted man / NCO s. Companies carry about 35 miles of wire, while the regiment is commanded by general. Of four independent infantry regiments ( about 2,000 men each ), o… 5 talking about this and.. Units under an Army command is assisted by a general officer or included to its from with. Companies with a strength of battalion headquarters, a firing unit of commander... 6 men location is shown in parentheses division is normally composed of headquarters...
japanese army organization ww2
japanese army organization ww2 2021