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--Dynamics of language : the Yoruba example / Solomon Olanrewaju Makinde (pages 311-318). The Yoruba wordsmiths of old were men of great learning, and their works are better appreciated irrespective of … Early accounts treated polysemy in terms of sense enumeration: each sense of a polysemous expression is represented individually in the lexicon, such that polysemy and homonymy were treated on a par. In linear or vertical polysemy, one sense of a word is a subset of the other. SCIL-V, MIT, MIT Working … Meaning and the interpretation of signs and symbols / Olufunmilayo M Ogunkeye (p. 581-592). Contributors to the ground-breaking Africa's Ogun, edited by Sandra Barnes (Indiana University Press, 1997), explored the complex nature of Ogun, the orisa who transforms life through iron and technology. Polysemy (/pəˈlɪsɪmi/ or /ˈpɒlɪsiːmi/;[1][2] from Greek: πολύ-, polý-, "many" and σῆμα, sêma, "sign") is the capacity for a word or phrase to have multiple meanings, usually related by contiguity of meaning within a semantic field. J. Pustejovsky and B. Boguraev. Looking at the use of ‘di’ in the above examples, it would be anomalous for it to be described as involving … Polysemy in Language "Sports Illustrated can be bought for 1 dollar or 35 million dollars; the first is something you can read and later start a fire with, the second is a particular company that produces the magazine you just read. across the Waters continues this exploration of Yoruba religion by documenting Ã'sun religion. Polysemy is an important phenomenon in Yorùbá, to correctly categorize a word, the context where it occurs is the determining factor. ��=�'�;n���1T]�$1Y���~b.�0��������?�:ۖM
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Synonyms for polysemy include equivocalness, equivocation, ambiguity, equivocality, doublespeak, equivoque, polysemousness, double-talk, double-entendre and double meaning. [3] For example, 'dog' can be used for 'male dog'. We have relations of meaning such as synonymy and antonymy, polysemy and homonymy, ways of organizing the vocabulary. Antonyms for polysemy include monosemy, unambiguity, blatancy, obviousness, plainness, certainty, clearness, undoubtedness, conspicuousness and overtness. Other types are derivations from one of the other meanings that leads to a verb or activity. ... Yoruba is one such language (e.g. Examples for these are given in the body … The idea of signifying practice—texts not as communicating or expressing a pre-existing meaning but as 'positioning subjects' within a process of semiosis—changes the whole basis of creating social meaning". This paper documents occurrences of widespread polysemy involving terms for parts of human limbs.1 For instance, many geographically and genetically unrelated languages use a single term to denote "hand" and "arm" … Figure i indicates direction of referential extension involved in development of eye/face, seed/fruit, eye/seed and eye/fruit polysemy. Lexical Semantics: The Problem of Polysemy. Ã'sun presents a dynamic example of the resilience and renewed importance of traditional Yoruba images in negotiating spiritual experience, social identity, and political power in contemporary Africa Examples are taken from the Language Gulper. Semantic shift can separate a polysemous word into separate homonyms. "They changed the layout of the newspaper's front page"). you look for other examples but even with these 4 examples it's clear that the word that goes with "Òjò" (rain) is the same word in "Atewonro/Ateworo" which is different from that which goes with "soft eba" ... Interpreting polysemy required great intelligence in different languages. All the words for actual snow have been removed, and I'm ignoring the extensive polysemy of snow and many of its derivatives. a single physical item published by the company. ���>�%u���B쑳T��ʒ/j���^Zns-�a��IҡR\v��̇ 0��� H6��8l�@T>
�����1�&�����Z�g|C��a���jF�� a small rodent characteristically having a pointed snout, small rounded ears, a body-length scaly tail and a high breeding rate. Example 1 contains 2, and 2 contains 3. There are several tests for polysemy, but one of them is zeugma: if one word seems to exhibit zeugma when applied in different contexts, it is likely that the contexts bring out different polysemes of the same word. Charles Fillmore and Beryl Atkins' definition stipulates three elements: (i) the various senses of a polysemous word have a central origin, (ii) the links between these senses form a network, and (iii) understanding the 'inner' one contributes to understanding of the 'outer' one.[15]. It is certainly possible to hypothesize that direct object anaphors are assigned a feature that somehow induces reciprocal … Beretta, A., Fiorentino, R., & Poeppel, D. (2005). Publisher: Universitet Leiden Publication date: 2006 Number of pages: ... examples 40. linguistic 39. terminology 38. partonomy 37. expressions 35. cognitive 34. principles 34. andersen 34. research 34. related 33. levels 31. constructions 29. bone 29. african 27. Examples from Classical Literature It is sufficient that the ambiguity was such as to deceive the friends of the Cyclops. 1.1 Yoruba: a brief linguistic profile 1 1.1.1 Phonology 2 1.1.2 Some notes on grammar 4 1.2 Previous research on body-part terminology 6 ... 3.1.3 Eye and face polysemy: the case of ojú 57 3.2 On the nature of body-part terms 59 ... variety lexical domain 66 Appendices 69 I The body as a source domain for spatial relations 69 II Body-part syntax: example sentences going with §2.2.3 70 III Glossary (Yoruba … For example, the verb "to get" can mean "procure" (I'll get the drinks), "become" (she got scared), "understand" (I get it) etc. This avoids incorrect polysemous interpretations of "parked": that "people can be parked", or that "I am pretending to be a car", or that "I am something that can be parked". Such polysemy can give rise to a special ambiguity (He left the bank five minutes ago, He left the bank five years ago).Sometimes dictionaries use history to decide … This is supported by the morphology: "We are parked out back" does not mean that there are multiple cars; rather, that there are multiple passengers (having the property of being in possession of a car). a type of construction equipment which looks like it has a long neck. In deciding between polysemy or homonymy, it might be necessary to look at the history of the word to see if the two meanings are historically related. Òsun across the Waters continues this exploration of Yoruba religion by documenting … D. When, if ever, can we know something with absolute certainty? %����
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MAUREEN WARNER-LEWIS Yoruba settlement in Trinidad The casting adrift of the Yoruba to the Americas began with the intense political jockeying and civil unrest in the Yoruba Empire and outlying Yoruba-speaking kingdoms of West Africa from the close of the eighteenth century and throughout most of the nineteenth. Having shown that some aspects of the semantic network are universal, we next ask whether the observed heterogeneous degrees of polysemy, possibly a manifestation of varying densities of near conceptual neighbors, arise as artifacts of language family structure in our sample, or if they are inherent to the … the newspaper as an edited work in a specific format (e.g. In cpe, these all allow (but do not necessarily require) valency increase as a consequence of polysemy. A polyseme is a word or phrase with different, but related senses. I98 I). #�.7wά6��Ȇ�
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For example, the verb slip allows the meaning ‘to have sex with’, and as a consequence expresses an action involving a high degree of agency, as well as acquiring an object/patient argument. Examples include: "the hyacinth purple, and white, and blue, Which flung Thus, the expression "I am parked out back" conveys the meaning of "parked" from "car" to the property of "I possess a car". The indivisibility of {áí-} in standard Yorùbá / Oye Taiwo (pages 557-564). Contributors to the ground-breaking Africa's Ogun, edited by Sandra Barnes (Indiana University Press, 1997), explored the complex nature of Ogun, the orisa who transforms life through iron and technology. Capacity for a sign to have multiple related meanings, "Polysemia" redirects here. x��ޒ��l�$�쌓{NN*�Y�-f%R���d��� I��Ļ���K�h4��9�\���h�F_}u~ٶ��l:�~>�o��_�Q��(�q"uT'Et�x�*����7�_��`U���3!�P
WO�xÏ���t�Wo�g)��_�~��#m�W5�c�E4Y�`x�XiL�����L2����� MTLpV*�����;`�A�A�i��.~l��6�K���2 F|���H��_w��(��p�m��2����o3�uoS�#iL�F*65�15L��}�(Ӌ,�����"�$N��`��v`o��nqӾ�I���0&0Wt?�y S��Ff2.R$�9�b)|�2� �� �)�X��_�R�i�J�8�}ؿ����s��s��g���g�ט��W�yw��q`~��;{�,��z
����ܾ����I0���������D�G�4��uG� Because applying pre-existing words to new situations is a natural process of language change, looking at words' etymology is helpful in determining polysemy but not the only solution; as words become lost in etymology, what once was a useful distinction of meaning may no longer be so. Alan Cruse identifies four types of linear polysemy:[4], In non-linear polysemy, the original sense of a word is used figuratively to provide a different way of looking at the new subject. Ambiguity and relatedness effects in semantic tasks: Are they due to semantic coding? "John used to work for the newspaper that you are reading.". [5][6][7][8] Results for this contention, however, have been mixed.[9][10][11][12]. Contributors to the ground-breaking Africa's Ogun, edited by Sandra Barnes (Indiana University Press, 1997), explored the complex nature of Ogun, the orisa who transforms life through iron and technology. Czeslaw Lachur, besides noting the traditional radial and chain (concatenation) types of polysemy (cf. �u��O/�D0�h�^O�t�����ײ �}{��8Ӓ$�?�8�FeBt�[���չ}��W�ѳ�+xT=l�_��f��� ?sun is a brilliant deity whose imagery and worldwide devotion demand broad and deep scholarly reflection. Proper argument projection in Igbo and Yoruba. Madugu 1976), as is Kenyang, a Southern Bantoid language of … Provide examples? Directions of research on gender and semantic markedness / Frances Chukwukere (p. 593-602). searching for Polysemy 74 found (173 total) alternate case: polysemy.
UE���݇�����P��>������]j���)G�ʢ�9�b��� Hino, Y., Pexman, P.M., & Lupker, S.J. For example, check as in "bank check" (or Cheque), check in chess, and check meaning "verification" are considered homonyms, while they originated as a single word derived from chess in the 14th century. Another clarification of polysemy is the idea of predicate transfer[18]—the reassignment of a property to an object that would not otherwise inherently have that property. Examples. Apresjan 1971: 2; 1995: 178; Griniewicz and Dubieniec 2004: 65) introduces two new types – polysemy with a broadening of secondary meanings: family – 1) parents and children; 2) all relations; 3) all people living together in the same house, that is the household; 4) a large class of objects, esp. (2006). Recent work by faculty and students working in semantics and pragmatics has involved, besides English, Amharic, Chinese, Hungarian, Romance languages, Northern Paiute, Yoruba, Zazaki, and Zapotec. Dictionary writers list polysemes under the same entry; homonyms are defined separately. Predictable Meaning Shift: Some Linguistic Properties of Lexical Implication Rules, Semantic Innovation and Change in Kuwaiti Arabic: A Study of the Polysemy of Verbs, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Polysemy&oldid=999762424, Articles containing Ancient Greek (to 1453)-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, autohyponymy, where the basic sense leads to a specialised sense (from "drinking (anything)" to "drinking (alcohol)"), automeronymy, where the basic sense leads to a subpart sense (from "door (whole structure)" to "door (panel)"), autohyperonymy or autosuperordination, where the basic sense leads to a wider sense (from "(female) cow" to "cow (of either sex)"), autoholonymy, where the basic sense leads to a larger sense (from "leg (thigh and calf)" to "leg (thigh, calf, knee and foot)"), other construals (for example, from "month (of the year)" to "month (30 days)"), The human species (i.e., man vs. other organisms), Males of the human species (i.e., man vs. woman), Adult males of the human species (i.e., man vs. boy), (As a verb) to operate or constitute a vehicle or machine (To man a ship), the building where a financial institution offers services, a text reproduced and distributed (thus, someone who has read the same text on a computer has read the same book as someone who had the actual paper volume), to make an action or event a matter of record (e.g. English has many polysemous words. Òsun is a brilliant deity whose imagery and worldwide devotion demand broad and deep scholarly reflection. For example, EARTH/SOIL has more than hundreds of polysemes while SALT has only a few. Copestake, A. and A. Lascarides (1997). �־X7�)
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An Archaeology of the Aesthetic: Slavery and Politics at the Jesuit Vineyards of Nasca - Volume 31 Issue 1 Some apparently unrelated words share a common historical origin, however, so etymology is not an infallible test for polysemy, and dictionary writers also often defer to speakers' intuitions to judge polysemy in cases where it contradicts etymology. The difference between homonyms and polysemes is subtle. Ã’sun is a brilliant deity whose imagery and worldwide devotion demand broad and deep scholarly reflection. <>>>
�t��h The Boby in Yoruba-A Linguistic Study Mark Dingemanse. Integrating symbolic and statistical representations: The lexicon pragmatic interface. Homonymy is the case where both the pronunciation and written form of two words are the same but they have distinct and unrelated meanings, as seen in the following examples, 1. i. <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
\�_��P*�0�zHb,2�G�̀Y�Տ+��77Az$M�a�R�f,-m�[�Qi�i�?�_LE�4#]���VQ��g8Q`pB������/���]����� POLYSEMY consists in a variety of semantic relations through which meanings of words extend or shift so that a single word has two or more related meanings, as with nickel (the coin) and nickel (the metal). Osun presents a dynamic example of the resilience and renewed importance of traditional Yoruba images in negotiating spiritual experience, social identity, and political power in contemporary African and the African diaspora. Linguists have still not been able to find the proper classification for the language. ��:�� 9�z �/ h�&��;��W{�3��!A΄r{�{0
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examples of polysemy in yoruba
examples of polysemy in yoruba 2021