Suffering is the initial door of spirituality for many people (usually in the form of anxiety, grief, or fear). It speaks to the need to be “aligned” with something bigger than our ego and individual life. Spam, requests for free material, and promotional info will not be posted; nor will a response be forthcoming. Whether you are on the top of the wheel of material life or on the bottom, there is an underlying sense of dissatisfaction, limitation, and emptiness. Defining what is spirituality is not easy, because there are many different types of spirituality. Religious texts such as the Bible, the Torah, the Quar'an, the Tao Te Ching, the … Serving the community – be it other spiritual practitioners, or society at large – can be an expression of one’s spiritual commitment. PURPOSE / DIRECTION. Why do you need spirituality? Here is an overview of the different types of spiritual practice, across multiple traditions. I’ve looked into Zen, Theravada Buddhism, Occultism, Taoism, New Age, Yoga, Vedanta, etc. The Getting Spiritually Fit Discipleship Tool provides some instruction on each of the above listed examples of what might be considered to be spiritual disciplines, as well as a list in chart form of other possibilities indicating how them might lead to, be a part of, or result from time spent in the Word, fellowship, prayer, worship, or benevolence. When most people think of leadership, they picture a military officer giving out orders or an employer closely supervising his employees, making sure all the work gets done. In conjunction to breath-work, some traditions use body postures and movements for developing health, freeing energy flow, and other purposes. There is an innate drive in many of us to evolve, to improve, to push the boundaries, reach our full potential. The next step is to learn more about the path and practices you wish to explore, through books, websites, and local centers (if you can find). Notice that it is the Holy Spirit who produces the fruit in us. Periods of intense self-discipline, simplicity, and no self-indulgence. A philosophy in spiritual New Age wisdom is you are a spiritual being manifesting consciousness. If you don’t know where to start, I would suggest having one core cultivation practice (meditation or prayer), together with the three foundations of “developing qualities”, “ethics” and “study”. Acts 2:42 begins, “They devoted themselves to” and then lists the following activities: 1) God’s Word (Matt. Qualities of Mind/Heart. We create a spiritual prescription for the body, heart, and mind and then embark upon a healing journey. Examples include volunteering, being positive and optimistic, contributing to society, connecting with others, feeling a sense of belonging and practicing self-care. Leaders in Christian spiritual formation include Richard Foster, Dallas Willard, and Larry Crabb. So it’s no one path that is better than the others. The Hare Krishna school emphasizes bhakti yoga as spiritual practice. For some this takes the form of understanding, absorbing, and becoming one with the absolute Truth. For me, personally, the pull was always truth, transcendence, enlightenment; though I can see I got benefits in all the other areas as well. I know what spirituality means to me, but I wanted to have a broader view on the spectrum of different perspectives on this. These include fasting, intensive retreats, vows of silence, abstinence, long hours of meditation, etc. Examples are the pranayama from Yoga and the qigong from Daoism. One Piece in a Larger Puzzle Many of the behaviors associated with overall wellness are key components of spiritual wellness. You don’t need to do all these trainings. Liberation happens by stillness and meditative absorption, which burns through the impurities of the mind and heart. Spiritual transformation is a major theme in Western art - a version of Remedios Varo 's 1955 painting Ruptura Spiritual transformation involves a fundamental change in a person's sacred or spiritual life. White spirituals include both revival and camp-meeting songs and a smaller number of other hymns. In Buddhism, for instance, the five basic precepts are: (1) do not cause harm; (2) do not say what is untrue; (3) do not take what is not given; (4) do not engage in sexual misbehavior; (5) do not use intoxicants. To feel complete, we crave to receive and give unconditional love, which brings a sense of total acceptance and of happiness in being alive. Spiritual warfare is a battle against Satan, which takes place in the unseen, spiritual dimension and is faught with the weapons that have divine power to demolish strongholds, all while you’re resisting Satan, standing firm in the faith, remaining strong in the Lord, and pursuing the ultimate victory of demolishing arguments against the knowledge of God and taking captive every thought to make it … Each path emphasizes certain practices, and gives them a unique flavor. We do, however, need to find a biblical basis for it. Neither of you can be successful apart. If nothing comes up in the test results, doctors may well say it is a case of cardiac neurosis, which is chest pain arising due to psychological conflicts. What makes it “spiritual” is not so much the type of work done, but the attitude, heart, and intention behind it. So, in July this year, I asked my readers: What is spirituality for you, and why is it important? A good starting place could be Acts 2:42-47 where we read of the early church not only engaging in certain practices but being devoted to them. Your own path can contain elements of more than one of these; or may also change from one to another, as you grow in your journey. Of course, the lesson in all these examples (as in all spiritual warfare today) is that it’s only God who allows us to claim victory over evil! But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Spam, requests for free material, and promotional info will not be posted; nor will a response be forthcoming. Although there are countless paths, teachings, traditions, lineages, schools and masters, ultimately we can say there are 5 types of paths. Path of DEVOTION. Just don’t outsource your spiritual journey – own it, explore with your own feet, experiment with the teachings, and trust your own discernment. It has been a primary issue, though perhaps given different labels, throughout church history. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Try following your spiritual guidance, even if you’re unsure. In the beginning, you may not know exactly what this pull is. 3:16-17), 2) Fellowship (Rom. Example are: Karma Yoga, Christianity, and the approach of some Buddhist lineages. Examples are: Raja Yoga, Nada Yoga, Buddhism, Samaya Tantra, Jainism, Kashmir Shaivism. It is like moving one mile in ten directions, rather than ten miles in one direction. You don’t need to follow an institutionalized religion in order to have a fruitful spiritual life. The purpose of study is gaining understanding, insight, and wisdom. 12:10; Heb. Your email address will not be published but may be used to contact you of any responses to your comment. Or, if you want to inspire others to develop a spiritual practice, consider becoming a meditation facilitator. Still, let me present you a broad definition of spirituality, so we can be on the same page. Spirituality is a search for meaning, for purpose and direction in life. Examples include volunteerism, social responsibility, optimism, contributing to society, connectedness with others, feeling of belonging/being part of a group, and love of self/reason to care for self. He is good! A lot of that has to do with the fact that I’m not particularly creative (!) Read sacred texts. Maybe you associate spirituality with religion or cultural traditions. The goal of spirituality is defined differently in different paths. Spirituality has different meanings for different people, often influenced by the ideologies you grew up with. Equipping for Christian Leaders, Bible Teachers, Church Workers. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. By using the site, you agree to the use of cookies. Path of devotion —> anxiety is surrendered wholeheartedly to That principle/entity that you are devoted to. Spiritual Mind Treatment for Health. Thank you and God Bless You!! In some traditions the texts are considered of secondary importance, while a personal relationship with the teacher or guru is seen as essential for the growth of the student/disciple. Present in all theistic paths, prayer is an exercise of directing our mind to the Divine, with devotion and surrender. And perhaps even cover some of the shortcomings that particular tradition has for you. Usually a feeling of reverence, seriousness, or intensity is associated with them. The drive for spirituality is inherent in our nature, but the way the spiritual path unfolds is unique to each individual. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. To learn more check out my getting started page. Learn about as many traditions as you feel attracted to, and eventually choose one as your main approach, and focus on that. Others may pray or find comfort in a personal relationship with God or a higher power. From the time the Spirit of God descended upon the believers in Jerusalem, God has been transforming the souls of individual believers in the context of local Christian communities. The term spirituality has to be understood in a very broad way, it comprises our relation to invisible beings, like for example God, angels, spiritual guides, non incarnated souls … Most traditions have similar instructions. Path of KNOWLEDGE. They derived variously, notably from the “lining out” of psalms, dating from at least the mid-17th century. Types of Meditation – An Overview of 23 Meditation Techniques, Episode 15: Dr. Rick Hanson Interview on Mindful Relationships, The History of Meditation (A 5,000 Years Timeline). The urge to serve people in a deeper level, making a big difference in their life, and helping the upliftment of humanity. What types of spiritual practice most speak to you, Which of the five main paths is the general approach you want to take. Find mentorship. Find a wisdom tradition that speaks to your heart, then study and practice the core of it. Examples are: Bhakti Yoga, Christianity, and Sufism. What could be the s… Spiritual health can be complicated to define, and it may be better described by its common characteristics, which include organized religion, prayer, hope, purpose, and peace. A ritual is basically any set of actions that are done in the same way, for a specific purpose. The issue of spiritual transformation is not new in the Christian faith. Let me know below, in the comments section. To learn more check out my guide on the master virtues. Prayer. For example, a spiritual authority may use Hebrews 13:17 (“Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority”) to demand blind loyalty and unthinking obedience. The other extreme – of reading and trying everything, but not committing to any specific practice – is also not so helpful. Spiritual Leadership - The Ultimate Example Jesus Christ is the ultimate example of spiritual leadership. The drive to continuously grow and learn, live a life authentic to our truth, develop our mind, cultivate virtues, and expand our consciousness. In Yoga traditions they call this tapas. It’s like a “mind detox” or “spiritual cleansing”, and it’s a great way to burn negative patterns and quickly advance in the practice. (b) practices of learning, understanding, absorbing. Spiritual manifestation revolves around the New Age concept of the Law of Attraction. The core practices are meditation, breath work, asceticism, and teacher relationship. Examples of traditions are: Tantra Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Laya Yoga, Vajrayana Buddhism, Daoism, Shamanism. This search can also manifest as returning to the source, to God, or to a sense of sacredness. But, usually, the card for a spiritual bouquet is hand-made. Path of MEDITATION. At the bottom of this page you will find a button to download a FREE PDF copy of this post, for easy reference. What is the point? Some people are sensitive to this, others aren’t, or they try to fill this up by chasing external goals endlessly. For the past 19 years, I have been exposed to several wisdom traditions, seeking to understand the essence of their philosophy, the practice and methods involved, and the goal. They seem to fall into three categories: Meditation. 10:24-25). But remember, we know the ending – our side wins. Study & Contemplation. If we suffer from chest pain, we are asked to undertake a battery of tests including an electrocardiogram (ECG), chest x-ray, blood tests etc. So these are the possible reasons for exploring spirituality. These cookies do not store any personal information. Liberation happens by surrender of our ego into the higher Power Source/God/Consciousness. The drive for spirituality is inherent in our nature, but the … In this case, observing rituals, attending religious services or ceremonies, and studying religious texts are types of spiritual self-care. It’s all good – that is why there are different paths out there, to match seekers of different temperaments, stages of development, values, and goals. SERVING. This path is often coupled with that of devotion. The Getting Spiritually Fit Discipleship Tool provides some instruction on each of the above listed examples of what might be considered to be spiritual disciplines, as well as a list in chart form of other possibilities indicating how them might lead to, be a part of, or result from time spent in the Word, fellowship, prayer, worship, or benevolence. Spirituality helps us gain balance, independence from external cases, and a greater appreciation of life. Some may find that their spiritual life is intricately linked to their association with a church, temple, mosque, or synagogue. All traditions speak of the development of certain qualities of mind and heart. Or, even if you are, knowing the practices and concepts of other traditions can help you gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for your own. Every spiritual practice should serve a definite purpose, according to what drives us to spirituality, and the goal we are seeking. They are often accompanied by visualization or repetition of sacred sounds (mantras). The core practices are prayer, chanting, mantras, belief, ritual, and teacher relationship. Do you know of any practice that is not adequately present in this spiritual disciplines list? For example, take the drive of overcoming anxiety. Path of meditation —> you learn how to master the mind, and pacify anxiety through breathing and by choosing where to focus your attention, Path of service —> by dedicating your whole being to a larger cause, the anxiety of living is overcome. It’s the urge to experience ultimate peace or freedom, to find the ultimate reality of who we are, transcend the ego, or “merge with God”. Here your Spiritual Family becomes more active, and those who are seeking to find you, who were sent by your Spiritual Family, will be called to you, for you need them now, and you will rely upon them in the future. Belief. Here we have the asanas of Yoga, Buddhist mudras, and several exercises from the Daoist tradition and Tantric schools. They are deeper than what they appear on the surface, and they exist so that our actions in body, speech and mind support and reflect the truth we are seeking. Chanting is used in some paths as a means of prayer, study, and focusing of the mind in preparation for meditation. Just like meditation is different things for different people, so it is with spirituality. Make the world a better place, one mind at a time. This speaks to our sense of separation and incompleteness. There are many spiritualities, and what is spirituality to you may be different from what it is for me. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. As you’ll see, I keep my cards on the simple side. In a way, all of these paths are capable of addressing each of the core drives for spirituality. Hopefully this post has helped you make some sense of this universe of spirituality. In a way, all these drives have one thing in common: they show we are not satisfied with only the material side of life, and we wish to move beyond this limitation. Or to at least to diminish the suffering that we are experiencing. These are developed through reflection, study, specific meditation and breathing techniques, and mainly by being mindful of them in our moment-after-moment choices (these tools can help!). That’s ok – it’s enough that it is authentic. Somatic Techniques. I hope you take something out of this! Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. 4:4; 2 Tim. A healthy spiritual p ractice may include examples of volunteerism, social contributions, belonging to a group, fellowship, optimism, forgiveness and expressions of compassion. Liberation happens by sublimation and purification of our body, mind, and psyche. Examples of Spiritual Bouquets To give you an idea of different kinds of spiritual bouquets, here are some examples of spiritual bouquets I’ve made (or my son) has made in the past. The three main general types of meditation are: focused attention (concentrating your mind on a single point); open monitoring (being aware of whatever is in your experience in the present moment); pure awareness (resting the attention on consciousness, undistracted and unengaged). It is also advised as a preparation exercise for meditation, which is more subtle and internal. Set spiritual guidelines concerning morality. This doesn’t imply, however, that you reject tradition. I don’t pretend to know all the answers; rather, I’m openly sharing some reflections and insights gained along the way. It’s not about continuing a tradition, or doing something because “we feel we should”, but to actively explore our inner world, driven by a specific question, thirst, or goal. Praise God this site has been beneficial to you. Service. Path of SERVICE. Ethics. HAPPINESS / PEACE / OVERCOME SUFFERING. Following are 10 examples of Spiritual Mind Treatments / Affirmative Prayers developed from The Science of Mind. In Christianity it is called lectio divina; in Raja Yoga they call it swadhyaya. with the non incarnated world. A spiritual bouquet is nothing more than a card with a list of prayers and/or spiritual devotions that were (or will be) offered for a particular person. Acts 2:42-47 where we read of the early church not only engaging in certain practices but being devoted to them. Because it is painful, we seek connection and love – either in a community, or in being one with the universe, or connecting with the Divine (whatever shape this may take). Review your choice from time to time as you mature in the journey. In spiritual healing, we create a medicine story for ourselves that includes both a curing process and a healing destination. Chanting. (a) practices of personal cultivation, sublimation, and exploration. Acts 2:42. ONENESS / LOVE / CONNECTION. The ultimate purpose of rituals is to develop certain feelings or states of mind – and not to put up a show. 1. In simple terms, spirituality is a worldview and a way of life based on the belief that there is more to life than what meets the senses, more to the universe than just purposeless mechanics, more to consciousness than electrical impulses in the brain, and more to our existence than the body and its needs. This post is my effort of putting it all together and presenting an overview of the common goals and practice of different spiritual paths. I call this approach pragmatic spirituality. It develops will power, self-control, and a sense of peace and contentment that depends on nothing else. There is a radical and permanent shift in our perception and experience of the world, and a moving beyond the sense of being an individual, or a person. The core practices are study, contemplation, and meditation. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Preaching has never been and never will be the only element needed for the transformation of Christians into Christ’s image. On the heels of Enron and Sarbanes-Oxley and the subsequent birth of the ethics consulting industry, conversations around the value and place of spirituality in the workplace have been further encouraged by the need for managers and leaders to behave more ethically in the world and to foster ethical decision-making in their workforces. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Liberation happens by active selflessness, the burning away of impurities that happen by the constant service without wanting anything back, not even recognition. It exists to satisfy the deeper human thirst for meaning, peace, mystery, and truth. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. These traditions share many common practices, principles, and goals – and yet there are profound differences in approaches, beliefs, and worldviews. These aspects can be part of leadership, but they are not the essence of spiritual leadership. Common virtues that are valued are: tranquility, equanimity, humility, detachment, loving-kindness, compassion, trust, devotion, discipline, courage, mindfulness, concentration, truthfulness, morality, discernment, and energy. How to Engage in Spiritual Disciplines More Consistently, Bible does not use the term “spiritual disciplines”, that which He says will help us get to know and love Him better, Reward from Engaging in Spiritual Disciplines, Holiday Resources for Making the Most of Opportunities. GROWTH. Yes, we must submit ourselves to the Spirit's leading, but it is the Spirit who produces the fruit of spiritual growth in our lives. The card can be as simple or elaborate as you want it to be. Breath & Energy Work. Path of ENERGY. This is better than following one tradition without knowing much about any other, because you might not be following the one that is most efficacious for you. Path of energy —> you learn how to transform the energy of anxiety by working with it in your body and through your breathing. Since suffering is a mental phenomenon, and spiritual practices are a means to transform one’s mind, it is a wise way of seeking a better life. Feeding the poor, social reform, translation of scriptures, supporting online communities, etc. Many of the behaviors associated with wellness are key components of a healthy spiritual life. These are the main ways for achieving self-transcendence. It’s an exercise of controlling your attention. You then live carefree. If our objective in practicing spiritual disciplines is to foster and deepen our love relationship with the Lord, we must approach it through means He endorses in accordance with His Word. There is some form of existential anxiety. Here is a brief introduction. People may describe a spiritual experience as sacred or transcendent or simply a deep sense of aliveness and interconnectedness. For further reading, I highly recommend Timothy Conway’s excellent 12 Spiritual Temperaments article, and my recommended spiritual books list. There are lots of overlaps, but we can say that Knowledge, Surrender, Meditation, Service and Energy are the core elements of all spiritual practice. If you want some one-on-one support in clarifying your spiritual path, developing yourself spiritually, or overcoming obstacles on the way, consider booking a private coaching session. These are specific ways of breathing and moving our attention through the body. Liberation happens through wisdom and insight, by clearly seeing who we are, and understanding reality as it is. The relationship with the teacher, and spending time in a community of practitioners, is a valuable way to not only learn the tradition, but absorb the gist of it. The practices of developing internal qualities, and ethics, are universal to all paths. A leader might say, “God has given me authority over you; thus, to disobey me is to disobey God.” When I was learning, I would play a game … You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. This can be for the sake of growth, service, transcendence, overcoming suffering, union with a higher principle, internal freedom, happiness, etc. Spiritual Information “”Spiritual Manifestation is the theory that through regular meditation and positive, constructive thought, you can make your dreams and desires become reality. Some of these things may not speak to you at all, while you feel a great attraction for others. And got hundreds of different responses. When our mind depends on external things for happiness, its experience of happiness will be unreliable, impermanent—just like external causes are. Path of knowledge —> removes anxiety by giving you the realization of your true Self (or non-self), which is incapable of anxiety. This is how the different spiritual paths help: The same goes for any other core drive that pushes you to the spiritual life. Here are just a few examples of spiritual goals: Regardless of how the goal is framed, and the philosophy behind it, wisdom traditions ultimately offer us techniques for personal transformation, for moving beyond our personal shell. It can be done for the purpose of healing, energizing, purifying, calming, contemplating, etc. There is spirituality inside religions (Islam, Christianity, Buddhism), and there is also spirituality without religion. The spiritual formation movement has become somewhat controversial in Christian circles. With spirituality, we designate our relationship with the spiritual world, i.e. They are all valid ways, each better suited to different personalities. Since we don’t even find the term “spiritual disciplines” mentioned in the Bible, we must guard against getting dogmatic about what to include. My goal with this post is to present an overview of the spiritual landscape – something you can use to understand and classify the different practices/paths, and find the path most suitable for you. You can – if pressed for time – buy a ready-made card and just list the prayers you will pray (or have prayed). And they need you now, and they will rely upon you in the future. Having a greater clarity on what is the drive behind your search can be helpful when choosing which path or practices to take. Asceticism. By now you probably have a better idea of. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Do you want to help inspire others to explore their spirituality? Required fields are marked *. We find this in basically all traditions. Since the Bible does not use the term “spiritual disciplines” we can’t point to an activity or practice and say “God says this is a spiritual discipline.” Rather, we can only look at that which He says will help us get to know and love Him better, to grow in our relationship with Him. Some examples of religious leaders would be people like the Dalai Lama and Pope Benedict XVI while a list of spiritual leaders would include people like the famous Osho Rajneesh. It involves initiation into the school, undergoing rituals, and achieving moksha liberation by experiencing union of cosmic polarities. Mantras, belief, ritual, and why is it important there are many types! Requests for free material, and not necessarily as precise descriptions of.! Are capable of addressing each of the five main paths is the drive of overcoming anxiety article and. 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spiritual information examples
spiritual information examples 2021