Asogians were paddle-footed, large-eyed sentients indigenous to Brodo Asogi. [12], During the Galactic Civil War between the Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic, a disabled Asogian named Braxas made a career as an infochant on the planet of Solay,[1] in the Dominus sector of the Outer Rim Territories. cameo in the next Star Wars film he made—The Phantom Menace. the Extra-Terrestrial, this lovable alien has made its way into the Star Wars galaxy. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. 21. A gift for Star Wars Expanded Universe and Supernatural Encounters fans on this Christmas Day! It was clearly one of the most influential movie franchises of all time, and it inspired much television and film franchises that followed. For general questions about the ... the fictional Star Wars of E.T. It was represented by Senator Grebleips and two aides in the Galactic Senate. [3] Before the onslaught of the Clone Wars[9] in 22 BBY,[10] Grebleips notably declared his intention to fund an extra-galactic expedition project. This space is used for discussion relating to changes to the article, not for a discussion about the topic in question. references in Star Wars.[13]. 's homeworld, such as Brodo Asogi, all of which translate to "Green Planet. Tarsunt and Asogian stats? [17], E.T. All material related to the Star Wars franchise created by George Lucas.. Braxas then hired Luke Skywalker, a young hero of the Alliance and a skilled pilot, to transport him offworld. Their hands ended in four long fingers. This would mean that E.T. During the last decades of the Galactic Republic, the Asogians were represented in the Galactic Senate by Senator Grebleips and a trio of aides. also made a cameo appearance in "Hate Leads to Lollipops", a light-hearted comic story by David McCaig, where he was seen among the patrons of the Mon Calamari Fish Market. Followers 1. Credit for the basemap goes to rvbomally. first off, they arent ever reffered to as "brodo asogian" that is just the planet the star wars version of the species is from, also due to metafictional problems the star wars and ET universe cannot be the same universe. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Originally created by Steven Spielberg for his 1982 classic E.T. B2-Series Super Battle Droid; Mass Combat Units ... Artiodac Aruzan Askajian Avogwi Balinaka Bardottan Berrite Bitthaevrian Bosph Bovorian Bravaisian Brizzit Brondo Asogian Brubb Buzchub Caridan Clantaaani Columi Conjeni Covallon Coynite Crolute Devlikk Drabatan Drach'Nam Drall Dressellian Echani Elomin … Star Wars: Galactic Folklore and Mythology is a oneshot scenario by Alternate user J-Roge-1 which, as its name implies, explores various imaginary myths, legends and fairy tales from various well-known (and some more obscure) species across the Star Wars universe, borrowing heavily from various real-world mythologies.. Can be read here if you're a member of, or on the … It took a while, and there were always some hints to its origin, but it only became “official” only a few years ago. More than twenty years later, during the Galactic Civil War that pitted the Empire against the Alliance to Restore the Republic, an Asogian infochant named Braxas operated on the Outer Rim planet of Solay. The Asogian is a fictional species of extraterrestrial that originated from the E.T. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Do not spell his name backwards! and Dr. Seuss' Grinch. visits Earth from another galaxy in the film. It was located near the border of the Outer Rim Territories and Wild Space, nearby Kalee and Huk. [8] When the Galactic Empire seized Solay, the Asogian decided to leave the planet. the Extra-Terrestrial, also did the voice for the bounty hunter Boushh in Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. Brodo Asogi, also known as the Green Planet, was a planet that was the homeworld of the Asogian species. Eye color What the made an appearance in Star Wars as an Asogian senator in the Galactic Senate. and I dont have enough brainpower … The Asogians or Children of the Green Planet are a species of puddle-footed sapients indigenous to Brodo Asogi. [1], The titular character of E.T. [11] Like countless other planets, the homeworld of the Asogians fell into the Galactic Empire's hands. Asogian would be much like what the real Star Wars universe is, only without any connections to E.T. Brown[1] Due to the early development of … Sentient[1] cameo in the next Star Wars film he made—The Phantom Menace.[2]. Star Wars Saga Edition Wikia. While this was primarily an easter eg… Hair color Brown,[2] yellow[1] In the Galactic Senate scene there is a short cameo of the Asogian delegation…and ET was an Asogian. The Duros were humanoids with smooth blue-green skin, red eyes, lipless mouths, long thin noseless faces and green blood. the Extra-Terrestrial and Star Wars. Asogians were a fictional alien race from the films E.T. Designation happens to be Force-sensitive and can use TK, telepathy, and something akin to a hibernation trance and plant surge, all powers Jedi have displayed in the EU. Large eyes, extending necks[1] They are one of the many sapient species within their galaxy to refrain from wearing clothing. Male. The Asogian's have two arms, two legs, large eyes, a nose and they have extending necks. Designation can be reinterpreted in light of the E.T. 22. in E.T. ooookaaay . Asogian (possibly) Gender. Some Asogians had brown, completely hairless skin,[2] while others were yellow-skinned with scattered black hair on the head. The Asogian senator was named Grebleips and came from Brodo Asogi (just like E.T.). . Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Have a Merry and safe Christmas and New Year! : The Book of the Green Planet, a sequel novel to the movie, reveals "Children of the Green Planet" to be the translated name of E.T. Share to … In the movie, E.T. "[14] While a species with the same name and appearance is itself part of Star Wars canon, and the homeworld name is given in Cloak of Deception, the species name is not specified. Move: 8/10 Size: 0.8-1.2 meters tall. Those creatures were inserted in the movie to make good on a promise—after Steven Spielberg included a Yoda cameo and Star Wars toys in E.T., George Lucas promised to include an E.T. [7], The Asogians hailed from Brodo Asogi,[3] a planet located in the Perinn sector of the Outer Rim Territories. Large eyes,[3] extending necks[2] A revamp of my old Star Wars project, exploring a variety of myths and legends from various species across the Galaxy. The name of the Senator itself, 'Grebleips', is 'Spielberg' spelled backwards. the Extra-Terrestrial to make good on a promise—after Spielberg included a Yoda cameo and Star Wars toys such as Boba Fett in E.T., George Lucas promised to include an E.T. Did you notice Grebleips is Spielberg (the director of E.T.) By tiboonda, July 9, 2018 in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG. Recently Changed Pages. Red[1] [1], Asogians first appeared in the 1999 film Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, as a homage to the title character of Steven Spielberg's 1982 classic film E.T. Wiki Content. Posted by Fuzzy Skinner at 1:40 PM. This attitude is similar to the Ithorians, but less extreme - an Asogian has no qualms about exploring and studying an environment as long as they feel safe doing so. R2-D2 popped into George Lucas's head as the name for the lovable droid after a member of the crew of American Graffiti (which he was … 's species. The Asogians became part of Star Wars canon as part of George Lucas and Steven Spielberg’s sneaky little homages to the other’s work. Duros females laid eggs as they were descended from ancient reptiles, and like the Neimoidians, they were born in a larval grub stage, but unlike their cousins who left … E.T. Distinctions Sentient[1] Their head, dominated by two large eyes, was perched atop an extensible neck. Asogians first appeared in the 1999 film Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, as a homage to the title character of Steven Spielberg's 1982 classic film E.T. Biological classification the Extra-Terrestrial. Hi everyone! this page needs an overhaul to reflect the dual universal aspect of the species . Content in video is expressed using PG-13 rated movies and Teen + rated comics, TV shows, video games, and books; and is not intended for children. . However I am looking at how to deal with the races on Tatooine so it is possible that the Jawas may be added back in later … The Asogian were a sentient species in the galaxy. Star Wars. [1], Like many other species, including the reptilian Anx of Gravlex Med,[4] and the furry Togorians of Togoria,[5] the Asogians routinely went about their business unclothed. [9] At the end of the war, the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic Palpatine transformed the existing regime into the First Galactic Empire, with himself as Emperor. The Star Wars Expanded Universe Timeline. December 24 at 12:14 PM. The settlements brought in their own cultures and no official government was ever established. . The cute alien E.T. Biology and Appearance Like most of the galaxy's sentient species, Asogians had a torso, two legs, two arms, and one head, which classified them as humanoids. --Nick102 03:50, February 5, 2012 (UTC) Should we … Brodo Asogi was the homeworld of the Whills. This is another reference to E.T., since E.T. It was thought of as a birth-defect in Asogian culture not to be born with the Force. Olfactory organs beneath their eyes were responsible for their sense of smell. HoloNet News Vol. The majority of these races removed appeared in the Star Wars films from and after Rogue One as I have decided to keep this mod in the era up to Episode VI. At least three Asogian's were in the Galactic Senate during Naboo's invasion. They were inserted in the movie in tribute of … Sociocultural characteristics . The Asogians originated inStar Wars: Episode IThe Phantom Menace, the first movie in theprequel trilogyofStar Wars, as a cameo appearance of the famous aliens ofSteven Spielberg's1982filmE.T. The Asogians originated in Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, the first movie in the prequel trilogy of Star Wars, as a cameo appearance of the famous aliens of Steven Spielberg's 1982 film E.T. Star Wars was a science fiction franchise that began with a film that premiered in 1977. 531 50 also mentions that Senator Grebleips of Brodo Asogi funded an expedition to another galaxy. Behind the Scenes. the Extra-Terrestrial. Biology and Appearance Like most of the galaxy's sentient species, Asogians had a torso, two legs, two arms, and one head, which classified them as humanoids. goes trick-or-treating with the children, he spots a child in a Yoda mask and begins to follow that child saying "Home… home…" (Composer John Williams included a snippet of his "Yoda Theme" from The Empire Strikes Back to accompany this scene.) Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG ; Tarsunt and Asogian stats? Skin color Skin color He belongs to a species that resembles a cross between E.T. I'm new to the game and to GMing in general, but I have players … Maybe they funded that Brodi Asogian senator’s expedition. Homeworld Both females and males were bald, though both genders were easily distinguished. Their large red goggle-like eyes also had slit pupils. [8] At some point, they joined the Galactic Republic, the democratic union that governed most of the galaxy. Star Wars, … This enabled many of them to joinn Force-based organizations, such as the Jedi or the Sith orders. Braxas is an alien informant from the planet Solay in the Star Wars galaxy. Even before TPM showed three members of the Asogian race in the Senate, EU authors recognized what that scene meant, and as far back as 1984, featured another member of the race in … The other 2 are friends of my family. cameo in the next Star Wars film he made—The Phantom Menace. [3], Grebleips and the Brodo Asogi delegation in the Galactic Senate, By 33 BBY, the Asogians were represented in the Galactic Senate of the Republic by Senator Grebleips and three aides. . The Asogian Grebleips and sixty-two other delegates were charged with conspiracy and treason for helping plot the so-called revolt of the Jedi Order against Palpatine. One of the main characters in the film was named Darth Vader, who at different points in the franchise served as both protagonist and antagonist, depending on the film. Asogian is the name given to the indiginous people of Brodo Asogi. Enjoy!) For help fixing the article, feel free to visit the Writing Center. Add new page. recognizing a familiar species from his home galaxy.[15]. The story of Star … Pat Welsh, the woman who did the voice for E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. Star Wars 89 is the eighty-ninth issue of the Legends comic book series Star Wars. [1] Possible eye colors included blue[2] and red. Brodo Asogi[3] Universe. cameo in the next Star Wars film he made—The Phantom Menace. Asogian This is the talk page for the article "Asogian/Legends." Physical characteristics Then you saw ET’s people. Biological classification Black[1] Asogianswere paddle-footed, large-eyedsentients. Their heads had two large, blue eyes, one nose for breathing and smelling, and a lipless mouth for eating, breathing and communicating. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Star Wars 89: I'll See You in the Throne Room, Republic HoloNet News Special Inaugural Edition 16:5:241, The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Anx, Abel G. Peña's "Skyewalkers" and "Lone Wolf", 1 History 1.1 Earth-One 2 Appearance 3 References 4 External Link In 1984, a toy of an Asogian could be seen in Big Shott's Toy World, which was the Dollmaker's secret hideout.2 Super Friends (TV Series) Season 8: The Case of the Dreadful Dolls (1984) -- (Toy only) Asogian at Wookiepedia Asogian at Wikipedia Physical characteristics It was written by Ann Nocenti, illustrated by Bret Blevins, and first published on August 14, 1984 by Marvel Comics. External links [edit | edit source]. At least three Asogians were affiliated with the Galactic Senate of the Republic at the time of Naboo's invasion. [Source], Asogians were a sentient species in the galaxy. (The following is a homebrew species write-up for Asogians in the D6 version of Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. shows that he has telekinetic and telepathic powers. As foreseen in the prophecy of a holy man, the Order of the Jedi Bendu located the Whills on Brodo Asogi in 99,945 BBY. Hope you enjoy!-----1: On the jungle planet of Kashyyyk, there have long been whispers of a short, hairless creature said to stalk the fertile plains beyond the edge of the furthest trees, a being known to the Wookiee tribal elders as … Those creatures were inserted in the movie to make good on a promise—after Steven Spielberg included a Yoda cameo and Star Wars toys in E.T., George Lucas promised to include an E.T. You will note that the Jawas have also been removed as it did not seem realistic to have Jawas as a separate race. The Asogians were one of the many species in the galaxy that had a high number of Force-sensitives. When the Republic became the Galactic Empire at the conclusion of the Clone Wars, Grebleips was charged with treason, and the Asogians' home planet became a part of the autocratic new government. Asogians were paddle-footed sentients,[3] small-sized and squat, with long arms that could touch the ground as they walked. It also mentions several names which other alien species have given E.T. 5,840 Pages. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Even E.T. Their heads had two large, blue eyes, one nose for breathing and smelling, and a lipless mouth for eating, breathing and communicating. In doing this, Peña simultaneously named the species and confirmed Braxas as one of them. spelled backwards? This could be interpreted as E.T. tiboonda 0 tiboonda 0 Member; Members; 0 1 post; Posted July 9, 2018. The cameo was the result of a promise made to Steven Spielberg. Reply to this topic; Start new topic; Recommended Posts. It was rumored that an Asogian fugitive may have also made his way inside. Did you also see Star Wars: Episode 1 The Phantom Menace? [16], In his novella SkyeWalkers: A Clone Wars Story, author Abel G. Peña mentioned "a pair of Asogian grub-sticks," which was specifically meant to refer to the chopsticks used by Braxas in Star Wars 89: I'll See You in the Throne Room. To another galaxy. [ 15 ] alien race from the E.T. ) fugitive may have also removed! Galaxy. [ 15 ] Wars project, exploring a variety of myths and,! Universe is, only without any connections to E.T. ) were yellow-skinned with black. Itself, 'Grebleips ', is 'Spielberg ' spelled backwards long arms that could the. Brown, completely hairless skin, [ 6 ] and at least three Asogians were affiliated with Galactic! Beneath their eyes were responsible for their sense of smell July 9, 2018 fandoms with you and miss. Steven Spielberg for his 1982 classic E.T. ) consumed meat safe Christmas and new Year sentient. 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