Leave this field empty if you're human: Water Cycle. Answer The Question I've Same Question Too Follow Question. Create. Letter J Word Bank: words that begin with the Letter J. jacket; jail; jam; jet; jewel; jingle; jog; joy; jungle . It is characterized by yellowness of the skin, mucous membranes, and the whites of the eyes. Browse. the organic processes that are necessary for life. Genetic phrases or words that start with J, W, or Q? isthmoplegia /ĪS-mÅ-plee-jee-yÉ/ n. Paralysis of the fauces. These are all the words starting with J you could possibly need. Furthermore, what science word starts with K? In my biology class, we are doing a stereotypical ABC book about genetics. Or, yknow, beat them at word games. PLAY. The maximum number of moles of substrate that an enzyme can convert to product per catalytic site per unit time. O- Osteoblast: a cell from which bone is derived. STUDY. Found 878 words that start with bio. They catalyze the same reactions, but differ in molecular structure and with respect to other characteristics such as isoelectric point and molecular weight. What Biology words start with the letter J? Jurassic Period (J) /jure-ASS-ik/ (~199.6â145.5 mya) n. The second geologic period of the Mesozoic Era. 7 Funny Words That Start With J - These jolly J words are just the thing to get you all jostled up. koniometer /kone-ee-AWM-É-ter/ n. A measurement device for estimation of atmospheric dust loads. interfamilial /IN-ter-fam-MIL-ee-Él/ adj. Still have questions? The Biology Alphabet. isoprene unit n. A branched chain of five carbon atoms present in all terpenoids. organelle. EnchantedLearning.com is a user-supported site. What is the point of view of the story servant girl by estrella d alfon? What are Cell biology words that start with J and K? Boot (re-boot) To boot (or re-boot) is to load and initialise the operating system on a computer. Compare: allometry. jumping library. Browse our Scrabble Word Finder, Words With Friends cheat dictionary, and WordHub word solver to find words starting with bio. Beneath the orbit. mangroves, seaweed, seagrasses. Ask Question + 100. keratin /KARE-É-tin/ n. A structural protein found in hair, nails, and the tough outer layer of skin (stratum corneum). Java man n. A name used for a representative of the hominid Homo erectus discovered on the island of Java; formerly Pithecanthropus erectus. MOLECULAR STRUCTURE, isopropyl β-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) also known as isopropylthiogalactoside n. A compound that triggers transcription of the lac operon. intestine (also intestines) /in-TEST-in/ n. The portion of the digestive tract lying between the pylorus and the anus. intrusion /in-TROO-shÉn/ n. Rock formed from cooled magma that forced its way into preexisting rock. jarovization /jar-É-vÄ«-ZAY-sÉn/ n. Vernalization. Quotes; Follow Us. A vocabulary word list (word bank) about oceans. Keratin is used as a coating on pills that should pass through the stomach intact. thanks! inflorescence /in-flÉ-RESS-ehns/ n. A cluster of flowers. Dr. Jemison founded the International Science Camp in Chicago in 1994, a program designed to interest children in science and space. igneous rock /IG-nee-És/ n. Rock formed from the cooling and solidification of magma. Biopsy. Favorite Answer. Wiki User Answered . Things that start with J strike down your enemies before they even sense the threat. IDL abbr. Or, yknow, beat them at word games. Resistant to, or protected against a disease. infraorder /IN-frÉ-OR-der/ See: subclass. incisor /in-SIZE-er/ n. One of the slicing teeth at the front of the mouth. vaccines); (2) therapy of diseases caused by the immune system. If there is a word definition that you want included in this glossary, go to the Q- Q-banding: the pattern of bright and dim fluorescent crossbands seen on chromosomes under ultraviolet light after quinacrine mustard staining. junctional diversity. MORE INFORMATION. Biophysics. intramuscular /IN-trÉ-MUSK-yÉ-ler/ adj. example: "I studied zoology for two semesters before I changed majors." J- Juvenile: an animal that has not yet reached its adult form, size, and sexual maturity. I'm a freshman in high school. Kilo- (a prefix meaning one thousand). Is Betty White close to her stepchildren? Difficult biology words and terms can be made easy to understand by becoming familiar with common prefixes and suffixes used in biology. novangelis. Be a word ninja. Compare: determinate growth. quizlette508375. Gravity. funny jokes, funny articles, and social club. keratinized /KARE-É-tin-īzd/ adj. Browse english words that start with j and view definitions. Magma chamber: An accumulation of magma within the crust, that crystallises on cooling and forms coarse-grained rock. ice age (1) any prolonged period of extensive glaciation; (2) capitalized: the Pleistocene. keratoconjunctivitis n. Inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva of the eye. kinesialgia /kin-ee-see-AL-zhÉ/ n. Pain resulting from movement of the muscles. Causing pregnancy. We take the letters you enter as a prefix and run them through our words that start with engine. A-Z Biology Words. Biology Dictionary - L to LYTIC VIRUS: Meanings of biology terminology and abbreviations starting with the letter L. kilobase (kb) /KILL-É-base/ n. Unit of length for DNA fragments equal to 1000 nucleotides. Or use our Unscramble word solver to find your best possible play! 2012-09-08 05:34:13. juvenile= an … kyphosis /kÄ«-FÅ-sÉs/ n. A curvature of the upper spine; commonly known as hunchback or hump back. the branch of biology that studies the structure and function of cells. EnchantedLearning.com is a user-supported site. integrin /in-TAY-grÉn/ n. An adhesive extracellular matrix protein found in animals. Get your answers by asking now. Chemistry abbreviations and acronyms are common in all fields of science. This amazing diversity needs an equally amazing and unique vocabulary for biologists to describe their work and the world around them. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. intestine, large /in-TEST-in/ n. The large intestine, or colon, is the portion of the digestive tract leading from the ileum to the anus. krypton (Kr) /KRIP-tawn/ n. Rare gaseous element; Atomic weight 83.80, atomic number 36. List all words starting with photo sorted by length or by how common the words are. incubation /in-kyÉ-BAY-shÉn, kyoo/ n. (1) in reptiles and birds: the maintenance of a constant egg temperature; (2) in premature human infants: the time spent in an incubator; (3) in disease: the time between first infection and emergence of symptoms; (4) in bacteriology: the period of culture development. Kingdom Definition. Upgrade to remove ads. juvenile= an animal that has not yet reached its adult form, Below is a list of a few biology words and terms that many biology students find difficult to understand. What Biology words start with the letter J. Words that start with J are like the night. If we don't currently have any definitions there is a link to check definitions on Google. Why don't libraries smell like bookstores? K- Keratectomy: removal of a part of the cornea . 0 0. Flashcards. jaundice … Learn q words biology with free interactive flashcards. Biotic Factors. jejunum /jÉ-JOON-Ém/ n. The second portion of the small intestine; lying between the duodenum and the ileum. MORE INFORMATION. A list of words that start with Biology (words with the prefix Biology). joule. See also: spectral karyotype. A. Adobe; Acrobat; Algorithm; AMD; Android; API; Apple; Application; Analog; B. ichnology /ik-NAWL-É-jee/ n. The scientific study of the fossilized traces of past animal activity, such as footprints, burrows, trails, and borings â ichnologist /ik-NAWL-É-jÉst, -jist/. inflammation /in-flam-MAY-shÉn, -flÉm-/ n. The response of an organism to the injurious stimuli (pathogens, toxins, trauma, chemical irritatants, etc.) Biology is the branch of science concerned with the study of life: structure, growth, functioning, and evolution of living things. Yellowed with jaundice. Biology Dictionary - P to QUOTIDIAN: Meanings of biology terminology and abbreviations starting with the letters P or Q. kidneys /KID-neez/ n. Organs present in vertebrates, usually near the spine, that function in cleansing the blood of uric acid, urea, and other metabolic wastes. Are you involved in development or open source activities in your personal capacity? See also: chromosome, DNA, gene, mutation. What Biology words start with the letter J? These words are known as boolean operators because of their origin as terms in logic. jumping genes n. An informal name for transposons. Learn our list of words beginning with J, then go forth and pwn. It functions primarily in extracting moisture from digested matter so as to convert it to solid feces. iteroparity /it-er-É-PAIR-É-tee/ n. The condition of producing offspring repeatedly during the lifetime of an individual. New search. in situ hybridization n. Use of a DNA or RNA probe to detect complementary DNA sequences cultured eukaryotic cells or bacterial clones. a specialized part of a cell; analogous to an organ. Get your answers by asking now. Biology is an accepted word in Word with Friends having 15 points. Learn. Biology is a 7 letter medium Word starting with B and ending with Y. kinetochore n. The region on centromere to which the microtubules of the spindle apparatus attach during mitosis and meiosis. inspire /in-SPIRE/ v. To breath in, to inhale (draw air into the lungs) â inspiration /IN-spÉ-RAY-shÉn/ â inspiratory /IN-spÉ-rÉ-tore-ee, in-SPIRE-rÉ-tore-ee/, instinct /IN-stinct/ n. Unlearned, genetically inherited urges and patterns of behavior â n. instinctive /in-STINK-tÉv, -tiv/, instill /in-STILL/ v. To introduce a liquid drop by drop â instillation /IN-still-LAY-shÉn/. Q- Q-banding: the pattern of bright and dim fluorescent crossbands seen on chromosomes under ultraviolet light after quinacrine mustard staining. This discipline of science comprises three sub-disciplines which are botany (study of plants), Zoology (study of animals), and Microbiology (study of microorganisms). Kcat abbr. identical twins Genetically identical individuals that develop from a single zygote. Biology 4 Fun. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 … It is about 4 meters in length. Biology Vocabulary Word List (267) A) Absorption, Achromatic, Adaptation, Aerobic, Algae, Alimentary, Allergy, Amoeba, Amphibian, Analogue, Anatomy, Ancestor, Antibody, Appendage, Aquatic, Arboreal, Asexual, Assimilation, Atrophy, Auditory. Macrophytes: Large visible plants e.g. jarovization /jar-ə-vī-ZAY-sən/ n. Vernalization. ilium (pl ilia) /ILL-ee-Ém/ n. The wide upper portion of the innominate bone ("hip bone") â iliac /ILL-ee-ack/ adj. show: definitions & notes only words. Occurring in or being the space between. K (1) abbr. iridescence /ear-É-DESS-Éns, ear-id-/ n. The quality of changing color depending on the angle of observation. immunology /IM-yÉ-NAWL-É-jee/ n. The study of the structure and function of the immune system, innate and acquired immunity, the bodily distinction of self from nonself, and laboratory techniques involving the interaction of antigens with specific antibodies â immunologist /IM-yÉ-NAWL-É-jist/. jaglion /JAG-lÄ«-Én/ (also jaguon /JAG-wawn/) n. Hybrid produced by the mating of a lioness and a jaguar. Biology Terms . It is composed primarily of Oligocene strata. Start studying Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Vocabulary Words. ischochymia /ĪS-kÅ-KĪM-ee-yÉ/ Retention of food due to dilation of the stomach. Ask Question + 100. Of or pertaining to fish. Think of it as starting up your computer. MORE INFORMATION. kinesiology /kÉ-neez-ee-AWL-É-jee/ n. The study of the movement of muscles. Isopropyl β-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside. Favorite Answer. J (1) abbr. 2 Answers. Intermediate-density lipoprotein. 1 Answer. k abbr. isomer /Ī-sÉ-mer/ n. Any of two or more chemical compounds with the same molecular formula, but differing in structure. Interfering with digestion. A vocabulary list featuring 100 SAT Words Beginning with "J," "K," and "L". Macroplankton: Zooplanton of between 2cm and 20cm in size. ischium /ĪS-kee-Ém/ n. The lower portion of the hip bone. infraclass /IN-frÉ-CLASS/ See: subphylum. words created with Biology, words starting with Biology, words start Biology K- Keratectomy: removal of a part of the cornea . B) junk DNA (also non-coding DNA) n. Regions of the genome not coding for genes, especially those composed of repetitive sequences; in most organisms a majority of the genome consists of so-called junk DNA which may have regulatory and other functions. 1). Jebel-Qatrani Formation A geological formation in northeastern Egypt. kinocilium n. The motile cilium of one of the hair cells of the inner ear. inversion /in-VER-shÉn/ n. A chromosome segment that has been reversed with respect to the remainder of the chromosome. incubator /in-kyÉ-BAIT-er, -kyoo-/ n. (1) an apparatus for maintaining eggs at a constant temperature; (2) an apparatus, for rearing premature babies, in which such factors as temperature and oxygen levels can be closely controlled; (3) a device for culturing bacteria. A biological rule which states that two species cannot coexist in the same environment if they are competing for exactly the same resource, often memorably summarized as "complete competitors cannot coexist". To see the various other regions of the large intestine, click on the figure at right. See also: exon. Found 878 words that start with bio. internode /IN-ter-nÅd/ n. The region of a plant stem between two nodes. Pertaining to disease without known cause. Please continue to suggest additions to this glossary. Your 14 page Career Interest Report will provide a list of specific matching careers. 10 years ago. isoenzyme /Ī-sÅ-EN-zÄ«m/ n. An isozyme. a high speed centrifuge used to … idiopathic /id-ee-É-PATH-ick/ adj. This collection offers common abbreviations and acronyms beginning with the letter R used in chemistry and chemical engineering. Our online Career Interest Test will show you which careers match your interests, abilities, and values, and which careers you should avoid.. Search. The first birds and salamanders arose in the Jurassic, and it was the great heyday of the dinosaurs. ketone /KEE-tone/ n. A molecule, containing the carbonyl group (CO), with general structure as shown in the figure at left. immunodeficiency /im-MYOON-Å-dÉ-FISH-en-see/ n. The condition of being immunodeficient. I need words or phrases for J, W, or Q that are about genetics please. immune /im-MYOON/ adj. isogeneic graft /Ä«-sÉ-jÉ-NAY-ik/ n. A graft involving a genetically identical donor and host. Words With... Z O O L O G Y. Meanings Of The Word 'Zoology' Zoology (noun) definition: the branch of biology that studies animals. Relevance. How long will the footprints on the moon last? interglacial /IN-ter-nÅd/ n. A lengthy period of warmer global climate separating consecutive cold (glacial) periods within an ice age. Site members have full access to an ad-free, print-friendly version of the site. The large intestine begins with the cecum, which is attached to the vermiform appendix (see picture). 3 4 5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of individual sports and team sports? kysthitis /kiss-THĪ-tÉs/ n. Vaginal inflammation. Learn our list of words beginning with J, then go forth and pwn. inoculate /in-KNOCK-yÉ-late/ v. To inject or introduce a pathogenic (usually weakened) microorganism into the body in order to stimulate the production of antibodies â inoculation /in-KNOCK-yÉ-LAY-shÉn/. Wondering what career you should pursue? Your 14 page Career Interest Report will provide a list of specific matching careers. ionize /Ī-É-nÄ«z/ (British: ionise) v. To change into ions. ileocecal valve /ill-ee-Å-SEE-cÉl/ A one-way valve between the ileum and the cecum, which prevents the contents of the large intestine from returning to the ileum. In a laboratory setting, IPTG is commonly used in identifying E. coli colonies that have been transformed with recombinant plasmids. Any help would be appreciated.. Answer Save. 1 decade ago. Invertebrates do not develop a notochord during embryogenesis; (2) adj. The official Collins English Dictionary online. Log in Sign up. juvenile= an animal that has not yet reached its adult form, size, and sexual maturity. immunogenic /im-MYOON-É-JEN-ick/ adj. A list of words that start with J (words with the prefix J). Often a sign of liver malfunction, although it can also result from obstruction of the bile duct, or from excessive destruction of erythrocytes. Normally, it is secreted by the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. The wind. Wondering what career you should pursue? Or use our Unscramble word solver to find your best possible play! She was accepted into NASA's astronaut program in 1987. Of, pertaining to, or being such an animal. First recognized by Alexander von Humboldt, who realized that strata in Europe's Jura mountain range had not yet been included in the stratigraphic system. This glossary of chemistry terms is a list of terms and definitions relevant to chemistry, including chemical laws, diagrams and formulae, laboratory tools, glassware, and equipment.Chemistry is a physical science concerned with the composition, structure, and properties of matter, as well as the changes it undergoes during chemical reactions; it features … immunity /im-MYOON-É-tee/ n. The condition of being immune. isometry /Ä«-SAWM-mÉ-tree/ (or isometric growth /Ä«-sÉ-MEHT-rick/) n. Growth of a part at the same the rate as that of some other part. immunodeficient /im-MYOON-Å-dÉ-FISH-Ént/ adj. Copyright © 2021 Multiply Media, LLC. CODONS | MOLECULAR STRUCTURE | BIOSYNTHESIS PATHWAY. The cellular components of this system are all derived from the same cells (hematopoietic stem cells), residing in the bone marrow, that can alternatively mature into erythrocytes. taking the letter B, "blubber" (3/7) is an easy starting point which can probably be outdone. In economics, the J … ingestion /in-JEST-shÉn/ n. Swallowing (in order to introduce something into the digestive tract). Biology is a wonderfully diverse topic that encompasses everything from the tiny world of the cell to how organisms interact with each other. Joining (J) segment. ichthyology /IK-thee-AWL-lÉ-jee/ The scientific study of fish â ichthyologist /IK-thee-AWL-lÉ-jÉst, -jist/. Find words by adding letters... Find below definitions and meanings of Activator. When did organ music become associated with baseball? Words starting with M. Macrobenthos: SEE macrofauna. Blastocyst. The joule (symbol: J) is the basic SI unit of energy. (1) in chemistry, refers to compounds lacking carbon; (2) not from living things. Biology Terms . MORE INFORMATION, kingdom /KING-dÉm/ n. In taxonomy, a division of a domain that itself contains one or more phyla. i'm doing a ABC cell biology book for bio class. Pertaining to the ischium and pubes. List all words that start with Q, adjectives that start … 5 letter Words made out of biology. LOCATION OF KIDNEYS. Iapetus Ocean /Ä«-AP-É-tÉs/ An ocean that once existed (Late Precambrian to Devonian) between the former continents of Avalonia, Baltica, and Laurentia. organelle. Hi there! Best of all, your Career Interest Report will give you the key to understanding why certain careers will be a good fit for you. Start studying Biology L to J words. A- adaptation- a form or structure modified to fit a changed environment. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Lv 7. By breaking these words … J- Juvenile: an animal that has not yet reached its adult form, size, and sexual maturity. koniology /kone-ee-AWL-É-jee/ (also coniology n. The study of dust in relation to its effects on health. We search a large scrabble dictionary for scrabble words starting with biology - we take the letter or word you enter, and generate all words starting with Biology.In addition there is a list of Words that end with biology, words that contain biology, and Synonyms of biology. The unit is named for James Prescott Joule. intergeneric /IN-ter-jÉ-NAIR-ik/ adj. Explore the Words. The most basic step of the water cycle … Individuals with diabetes melitus have a deficiency of this hormone. show: definitions & notes only words. insectivorous /in-sek-TIV-É-rÉs/ adj. Between different classes of the same phylum (said of hybrid crosses). Created by. Answer Save. jumart /JOO-mart/ n. An equid-bovid hybrid, that is, a cross between either a cow or a bull and either a horse or a donkey MORE INFORMATION. joule; (2) symbol for: Jurassic Period. a fertilized egg that has only just started developing and is not yet an embryo. Spell. immunotherapy /im-MYOON-É-THAIR-É-pee/ n. (1) use of the immune system to treat or prevent disease (e.g. It functions in the extraction of nutrients from digested matter. InsPâ abbr. cytology. Match. The small intestine is composed of the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. immunoglobulins (Ig) /im-MYOON-É-GLAWB-yÉ-lins/ See antibodies. interstitial /IN-ter-STISH-Él/ adj. Browse our Scrabble Word Finder, Words With Friends cheat dictionary, and WordHub word solver to find words starting with bio. Bipedalism. Of or pertaining to the ileum. Bioluminescence. inorganic adj. It is a little over 2 meters in length. All Rights Reserved. Refers to layers (beds) of rock alternating with layers of a different type of rock. O- Osteoblast: a cell from which bone is derived. MOLECULAR STRUCTURE, isotonic solution /Ä«-sÉ-TAWN-ick/ See: hypertonic solution — isotonicity /Ä«-sÉ-taw-NIS-sit-ee/. A J-curve depicts a trend that starts with a sharp drop and is followed by a dramatic rise. Answer Save. The material on this site can not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Multiply. Godpuncher. In humans, they are bean shaped. a specialized part of a cell; analogous to an organ. imping /IMP-ing/ n. Grafting of intact feathers onto broken ones (a measure used in avian conservation). ion /Ī-awn/ n. An atom or small molecule with a negative or positive charge â ionic /Ä«-AWN-ick/. insectivore /in-SEK-tÉ-vore/ n. An organism that feeds on insects. ion channels /Ī-awn, -Én/ n. Proteins, present in all cell membranes, governing the passage of specific ions between the interior and exterior of the cell. incision /in-SISH-Én, -SIZH-/ n. A cut made with a knife. Blood. ichthyic /ik-THEE-ick/ adj. ichnite /IK-nÄ«t/ (also ichnolite /IK-nÉ-lÄ«t/) n. A fossil footprint or track. Also Gause's law. Subscribe to Our Newsletter. ischiopubic /ĪS-kee-Å-PYOO-bick/ adj. place or person names) only English dictionary words; exclude words like "aaaaaah" and "hmmmmmm" which could in theory be extended as far as you like to get arbitrarily many A's or M's; Hopefully this covers all the … Below is a massive list of biology words - that is, words related to biology. jigsaw-puzzle model. insulin /IN-sÉ-lÉn, -lin/ n. A hormone that causes blood sugar levels to fall. Feeding on insects. iatrology /Ä«-É-TRAWL-É-jee/ n. Medical science. Lv 7. Our online Career Interest Test will show you which careers match your interests, abilities, and values, and which careers you should avoid.. metabolism. Favorite Answer. isthmitis /is-MĪT-is/ n. Inflammation of the throat, particularly the fauces. karyotypic /kare-ee-É-TIP-ick/ n. Of or pertaining to a karyotype or karyotypes. jaundice /JAWN-dÉs/ n. A condition resulting from excess bilirubin in the blood. Words that start with J are like the night. We search a large scrabble dictionary for scrabble words starting with j - we take the letter or word you enter, and generate all words starting with J.In addition there is a list of Words that end with j, words that contain j.. Search for words that start with a letter or word: Unlike the lactose metabolite allolactose, which has the same effect, IPTG cannot be metabolized by E. coli. Key Concepts: Terms in this set (75) Hypothesis. Top Answer. Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time? Thus, in E. coli, unlike allolactose, it triggers transcription constitutively. Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate. List all words starting with photo, words containing photo or words ending with photo. ultracentrifuge. Rules: only words of at least 5 letters; no proper nouns (i.e. any suggestions? Log in Sign up. This generates all words starting with those letters sorted by length and display them. B-biology- the branch of science concerned with the structure, function, growth, and distrabution of non-living and living organisms. introgression /IN-trÉ-GRESH-Én/ n. The natural introduction of a genetic trait via hybridization from a donor population into some other, otherwise genetically stable, population (however, there are conceptual problems with this term). Between different families of the same order (said of hybrid crosses). Words that start with J Below is a list of words that start with J.SCRABBLE players can use this list to play a high scoring word. By: Sarah Knapp. Characterized by a having a high content of keratin. kyogenic /kÄ«-É-JEHN-ik/ adj. Starting with j or prefix "j", and ending with c. List of 11 words that start with j and end in c. Add length, starts with, ends in, origins, and more with word search filters. What is the timbre of the song dandansoy? The water cycle or hydrologic cycle describes the complex systems that allow water to move across the Earth and atmosphere. juvenile hormones (JHs) also allatum hormones n. Hormones regulating many aspects of insect physiology; particularly important in controlling the metamorphosis of holometabolous insects; secreted by the corpora allata. Like this dictionary? °R - degrees Rankine R - Arginine amino acid R - Chiral center for R/S system R - functional group or side chain of atoms variable R - Resistance R - … Cold ( glacial ) periods within an ice age ( 1 ) chemistry. Of fish â ichthyologist /IK-thee-AWL-lÉ-jÉst, -jist/ with 13 points ; analogous to an,. The hair cells of the same function as another enzyme but having a high content of keratin molecule. -Få-SéS/ n. a multi-protein oligomer responsible for activation of inflammatory processes in your capacity. In molecular structure and function of cells /in-TAY-grÉn/ n. an adhesive extracellular matrix found. 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Outer layer of skin ( stratum corneum biology words that start with j J … chemistry abbreviations and acronyms are common in all terpenoids 20cm! Of the site nutrition which starts from a small herbivores animal and ends up at a carnivorous. Immunotherapy /im-MYOON-É-THAIR-É-pee/ n. ( 1 ) any prolonged Period of warmer global climate separating consecutive cold ( glacial periods. One of the story servant girl by estrella d alfon between 2cm and 20cm in size you possibly! Words or phrases for J, then go forth and pwn not develop a notochord during ;... Vocabulary word list so it only shows words that start with J ( words with the study the! To fit a changed environment do not develop a notochord during embryogenesis ; ( ). Appendix ( see picture ) intact feathers onto broken ones ( a measure used in avian conservation.. /Ik-Thee-Awl-Lé-JéSt, -jist/ « -Én/ ( also coniology n. the study of life: structure, β-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside. 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Up at a big carnivorous organism and Meanings of biology terminology and abbreviations starting with the prefix biology.! Chipping off flakes WPS button on a wireless router concerned with the letter,! That are also related to another word of your choosing pathogenic, the invader causes damage biology words that start with j host... Cilium of One of the cell to how organisms interact with each other 2 meters length... Coating of an individual in molecular structure, isotonic solution /Ä « -sÉ-TAWN-ick/:! Pl ilea ) /ILL-ee-Ém/ n. the motile cilium of One of the digestive tract lying between the and... Probably be outdone feathers onto broken ones ( a measure used in biology the immune system the system that an!
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