illuminate - to fill with light; lumen - unit measuring light. submarine - an underwater boat; submerge - to put underwater; substandard - inferior to accepted standards. As regards its nature, it is the judicial act of God, by which he pardons all the sins of those who believe in Christ, and accounts, accepts, and … 1898, Winston Churchill, chapter 2, in The Celebrity: Sunning himself on the board steps, I saw for the first time Mr. Farquhar Fenelon Cooke. I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit together at the table of brotherhood. determine - to find something out at the end of an investigation; terminate - to end; exterminate - to destroy or get rid of completely. diabetes - disease characterized by excessive thirst and discharge of urine; diagnosis - understanding a condition by going through a detailed review of symptoms; dialog - conversation between two people. ; postpone - to put off doing something. xylocarp; xyloid- resembling wood; xylophone-an organ percussion stop of similar tone quality. contortion - a twisted shape or position; distort - to alter the shape or condition of; retort - reply in a manner that is supposed to change the effect of something previously said. technology - the practical application of knowledge; technocracy - rule of technology; technologically - characterized by technology. unabridged - not shortened; unfair - opposite of fair; unfriendly - lacking friendliness. announce - to declare in public; denounce - to proclaim harsh criticism; enunciate - to speak or declare something clearly. nephritis - inflammation of the kidneys; nephrotomy - surgical incision of a kidney; nephron - a single, excretory unit in the kidney. carnivorous - meat-eating; voracious - desiring or eating food in great quantities; devour - to eat quickly. hemicycle - a semicircular structure; hemisphere - one half of the earth; hemistich - half a line of poetry. quarter - one fourth; quart - a fourth of a gallon; quartet - a musical composition or group involving 4 voices or instruments. bibliotheca-  a list or catalog of books; theme- a proposition for discussion or argument; thesis- a dissertation embodying results of original research and especially substantiating a specific view. sum - the combined total of everything; summation - the total, highest amount; summit the highest point or top. deposit - to place or drop something; expose to place out into the open for all to see; position - the place where someone is. maternal - relating to motherhood; maternity - the state of being a mother; matriarch - a woman head of a household. reside- be stationed; sediment- the matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid; session- an actual or constructive sitting of a body. extraterrestrial - existing outside the earth; terrain - ground or land; territory - an area of land. contradict - to express the opposite of; prediction - a statement foretelling the future; dictate - to speak out loud for another person to write down. omnipotent - with all the power; omniscient - knowing all things; omnivorous eating all foods. dyspepsia - abnormal digestion; dystopia - an imaginary place of total misery; dyslexia - impairment of the ability to handle words. contemporary- existing at the same time; temporal - relating to time; temporary - lasting for a limited time. opponent - a person who places him/herself against an action, idea, etc. circumspect - cautious, looking all around; retrospective - a looking back at past things; spectator - a person who sees an event. Pan-American, pan-African, panacea, pandemonium (place of all the demons), paradox, paraprofessional, paramedic, paraphrase, parachute, paternity, patriarch, patriot, patron, patronize, pathos, sympathy, antipathy, apathy, telepathy, pedal, impede, pedestrian, centipede, tripod, podiatry, antipode, podium, compel, dispel, expel, repel, propel, pulse, impulse, pulsate, compulsory, expulsion, repulsive, pendant, pendulum, suspend, appendage, pensive, append, persecute, permit, perspire, perforate, persuade, periscope, perimeter, perigee, periodontal, blaspheme, cipher, phenomenon, philosopher, philosopher, philanthropy, philharmonic, bibliophile, phobia, claustrophobia, acrophobia, aquaphobia, ergophobia, homophobia, telephone, phonics, phonograph, phonetic, homophone, microphone, symphony, euphonious, photograph, photoelectric, photogenic, photosynthesis, photon, metropolis, police, politics, Indianapolis, megalopolis, acropolis, polytheist, polygon, polygamy, polymorphous, postpone, component, opponent, proponent, expose, impose, deposit, posture, position, expound, impound, porter, portable, transport, report, export, import, support, transportation, apprehend, comprehend, comprehensive, prehensile, primacy, prima donna, primitive, primary, primal, primeval, prince, principal, prototype, protocol, protagonist, protozoan, Proterozoic, protoindustrial, psyche, psychiatry, psychology, psychosis, punctual, punctuation, puncture, acupuncture, punctuation, quintet, quintuplets, pentagon, pentane, pentameter, regiment, regular, rectify, correct, direct, rectangle, retrorocket, retrospect, retrogression, retroactive, deride, ridicule, ridiculous, derision, risible, rupture, interrupt, abrupt, disrupt, ruptible, sacred, sacrosanct, sanction, consecrate, desecrate, sanctify, sanctuary, sanction, sanctimonious, sacrosanct, science, conscious, omniscient, cognocienti, telescope, microscope, kaleidoscope, periscope, stethoscope, scribe, scribble, inscribe, describe, subscribe, prescribe, manuscript, intersect, transect, dissect, secant, section, sediment, session, obsession, possess, preside, president, reside, subside, semifinal, semiconscious, semiannual, semimonthly, semicircle, senior, senator, senile, senescence, evanescent, sentiment, consent, resent, dissent, sentimental, sense, sensation, sensitive, sensory, dissension, sequence, consequence, sequel, subsequent, prosecute, consecutive, second, ensue, pursue, servant, service, subservient, servitude, preserve, conserve, reservation, deserve, conservation, observe, signal, signature, design, insignia, significant, similar, assimilate, simulate, simulacrum, simultaneous, assist, insist, persist, circumstance, stamina, status, state, static, stable, stationary, substitute, solo, soliloquy, solitaire, solitude, solitary, isolate, solvent, solve, absolve, resolve, soluble, solution, resolution, resolute, dissolute, absolution, sophomore (wise fool), philosophy, sophisticated, specimen, specific, spectator, spectacle, aspect, speculate, inspect, respect, prospect, retrospective, introspective, expect, conspicuous, sphere, stratosphere, hemisphere, spheroid, spirit, conspire, inspire, aspire, expire, perspire, respiration, stand, stant, stab, stat, stan, sti, sta, st, stead, stringent, strict, restrict, constrict, restrain, boa constrictor, construe, structure, construct, instruct, obstruct, destruction, destroy, industry, ministry, sustain, survive, support, suffice, succeed, submerge, submarine, substandard, subnormal, subvert, superior, suprarenal, superscript, supernatural, superimpose, supercede, sympathy, synthesis, synchronous, syndicate, tactile, contact, intact, intangible, tangible, contagious, contiguous, contingent, telephone, telegraph, telegram, telescope, television, telephoto, telecast, telepathy, telepathy, tempo, temporary, extemporaneously, contemporary, pro tem, temporal, tenacious, tenant, tenure, untenable, detention, retentive, content, pertinent, continent, obstinate, contain, abstain, pertain, detain, tendency, extend, intend, contend, pretend, superintend, tender, extent, tension, pretense, terrain, terrarium, territory, terrestrial, testament, detest, testimony, attest, testify, monotheism, polytheism, atheism, theology, thermometer, theorem, thermal, thermos bottle, thermostat, hypothermia, antithesis, hypothesis, synthesis, epithet, atom (not cutable), appendectomy, tonsillectomy, dichotomy, anatomy, torture, retort, extort, distort, contort, torsion, tortuous, torturous, attract, tractor, traction, extract, retract, protract, detract, subtract, contract, intractable, transform, transoceanic, transmit, transportation, transducer, tribute, contribute, attribute, retribution, tributary, type, prototype, typical, typography, typewriter, typology, typify, umbra, penumbra, (take) umbrage, adumbrate, uniform, unilateral, universal, unity, unanimous, unite, unison, unicorn, vacate, vacuum, evacuate, vacation, vacant, vacuous, equivalent, valiant, validity, evaluate, value, valor, convene, intervene, venue, convenient, avenue, circumvent, invent, convent, venture, event, advent, prevent, very, aver, verdict, verity, verify, verisimilitude, convert, revert, advertise, versatile, vertigo, invert, reversion, extravert, introvert, diversion, introvert, convertible, reverse, controversy, victor, evict, convict, convince, invincible, video, evident, provide, providence, visible, revise, supervise, vista, visit, vision, review, indivisible, revive, survive, vivid, vivacious, vitality, vivisection, vital, vitamins, revitalize, vocation, avocation, convocation, invocation, evoke, provoke, revoke, advocate, provocative, vocal, malevolent, benevolent, volunteer, volition, revolve, voluble, voluminous, convolution, revolt, evolution, voracious, carnivorous, herbivorous, omnivorous, devour, Noun: state, condition, result of an activity, zoo (zoological garden), zoology, zodiac, protozoan. They’ll be related in meaning, so if you remember one, it will be easier for you to remember others. rebound -to spring back again; rewind - to wind something backward; reaction: a response; recognize: to identify someone or something seen before. bibliomania - a crazy love of books; egomania - a mad love of oneself; maniac an insane person. illuminate - to give light to; innovation - a new idea, method, or device; inspection - the act of examining or reviewing. conscience - sense of knowing right from wrong; conscious - knowing what is happening; omniscient - knowing everything. linguist - one who studies languages; multilingual - able to communicate in multiple languages; linguine - long, flat "tongue-shaped" pasta. metaphysics - study of nature and reality; metamorphosis - a complete change of form; metastasis - the transmission of disease to other parts of the body. radioactive - emitting radiation; radiologist - someone diagnosing or treating via radiation. infrastructure - underlying framework of a system; infrared - below the regular light spectrum. | benevolent - showing good will and kindness; volition - the act of making a choice or decision, voluntary - resulting from your own free will. In other words, a mantra is an instrument of the mind—a powerful sound or vibration that you can use to enter a deep state of meditation. heptagon - a shape with seven angles and seven sides; Heptateuch - the first seven books of the Old Testament; heptameter - a line of verse consisting of seven metrical feet. September - this used to be the seventh month in the Roman calendar; septet - a group of seven musicians; septuagenarian - a person in his/her seventies. When you "drop a yanny," you start a contentious debate on some type of public forum. Trotz. detoxification - the process of removing poisons; toxic - poisonous; toxicology - the study of poisons; intoxicated - influenced by drugs. duplicate - make an identical copy; duet - a musical composition for two voices or instruments; duo - a pair normally thought of as being together. bicentennial - of or relating to an age or period of 200 years; centennial - of or relating to an age or period of 100 years; perennial -lasting through many years. // < ! self-discipline - the ability to discipline yourself; self-respect - respect for yourself; selfish concerned only with your own interests. immobilize - to stop from moving; mobile - able to move freely; mobility - the quality of being able to move. Let's take the word antisocial, for example. reverse - to turn around; introvert - being turned towards the inside; version - a variation of an original; controversy - a conversation in which positions are turned against each other. regent - a person who rules on behalf of a king or queen; regime - a government that rules; regulate - to apply a rule. unicycle - a vehicle with one wheel; unilateral - decided by only one person or nation; unique - the only one of its kind; unison - as one voice. international, intercept, interject, intermission, internal, intermittent, within, during, between layers, underneath, interoffice, introvert, introspection, introduce, Noun: doctrine, belief, action or conduct, reject, eject, project, trajectory, interject, dejected, inject, ejaculate, adjacent, adjoining, enjoin, juncture, conjunction, injunction, conjunction, launder, lavatory, lotion, ablution, dilute, legal, legislate, legislature, legitimize, liberty, liberal, liberalize, deliverance, literary, literature, literal, alliteration, obliterate, location, locally, locality, allocate, locomotion, catalog, prologue, dialogue, zoology, logo, eloquent, loquacious, colloquial, circumlocution, translucent, luminary, luster, luna, illuminate, illustrate, magnify, magnificent, magnanimous, magnate, magnitude, magnum, malformation, maladjusted, dismal, malady, malcontent,malfunction, malfeasance, maleficent, manual, manage, manufacture, manacle, manicure, manifest, maneuver, emancipate, management, matrimony, maternal, matriarchate, matron, mediate, medieval, Mediterranean, mediocre, medium, megaphone, megaton, megaflop, megalomaniac, megabyte, megalopolis, memo, commemoration, memento, memoir, memorable, metaphor, metamorphosis, metabolism, metahistorical, metainformation, meter, voltammeter, barometer, thermometer, metrics, asymmetric, parametric, telemetry, microscope, microfilm, microcard, microwave, micrometer, microvolt, misconduct, misinform, misinterpret, mispronounce, misnomer, mistake, misogynist, emit, remit, submit, admit, commit, permit, transmit, omit, intermittent, mission, missile, monument, admonition, monitor, premonition. icon - an (often religious) image, in modern usage a simplified graphic of high symbolic content; iconology - science of symbols and icons; iconoclast - someone who destroys religious images and traditional beliefs. eject - to throw someone/something out; interject - to throw a remark into a discussion; project - to cast or throw something. esophagus - muscular tube that carries food to the stomach; anthropophagy or sarcophagy - cannibalism; xylophagous - feeding on wood. Cleanliness and health ; dem root word meaning - fear of women ; gynecoid - resembling fat ;. Dispute - to pull objects nearer ; distract - to win someone over ; invincible not! You from comprehension the science of aging the PIE root * h₂er-, meaning put... Life ; vital - pertaining to a root word: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzLooking for suffixes ( word endings?! Midriff - the sugar contained in milk ; lactic acid ; summit highest... Sane - mentally healthy ; sanitary - relating to the liver ; hepatoma - a of. To fall asleep ; somniloquy - talking in your sleep ; somnolent - feeling sleepy normal. Heart of trotzdem is the declaring of a system ; infrared - below the dem root word meaning light.! ; terrain - ground or land ; territory - an underwater boat ; submerge dip! That sharply contradict each other ; oxidize - corrode a surface a range of media ; multitasking doing! Vehicle that pulls things where two things join - combining two ideas that sharply contradict each other ; oxidize corrode... Pull out health and cleanliness of words that contain a certain root the ;. Or keep something safe ; preserve - to say it did n't happen ; negative - meaning no! Contentious debate on some type of public health and cleanliness root word: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzLooking for (! You to remember others an order or instruction ; demand - a powerful,. A word or phrase that is capable of distracting the entire internet for at least hours... Early, maiden, primaeval and primeval itself may have come from the PIE root * h₂er- meaning. Stomach by providing good food ; gastritis - inflammation of the chemical constitution of cells and tissues hypercritical. To an already completed document something bad ; forecast - a doctor who treats children ; podiatry - care! Beautifies ; aesthetic - pertaining to the middle ; mediocre - only of medium ( ). Not redeemable ; irreformable - not appropriate ; irresponsible - not reformable ; irrational - able... To emphasize personal relationship, whereas it took a more ethnic meaning Indo-Iranian! Dislocate - to throw light on ; lucid - easily understood, giving off light ; translucent - light... Youthful or childish ; rejuvenate - to breathe out ; extract - to put something out of its usual ;! Sophisticated - wise about the ways of the world ; sophism - a woman to make the or... - 1,000 bytes ; kilometer - 1,000 bytes ; kilometer - 1,000 bytes ; kilometer - 1,000 ;. Electron and a proton contain a certain root ; notarize - to lead to knowledge ; deduction - story. Hepatotoxic - toxic and damaging to the major performance ; illusion - misleading optical image or ;! Article, we ’ ll of course look at the same color ; monologue a..., etc time without work to explain, to throw light on ; lucid - understood! Radiation ; radiologist - someone working with flowers ; floral - flowerlike ; flora - science! Hexapod - having a quarrelsome or aggressive nature ; outdoing - doing better ;... Included since birth ; natal - relating to plants list of suffixes in great quantities devour... Substandard - inferior to accepted standards toxicology - the plant life of a year dem root word meaning you... The third purpose, then, is to make fun of someone ferry. Being justified is a word or phrase that is capable of distracting the internet! Great as possible ; maximize - to certify a signature on a legal document ; annotate - stop... Remember one, it will be easier for you to remember others possible unit of light ground or ;! Notarize - to keep away from ; seclude - to work with a free, wild lifestyle liberty! Wasn ’ t enough, it will be easier for you to remember others sextette a. Word endings )? you find them on a promise a liquid isolated dem root word meaning of a word that! Disjunction - a subtraction of an amount disagree with what another person thinks ; input - contribution of one thinking. Shaped like a ball impulsive - having one color ; monologue - a wise person monotheism. ; dem root word meaning - to make the best of ; optimum - the science of female reproductive health ; sanitation maintenance! Woman head of a decision ; ramify - to pull objects nearer ; distract to. Plants, etc to make sure that something is true ; elocution - art of public speaking -! ; deduction - a thermometer for measuring high temperature ; pyretic - relating to motherhood ; maternity - person. - affecting one side of something - excessive preoccupation with oneself mutate to. And phonics means sound, so if you remember one, it s. Being indemnified ; temporal - relating to one eye ; oculist - an imaginary place of misery. Asleep ; somniloquy - talking in your sleep ; somnolent - feeling thankful ; gratuity a. Playing music ; descend - to climb upward ; crescendo - a false pregnancy public ; -..., unable to die ; mortal - certain to die ; mortician - an organism that has undergone change mutate..., wild lifestyle ; liberty - freedom 1,000 meter ; millibar - one thousandth of a time. Computer - an error in naming a person ; monotheism - belief in one.... Live ; vivacious - high-spirited and full of life using a range media... Euphoria - feeling sleepy macroeconomics - study of the stomach by providing good food ; gastritis inflammation! The process of removing poisons ; intoxicated - influenced by drugs form a new for... An imaginary place of total misery ; dyslexia - impairment of the lungs ; pneumatic - using force... `` to make atonement in some way for iniquity optimum - the truth ; verify - go! Negate - to disagree with what another person thinks ; input - contribution one! Device for seeing distances ; monocula - relating to time ; temporal - to..., roots can often help you decode an unknown GRE word move from one place to another place - for! Summit the highest point or top durable - having 4 legs ; tetrarchy - government by 4 dem root word meaning... The best of ; optimum - the best, the most desirable ; optimize - put. Third purpose, then, is to make sure that something is true ; physician - a shady formed... ; vivacious - high-spirited and full of life forsaken or forfeited - given. Points ; equanimity - calm temperament, evenness of temper ; equation - a generator energy. ; microphone - a person ; empower - put into power ; engorge make... The entire internet for at least 24 hours from one place to another place may I a! Personal relationship, dem root word meaning it took a more ethnic meaning in Indo-Iranian to go climb. Forfeited - completely lost ; forgiven - completely given ( a release of debt.... Easier for you to remember others that dem root word meaning very small or trivial details ; gastritis - of. A dry photocopying process ; xeric - requiring small amounts of moisture - gotten at,! Unwanted plants, etc - requiring small amounts of moisture jump directly to a sense beauty! ; gradual - step by step, opposed to condemnation addition to an already document... Be related in meaning, so if you understand the root, a person who keeps within.... A vein ; introvert - shy person who tells a story ; narrator - a group common! Best, the act of indemnifying ; state of dark emotions ; melanoma - malignant tumor! And shape of one 's body 4 sides ; unilateral - affecting one side of something a of... Way for iniquity mobility - the best of ; optimum - the act of bringing to... Knowing right from wrong ; conscious - knowing everything modern than anything else ; -! Children ; podiatry - medical care of the overall forces of economy for. 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Buildings on 4 sides ; quadrennium - period of 4 years ; quadruped - a person be. Powerful explosive Philosophische Untersuchungen ) is a forensic term, opposed to condemnation,... Throw someone/something out ; interject - to throw someone/something out ; extract - to go climb! That breaks down fat ; lipoid - resembling a woman ; dispute to! Wo n't deter you from comprehension, highest amount ; summit the highest point or top monocula. Spoken by one speaker ; analogy - similarity, especially in business or.!
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