Mas Amedda Sometime after Senator Palpatine became the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, Mas Amedda, a corrupt politician with authoritarian leanings, became part of his inner circle. In one of his most cruel moments, he personally confirmed to Fives that he is the Sith Lord who’s been controlling the war from the start and that the chips would brainwash the clones into killing their Jedi Generals. Amedda was obviously extremely loyal to the secret Sith Lord, and he assisted him in both the assassination of Fives and spreading the false narrative that Fives and Tup’s behavior was due to an exotic parasite. I'm not sure Mas Amedda could issue the order per se. You may be interested in this prior thread on what to do with being warned about Order 66 in the immediacy before its execution. Given the New Canon which casts Order 66 as a biochip, I am actually inclined to entertain some devil's advocacy in contrast to some other comments that regard it as impossible for anyone but Palpatine to issue the order. I doubt Mas Amedda would be able to instill himself as Emperor or anything like that, but in the wake of Palpatine's assassination, as the acting chancellor, Mas Amedda could probably try issuing Order 66 with the argument that while an exiled Jedi did the deed, Jedi Council members had still confronted Palps with deadly force and were acting against the Republic. Similar to Lama Su, Nala Se needed to know about the control chips and Order 66 since she was one of the head scientists responsible for the creation of the Clone Troopers. Darth Vader 's true identity was a closely guarded secret, and only a handful of people knew he was really Anakin Skywalker. It's not surprised in the sense that he didn't know that the Sith had returned or that the council hadn't suspected Palpatine, as they wanted Anakin to spy on him. Maul was not only Palpatine’s Sith apprentice but was essentially his adopted son, having been raised by the Sith Lord since infancy. These are all red flags of impending authoritarian rule, and the Jedi trusted their system too much to take notice and were ultimately too late to prevent their destruction as a result. For mace read the episode three novelisation. How would Mace Windu be able to justify his actions especially without Anakin around ? It would greatly diminish the story of the Skywalker Saga. As a senator, Amedda considered himself an honest politician and strove to voice the wants and needs of his people in the Senate. 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So, I guess it's kind of ambiguous how that worked, and it's conceivable that any chancellor could issue some orders. Welcome! Anakin eventually becomes employed by Palpatine as an agent and bodyguard to his excellency and he takes advantage of Anakin's post Jedi life by revealing his identity as a sith. It can't be activated without a command so if there is no one to activate it then the Jedi are saved but a bunch of shit will stay happen afterwards. In the Old Canon, the impression was that it had to come from Palpatine himself, which is why he broadcast his message to every Clone Commander. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Sometime after Senator Palpatine became the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, Mas Amedda, a corrupt politician with authoritarian leanings, became part of his inner circle. Log into your account. Order 66 compelled the Clone Troopers to turn on the Jedi, initiating the Great Jedi Purge and clearing the way for Palpatine’s fascist coup. That being said Palpatine was a hugr figure in the republic and controlled the separatists so his story was more believable when after the jedi died the CIS conveniently shut down helping back up his story that they had a hand. even if mace and the whole high council gets tried and executed for treson theres nothing to back stamping out the other ten thousand or so jedi, and many more would survive even if they managed that. They don’t even trot him out for appearances. theres also now no powerful jedi to carry out operation knightfall so while mas could do it, even if privy to palps plans, and down with them would be in a terrible position to do it. Order 66 was one of the most pivotal moments in the Star Wars saga, and many people knew about it before it happened. A Galactic Concordance peace treaty was signed by Chancellor Mon Mothma and the Empire Grand Vizier Mas Amedda. Yes, it is possible to imagine that Palps would want to go the extra mile to ensure he alone had the satisfaction of making Order 66 possible, but this is not canon-confirmed. Kix eventually discovered the truth about the chips and Order 66 and hoped to warn the Jedi of their potential doom, but unfortunately, his discovery reached the notice of Count Dooku. Born as Caleb Dume, he changed his name to Kanan Jarrus to hide during Order 66; after the death of his Jedi Master, Depa Billaba, who sacrificed herself for him to escape. I don't know if it's GL's atrocious editing/directing but there are some instances in Episode II and III that are just giant plot holes. But I think it's safe to assume only the Sith could have issued all the orders. Related: Star Wars Fans Have Forgiven The Prequels - Thanks To Disney. I think it's pretty safe to assume that Mas Amedda tries to go ahead with the plan. Investigating the chips himself, Fives eventually became entangled in a conspiracy to silence him before his research could interfere with Order 66. If anyone knew what Palpatine was really up to, it likely would be her, even over Mas Amedda. There's very little to go on, but I did find this passage about Mas Amedda's internal thought process from 'Aftermath: Life Debt' to be very telling. In the current canon, the protocol is top secret, as it was essential to Palpatine’s schemes for overriding the Galactic Republic. Following the initiation of Order 66 and the subsequent confrontation between Yoda and Emperor Palpatine in 19 BBY, Thire and his troopers were ordered to hunt the Jedi Master. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Sly Moore was a Force-sensitive Umbaran and, like Mas Amedda, a member of Palpatine’s innermost circle who was aware that he was also the Sith Lord Darth Sidious. It likely would be nowhere as effective as what Palpatine did though. ... is he reveals how detached from the Force the galaxy has become since Order 66. In one episode, Lama Su is aware that the clones contain Order 66, and he must take steps to prevent the Jedi from discovering this secret. Using his leadership qualities and powers of manipulation, Palpatine restructured much of the Republic government, even before his Declaration of a New Order, b… So if there was any order of succession to the plan, it would have been passed to his Sith apprentice over Mas. this leaves them less vulnerable to the battlefield situations that overwhelemed their danger senses allowing the clones to swiftly do their thing. While Palpatine was the ultimate mastermind behind Order 66, it was in large part set up by Count Dooku. He certainly knew enough, if not everything. Palpatine utilized Thrawn, a nonhuman from outside the galaxy. When Order 66 goes out, thousands of Jedi die within minutes, and the balance of the Force shifts quickly, drastically to the Dark. Dooku dutifully carried out the process of selecting a worthy clone template and working with the Kaminoans to implant a control chip in every clone embryo that would compel them to kill their Jedi leaders. Would this be necessecary and how could it happen ? We all know the exploits of the good guys in a galaxy far, far away. Although their control chips removed their free will and turned them into tools of Palpatine, the clones themselves were fundamentally good men with a curious, creative nature. So um yeah, could Mas Amedda execute Order 66 ? As the mastermind behind the Great Jedi Purge, the formation of the Galactic Empire, and Order 66 itself, it’s no surprise that Palpatine knew about the protocol. Padme still dies in childbirth and Bail Organa decides to raise both Luke and Leia on Alderann. One of the only people to know … In this fan project. Palpatine was also personally involved in silencing Fives, the first clone to learn about the control chips. During his time as Chair of the Senate, he served as a committee chairman and worked alongside representatives from the icy world of Vallt in the Outer Rim … Now assuming Mas Amedda had the authority to give order 66 and many Jedi were still killed, Amedda didn't have the power and … Scheming, powerful, and evil to the core, Darth Sidious restored the Sith and destroyed the Jedi Order. As shown in Republic Commando: True Colors, the orders were common knowledge to everyone in the Republic Army, from the rank and file Clone Troopers to the Jedi Generals themselves. In this ''lighter reality'' Anakin kills Palpatine during the office duel but has an emotional breakdown and flees the scene, to seemingly never be seen again in the near future. Similar to Rex, the Clone Medic Kix took Fives’ warnings seriously and was wary of the control chip implants. In the Star Wars Legends continuity, Order 66 was one of 150 contingency orders that were implemented in case of emergencies. Anakin was exiled from the Jedi Order some 3 months before the Jedi Purge when his relationship with Padme was discovered by Obi Wan Kenobi who ratted out his apprentice to the Jedi Council thus resulting in Anakin leaving the Order on hostile terms to developing a hatred towards Obi Wan. "Treason you say…hmmm." Palpatine may have been the brain behind Order 66, but Dooku was the face of the plot. But long story short, without Palps & no apprentice, the whole plan pretty much goes out the window when he dies. If he gained the office of chancellor he technically could issue the order. As a result of both his upbringing and prophetic visions, after he ceased to be Palpatine’s apprentice, Maul was aware of his former master’s plan for galactic domination, as well as his hopes to recruit Anakin Skywalker to the Sith Order. Naturally, they’d need to be aware of the order since they’d participate in the Jedi Purge itself. When not writing, he enjoys reading comics and getting his fix of caffeine. If he knew of the kill switch order however is another matter. Legends went into the other orders, with one being the removal of the chancellor. Now, being that there was no Sith apprentice at this time (assuming Anakin did not become apprentice, but instead just stayed as an agent), it's hard to say who else could have enacted the plan. Related: Star Wars: What Obi-Wan's Post-Order 66 Jedi Warning Message Said. yeah on this fan project Anakin would have been proclaimed an apprentice after killing mace and saving palpatine. Rex filed an official complaint about the chips, and likely only suspected their purpose to be similar to what the Kaminoans were told: The chips were implanted as a contingency against clone aggression and potential rogue Jedi. Mace was all but ready to march on the senate but the council shot him down. -”I’m Evil and The Jedi Dont Know It” by Sheev Palpatine, Featuring Mas Amedda on the bagpipes - “I get my Kicks from Order 66” By Commander Cody, - “Anakin You are an Idiot” performed by Padme Amidala featuring the voice talents of Ahsoka Tano For one, Mace would have killed Palps and Order 66 would not have taken place which would have helped the Jedi out. Ultimately, Rex’s chip was removed by Ahsoka Tano before he could kill her, and Rex went on to help remove the chips from two other clones: Wolffe and Gregor. to the Jedi. If a full investigation is put into the case, evidence may be found implicating Palps as having played both sides in the war. It can be assumed that the Jedi never thought that the order would be activated, given their democratic ideology and loyalty to the Republic. ... Orson weaseled into the good graces of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine via Mas Amedda and, using Galen as a pawn, promised a weapon of massive destruction. But that didn’t mean everyone accepted the peace treaty. In the current canon, Moore is never directly involved in any of Palpatine’s schemes, but it can be assumed that she was at least aware of Order 66, given her knowledge of Palpatine’s Sith identity. Though Fives was framed, murdered, and had his investigation covered up by Palpatine and his agents, his warnings did get through to at least two other clones. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. We know very little about the actual mechanism for issuing Order 66. In legends at least it was the chancellorship the clones obeyed. It is possible that choosing to battle Mace Windu could itself be regarded as his last big gamble, lest we forget the debate as to whether he threw the fight. 7 Grand Vizier Mas Amedda. Ultimately, it would seem that his trust in the clones and refusal to pursue a vision prevented him from interfering with Order 66 himself. I If Mas was the Chancellor at that time he probably would have had the ability. Mark: I love Star Wars: The Clone Wars.I love Star Wars Rebels.I love Ahsoka Tano; however, she needs to die! They all but knew palpatine was being influenced, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the MawInstallation community. A/N: If you're wondering why I had Rex easily be able ignore the chip in his head, I did a little research about any clones who disobeyed Order 66. Palps confided in him to the point where Amedda was allowed to know that he was a Sith; whether he knew about the fine details of Order 66 seems to be an open question. With one of the few missing details to Palpatine’s plot now revealed to Maul, he found the sinister cleverness of the order amusing. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. No one else would likely know about Order 66, so if the clones were ordered to take prisoners by the senate (as opposed to shoot their Jedi in the back) I think the Jedi would be more likely to aquiese and come peacefully. Why would he issue such an order?" Palps confided in him to the point where Amedda was allowed to know that he was a Sith; whether he knew about the fine details of Order 66 seems to be an open question. The Emperor kept Mas Amedda, a nonhuman, around as his political second-in-command. Living a double life, he was also Palpatine, a Naboo Senator and phantom menace. While Yoda cared for the clones’ humanity, despite their apparent purpose, he felt a sinister undercurrent to their programmed obedience, a feeling that, had he acted on it, could have prevented Order 66 and thus the Jedi Purge. Although Dooku’s work was invaluable to Palpatine’s machinations, he ultimately never lived to see Order 66 successfully executed. your password It's happened other star wars subreddits and I really don't want to deal with it. According to Darth Tyranus (Count Dooku), the chips were a contingency measure against clone aggression that may stem from their host, Jango Fett. As a bitter former Sith bent on revenge against his master, Maul was intent on disrupting Palpatine’s plans at the end of the Clone Wars, at one point trying to convince Ahsoka Tano to join him in this lofty endeavor. The theory also ties into Padme, in that he reached out through the force and pushed her into death. Darth Vader was seen as a mysterious and enigmatic force, a powerful being who suddenly burst onto the scene as the Emperor's … Senator Mas Amedda was greedy, ambitious and cowardly, vices that Palpatine (Darth Sidious) detected early in his career in the Senate; he appealed to Amedda’s ruthless desire for status in order to make him his right-hand man and help him topple Chancellor Finis Valorum. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. I can see Anakin still being a General but not a Jedi. If he gained the office of chancellor he technically could issue the order. In addition to working with the Kaminoans to suppress Fives’ warnings, Dooku also had another clone, Kix, kidnapped and placed in suspended animation to prevent his discoveries from reaching the Jedi. perhaps if he managed to restore things to normalcy and get the jedi and clones back to war he could do it, but theres a big why. Before Kix could be brought to Dooku’s homeworld, the vessel he was on was shot down by Republic forces, and Kix wasn’t revived until the war between the Resistance and First Order, decades after Order 66 was successfully executed. Little did he know, but both decisions would become his undoing. Amedda was an eager and capable politician during this time and achieved the office of Senator in the Republic's Galactic Senate on Coruscant prior to 32 BBY. Mas Amedda would probably become the interim chancellor and if so, would he able to carry out Palpatines plan ? Related: Star Wars: Every Clone Who Disobeyed Order 66 In Canon (& Legends). even if executed it wont be as effective. The Empire is horribly racist. According to the Book EU, Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader, there was mention of the fact that an entire squad of clones refused the order because of their affection and loyalty to the Jedi. For the purposes of your fanfiction, the question is if Mas Amedda knew enough about Order 66 in order to activate it. Related: Every Star Wars Movie, Ranked Worst To Best (Including Rise of Skywalker). I see Anakin leaving the order, but like Ahsoka, they can’t get rid of him. It wasn’t long before Palpatine shared the secret of his Sith Lordship with Amedda, and most likely Order 66 as well. She comes back for the Siege of Mandalore and leads the 501st. Nala Se was also only partially aware of Order 66’s true nature. Palpatine was able to implement a master strategy to spread the Jedi across the galaxy in a phony war against a corporate oligarchy that was ultimately his puppet regime. Palpatine also allowed those in his innermost circle within the Republic to know, for either personal reasons or as part of his plot to transition the Republic into an authoritarian regime. A conservative view is that he probably knew Palps had some plan to remove the Jedi, but was unaware of how and when it would actually be done. Nala Se also was instrumental in the assassination of Fives, drugging him on the voyage to Coruscant so that he’d appear insane and unstable upon learning the true nature of Order 66 and Chancellor Palpatine. I'm trying to flesh out a concept where Luke will eventually go on the search for his father 20 years latter. While he didn't know it then, this would be the decision that would cause the Empire's downfall. So i'm working on a fan project / ''development proposal'' for a larger Star Wars fan project of mine. Seeing as the rest of the story is already pretty unlikely, you might as well assume that he could. The chip and the order it compelled the clones to follow was also said to be a check on potential rogue Jedi, and thus needed to be kept secret from the Jedi Order. It wasn’t long before Palpatine shared the secret of his Sith Lordship with Amedda, … They were formerly known as The Galactic Republic but Order 66 was initiated and the Republic became an Empire Their Main enemy is the Rebel Alliance and the Empire eventually transformed into the New Republic and the First Order. The Jedi kyber crystals he acquires come into his hands soon after Order 66, and many Geonosians die in the course of the Death Star’s construction. This is a good question +1. Hoping to avoid a similar incident to Fives’ discovery, Dooku had Kix kidnapped and placed in stasis instead of assassinated. After all these years I still don't understand how Sifo Dyas was able to order the clone army without anyone in the council noticing and where he got all the money from. Why Its Score Keeps Changing. As part of my fan project i'm aiming for things to get so chaotic that a bunch of rebel senators ( including bail ) manage to somehow launch a coup against Mas Amedda and put Mon Mothma in charge of the Republic. Mas Amedda was a native of the Chagrian homeworld of Champala in the Inner Rim, living during the latter decades of the Galactic Republic's reign as the preeminent political body in the galaxy. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Every single Jedi killed during Order 66 becomes a Force ghost, often before their bodies even hit the floor. He was born and raised in New York and has a degree in English from Rider University. Remember this was also a personal grudge against the Jedi and being the one to PERSONALLY order the death of the Jedi order would be great pleasure to him and one he would not want to delegate to an underling. If only the Jedi had inspected the order’s specific wording, they’d see that it mandates their removal by lethal force and that a new command structure would be later established. Fives was the only clone to learn the truth about Palpatine’s Sith identity and the true purpose of the control chips. I’m not doubting you, just curious; what made palps hatred for the Jedi so personal? As both the prime minister of Kamino and the Kaminoan in charge of the clones’ creation, it was a necessity that Lama Su was aware of the control chips, and thus Order 66. your username. Both canon and legends can be discussed here. Once Palpatine became Chancellor, Amedda aided him in the Senate and did his best to push forward his public agenda and master plan to take over the galaxy. Because of this, Lama Su was part of a conspiracy to terminate the Clone Trooper Tup (whose chip was malfunctioning and thus was in danger of revealing the truth to the Jedi), and later silence Fives, who did discover the truth. But from … Padmé frowned as she considered Mas Amedda, "The order he tried to give was designed to have the clones turn on the Jedi. In legends at least it was the chancellorship the clones obeyed so if he had knowledge of the order he could. David Miller is an author for Screen Rant, indie comic writer, and life-long lover of all things Star Wars, Marvel, and DC. In the Expanded Universe (aka Legends), Moore was far more than simply a confidant of Palpatine’s; she was trained to use the dark side by Palpatine, assisted him in maintaining his dual identity, and was even in a romantic relationship with him (and was likely the mother of Palpatine’s son, Triclops). Unlike Rex, Kix went a step further than filing an official complaint about the chips, opting to investigate them himself, as Fives did. Mas Amedda would probably become the interim chancellor and if so, would he able to carry out Palpatines plan ? could be activated by remote order via voice command. Don’t forget about Sly Moore, she was by Palpatine’s side as his assistant. Jedi survivor of Order 66, and the de facto leader of the Ghost crew. A brilliant tactician, Emperor Palpatine collected powerful supporters like Sly Moore and Mas Amedda to assist in his ascension to Supreme Chancellor. I know a lot of people want her to survive and it’s a shock that she even made it past Order 66, but she cannot live into the A New Hope era. Not only did Ahsoka Tano wind up a competent leader and devoted Jedi, but her master also grew closer to the Order and the other jedi around him as a result. "It is lonely being the head of a dying Empire. My guess is that Amedda didn't know during the Clone Wars and was just riding Palpatine's coattails. And if possible, could I just be given the benefit of the doubt without anyone attacking this fan project ? "This is treason." A Chagrian male hailing from Champala, Mas Amedda was appointed by the Champalan government to represent the watery world in the Galactic Republic Senate on Coruscant. This current project is set in a parallel reality where Anakin kills Palpatine during the duel in his office by beheading him when Palpatine asks for help, only to be shocked by Anakin's response right before his death. Just as a final "Screw you!" He flees because he cannot deal with the actions of his consequences regardless of them being good or bad. Was Mas even fully aware of Palpatines plan or did he just go with the flow ? Upon the destruction of Death Star II, Amedda became the de jure and de facto head of the Empire. 1. The Force warps and shudders. 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