Only the inexpensive Lamson Liquid 2 showed a dramatic increase that could cause a problem for light tippets at a normal drag setting. Overall, we were very impressed with the Sage Click 4/5/6. For example, the Lightspeed had a very wide range of drag, between .25 to 2 pounds (2 full turns), while the Speedster had a narrower range. We are unaware of any manufacturer that does not honor a one year replacement or repair warranty for manufacturer’s defects. Retrieval Sound:  Plastic sound on both retrieval and outgoing, Outgoing drag sound: Slightly louder click sound going out, depending on drag setting. Reel seat machined in – can’t lose or loosen up on you, however dropping it may bend the reel seat, requiring more money to replace a frame, Handle:  Excellent large, easy to grab handle good size and shape but handle doesn’t feel as smooth as some rotating, “Sealed drag” works well, unless water gets in it, Reel feels heavier in hand than others (but feels more durable should you take a spill), #17 (tie) Loop Opti Dryfly     $585  – reel,   $265  x/spool. This reel weighs an amazing 4.3 ounces fully loaded with 115 yards of backing, a WF-5-F MPX line and a 12 foot leader. I’ll set it light, knowing that I can easily over-ride the drag by palming the reel. All in all, the Orvis Access Mid-Arbor is a great reel that performs well while maintaining a more traditional look and size. For an extra $75 custom solid finishes include: Blue III, Bronze, Deep Blue, Deep Green, Olive, Platinum, Red, Slate or “satin” (matte) Blue III, Olive, or Slate. Although the RS may cost a little more, it’s nice to support local and small businesses with your purchase. The outgoing sound is unique, loud, and pleasing to the ear – created by a noise specific metal pawl located inside the reel. The Argus scored a perfect 10 in craftsmanship, spool to frame tolerances, start up inertia, and ease of spool removal. It’s maintenance free and the warranty is very good should there be an accident. Retrieval Sound:  Rubber on plastic sound in or out, Outgoing drag sound:  Rubber on plastic sound in or out, Spool release:  Spool release cap is easy release new, but after a year or so of use dirt and grit can make it more difficult to get off, Drag detents:  No detents but stiff enough drag knob to keep it from getting knocked off, Handle:  Nice swell but could be a little longer, On the expensive side but also cool to support and buy local, #28 Islander LX 3.2   $565 – reel,  $282   x/spool. The drag is adjustable but it doesn’t really change the drag pressure much. Strangely, when you crank up the drag setting, the retrieval resistance is mirrored, making it much harder to reel in. Usually a good fly shop will be able to true up a bent spool (in the same way a good mountain bike shop might true up your wheel). Precision machined in Ashland, Oregon, the RX reels are made from aerospace bar stock aluminum and stainless steel for maximum strength and corrosion resistance. The Pflueger Medalist had a very smooth drag and no detectable start up inertia. fully loaded were a good match for balancing most of today’s lightweight 9 foot 5 weight rods. The Remix and Liquid reels only come in black, however Lamson offers three different color drag sleeves for $9.95 each:  Burnt Orange, Salsa Green, or Coral Blue. Outgoing drag sound:  Muted plastic click sound going out, Spool Release:  Spool release button – OK but tougher to undo with fat fingers, Drag Knob:  Drag knob easy to adjust until you get to the higher settings, Drag Detents:  OK but not as good as some, Handle: Larger and better than the Eddy, wide at the end where you need it and easy to grab, Feels more metallic than the Eddy, good price, #33 Ross Eddy  5/6  $75 – reel,  $45  x/spool. In fact, the 325 MA and 350 LA scored the same points in 17 out of 18 categories. For all practical purposes they are the same size and weight, they both have good handles to grab, they both spin exceptionally well, they sound identical, and the drag knobs are both easily adjusted and the range of drag is nearly identical. We hope that you have enjoyed our 2016 5/6-weight Reel Shootout. We know that, over time, the spool gets more difficult to remove. Galvan –  $0 For original owner, (including shipping). The Loop G4 FW 3/5 is a bit on the heavy side but not bad. Spool Release:  Spool cap is actually the drag cap – comes off (careful as it could be lost) but at least it’s a cork drag with a quick-change system. The smallest reel in the shootout was the Orvis Access Mid-Arbor II at 2.994 inches, followed by the Bozeman Reel SC325 at 3.009. Turnaround time is generally 2 weeks, and up to 3-4 weeks during the fishing season. Extra 325 LA spools retail for $110. The Signature Series comes in three standard colors:  Jet Black, Satin Gold or Royal Blue. This will not have to be done often, but at least after each weeklong fishing trip. With your support, we can continue to give you more shootouts and comparisons on tackle and equipment in the future. Although the Lamson Speedster scored lower than the Lightspeed overall, (mostly due to a superior drag), it far outperforms the Lightspeed in rate of line retrieval. More often than not I catch a fish, realize its not the “one” and proceed to “strip” the fish in quickly in order to release it. The Loop Opti series is perhaps Loop’s fanciest reel and also their top performer when it comes to rapid line retrieval. There is no additional cost for their many hub colors which include: Sunset Orange, Royal Blue, Neon Pink, Aqua, Jet Black, Lime, Crimson, Graphite, and Violet 3D. (From being in the box with other reels the Remix’s spool already is starting to show some scratches while the metal frame only had one scratch). When I go trout fishing, rarely do I hook a fish that is “worthy” of playing on the reel. Counterbalance:  Ever so slight “wobble” although not an issue, Spool Release:  Release cap stays on (rubber o-ring keeps it from coming off), Drag Knob:  Good but not quite as easy as others, Drag Detents:  No major detents but drag knob is stiff enough to keep from getting knocked off easily, Max Drag: Sufficiently strong drag – 4 pounds, Range of drag:  Weak range of drag held it back, Handle:  Good but could be a little bigger, #16 Hatch 5+  $500 – reel,    $205  x/spool, (Same as the Hatch 4+ but better for 6-weights). 2. Most spinner style reels are silent when reeling in, so if you like more sound and slap reeling in your slack, this will be a great reel for you. At 5.1 ounces (fully loaded) Hardy LRH Lightweight isn’t as light some of the lightest click style reels, but it is still exceptionally light and balances well with today’s 5-weight rods. The other chink we’ve found in the Finatic’s armor is that water can get in the tiny hex hole that is designed for changing the direction of the drag. If a dealer sends the reel in then the repair cost is $10. (Much easier to turn than the NVG spool caps). Every manufacturer believes that they have come up with the best reel in the world. Over time dirt and grit can fill in the latch hole, making it difficult to move the latch). Range of Drag Adjustment – 20 points available. Obviously the reels that enabled us to do this quickly and easily were awarded the best scores. What this does is allow you to fine-tune your drag to get it exactly where you want it. The arbor is well ported, which will allow air to dry your backing quickly. The Loop Classic 46 is fully machined in South Korea from the highest quality aircraft aluminum. Retrieval Sound: Decent click sound reeling in, Outgoing drag sound:  Louder click sound going out, Spool release:  like Lamson or Aspen the spool pushes out, (can’t lose knob since there is no knob), Drag detents:  Pretty solid but not as good as many, Max Drag:   Pretty Light – have to palm bigger fish – 1.8 pounds, Handle:  Nice swell and thickness, could be a bit longer, Can push the spool into the frame easily – doesn’t seem like it would take a hard spill very well, #17 (tie) Tibor Light Tailwater CL   $380 – reel,     $185   x/spool. It seems that Orvis uses the identical drag on their 5-weight Hydros SL II’s as on their larger 7 to 11 weight reels. Retrieval Sound:  A pleasant sound reeling in, Outgoing drag sound: Slightly muted going out, Spool Removal:  Easy, but spool cap does come off (and can get lost), Drag Detents:  Not easily knocked off by accident, Handle:  A little thin, could swell towards the end for better grip, #6 Ross Evolution LT 2  $315 – reel,  $189- x/spool, We’ve been a fan of the Ross Evolution LT ever since it was introduced in 2010. Windex also works well for squeaky spindle shafts. The main reasons were weight, as the Access Mid Arbor is nice and light and also has wider range of drag than the Hydros SL II. The other option is to upgrade to the Lamson Liquid that is a compromise between the Eddy and Zero. Overall the Bozeman SC 325 isn’t a high scoring (or performing) reel, but it does look amazing and a lot of attention to detail is evident. I’ve witnessed this strength first hand, as I’ve taken some really bad falls where the Galvan Torque has taken all my weight straight to the rip-rap boulder bank. If you need more backing capacity Hatch’s 68 pound premium PE braided backing is thinner the 20 pound Dacron! Nothing pimps out your rod better than a color Abel paintjob. While they are not the lightest reels out there, they weigh under 6 ounces fully loaded and are just light enough to balance most modern lightweight 5-weights. These timeless reels are built simply, with only a few moving parts, which means there are fewer parts to break. One thing’s for sure – this reel is durable! The Force comes with a well designed handle that is easy to grab as well. The outgoing drag sound could be louder, and the range of drag adjustment could be a lot wider, but as an overall package we like this reel a lot. It’s nice to see a reel company that cares about our sport and gives back to the resource. The fact that it does this enables an angler to reel in quickly, despite the fact that the Evolution doesn’t have a significantly large arbor (like the new Sage Click or Loop Dryfly). The other thing that needs improvement is the problem of the drag setting getting knocked out of adjustment at low drag settings like 5X and 6X. Both Nautilus and Galvan use high-tech self-lubricating plastic bushings that allow for near frictionless rotation and never need lubricating. One thing we noticed with the Argus is that the finish scratches easily. Retrieval resistance refers to the tension one feels when reeling in. Our question to both Redington and Ross is WHY? While our hats go off to Ross for coming up with something new, we wish the old Fly Start reels were still available. Only the Galvan Rush Light and Tibor Signature reels equaled it, allowing you to fine-tune your drag to the exact resistance you want. In general, closer tolerances are best, but if they prove to be too close, any little fall on the rocks can bend the rim of your spool enough to cause it to lock up or rub badly on the frame. The Redington Zero is die-cast in South Korea. One thing we’ve found here at the shop that helps seal this hole is Permatex Medium Strength Threadlocker BLUE gel. For $109 we aren’t going to be too nitpicky. The elegant porting allows for a lot of air flow (which helps dry your backing) and gives the 5 Plus a very distinguished look. The reel’s foot is ported as well to help lighten things. For some reason the Opti doesn’t spin quite as well as the Loop Evotecs but it isn’t far behind. Still, for the money this is a good option, and unlike the TFO large arbor reels that we love for 8-weights and two handed rod setups, the TFO BVK comes with a reel case. Turnaround time is typically between 4 and 7 days including shipping. The Ross Animas 5/6 is identical to the Animas 4/5 but with a larger overall diameter, larger arbor, and wider spool. If you are hard of hearing like George after years of dirt bikes and guns, they make no noise. #21 Loop Evotec G4 LW 5/8  $479 – reel,   $225  x/spool. We particularly love how well this reel spins. The Rapid’s maximum drag is also much stronger, which isn’t a big deal for us but for folks trying to use one reel for both fresh and saltwater, a drag that goes up to 8 pounds might be a plus. Reels like the Loop Classic 46 or Bozeman Reel SC that require the removal of several tiny screws lost even more points. It will certainly last a lifetime…. Knowing how well the Einarsson Invictus and Plus reels did in our 8-weight reel shootout, we were excited to see how the 5 Plus stacked up against the competition. Price was certainly a factor, as was overall weight. We know how great the Galvan Torque reels are after seeing how well the Galvan T-8 did in our 8-weight reel shootout. There’s no extra charge for different colors, so if you want to bring a little more “bling” to your setup you can do so at no additional cost. They are not nearly as durable as some reels. Bauer – Generally $18, (including shipping). Keep in mind that a reel with a small arbor may have the same retrieval rate as a large arbor reel when loaded with the correct amount of backing. #30 Loop Multi 3-6 Light  $265 – reel,   $79  x/spool. Ease of Drag Adjustment – 10 points available. Extra FW 3/5 spools retail for $199. We hope this will help you select a reel ideal for your purposes, and encourage you to buy one from your favorite fly shop – or if you like what we’ve done here, buy a reel or an outfit from us. Max Drag:  Almost nothing, have to palm it – .25 pounds, Handle:  Nice shape with swell at the end, could be a tiny bit longer. The Argus comes with a laser textured palming rim. Temple Fork Outfitters – Generally $30 for major repairs, or $0 for minor repairs. The 3.9 pounds of max drag is plenty enough to battle even the largest browns from the Madison, Missouri, or Yellowstone. If the reel looks like a million bucks and performs like it too, any “normal” fly fishermen is going to want it. III, the handle is too small and not as easy to grab as larger handles. The Lamson Guru has become Lamson’s workhorse. 3 Tand – $0 (including repair costs and return shipping). Auxiliary data. We also like the reverse tapered handle, which is easy to grab without looking. of drag since variation in drag smoothness tends to show up as you increase the pressure. Feels a tad heavy for its size, but very durable at the same time, #32 Ross Rapid   5/6   $110 – reel,   $66   x/spool. The reels that have easy to grip drag knobs, like the Galvan Torque, the Tibor Signature and the Hatch reels were the easiest to manage. Like Bauer, Ross donates 10% of each reel sold to sport fish and wildlife restoration programs. Nearly everyone we show these reels to at the reel display case is impressed with the evident quality of these reels. Of all the reels I tested it was fastest at reeling up slack line – not because it had the largest arbor, but due to its unique ability to spin exceptionally well. While the Ross Rapid has its attributes, we think the Fly Rise (which was like an inexpensive Ross Evolution), was a much better reel. The Booker Prize, formerly known as the Booker Prize for Fiction (1969–2001) and the Man Booker Prize (2002–2019), is a literary prize awarded each year for the best novel written in English and published in the United Kingdom or Ireland. We think for most anglers looking for a 5-weight reel, the Evotec FW 3/5 is a much better size. Despite the name, Aspen Reels are actually machined in San Marcos, California. Turnaround time is typically 3-6 days including shipping. In 2015 they added an 8 plus, for a total of 5 different sizes (3-9). Extra Liquid/remix spools in size 2 retail for $45.95. Although the spool release cap is made of plastic, at least it can’t come off and get lost. Range of Drag:  Very weak – have to “finger” palm bigger fish, Max Drag:  Weak – have to “finger palm” this reel – .35 pounds, Handle:  Too small, could have some swell, over time these can loosen up, Line guard must be switched if reel direction is switched, Classic look and feel – great for bamboo, fiberglass, classic fly rods, #5 Douglas Argus 3 ¼     $425 – reel,   $175  x/spool. Moreover, we are using a floating line most of the time and not changing spools. #22 (tie) Orvis Hydros SL II    $198  – reel,    $98  x/spool. Counterbalance: Good, however counterbalance weight is tall, which may feel like the handle if you weren’t looking down to grab it. We awarded the LRH Lightweight the only perfect score on drag sound. 15 out of 18 point categories squeaking ” it ’ s modern lightweight rods. Cfo and the max drag on a relatively light setting, counterbalance: OK, but nothing compared the! 4 categories ; price, start up inertia is the same amount of points in 15 out 18... 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