Suffering, tragedy, and profligate evil now function as warning signals. God is the Creator of the universe who yearns for us to know Him. As offensive as that seems from the vantage point of fear, it squares with the logic of faith. — God is in the hugs and tears, and expressions of grief and sympathy that have flowed to Blacksburg this week from around the world. He tells us that He loves us so much that He sent His only begotten Son … How can God allow such awful things to happen and such good people to die? In this interview with Dr. Erwin Lutzer, originally published in the wake of the 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami, the pastor and author answers questions about God’s role in natural disasters. You can receive Jesus into your life right now. Thanks to our sponsor, Media Angels, Inc. A Few Minutes with God, The Journey Begins. How Do We ‘Respect’ Authority We Disagree With? These are questions I have wrestled with for years. Nothing can prepare our hearts for the grief that follows tragic loss. Yesterday, we witnessed yet another national tragedy. Listen to these Catholic high school students stand up for prayer and the First Amendment without saying a word. When Tragedy Strikes. God came to earth to rescue us. Not even the Fort Worth tragedy caught God off-guard. Some feel that if God is really a God of Love, He would not permit any tragedies. And God is faithful. In 2 Corinthians 5:17, Paul explains, “He Who knew no sin became sin.” God defeated sin by allowing sin to happen in the first place. Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.”24 Jesus offered, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him.”25. It's pretty simple. God is patiently waiting for people to turn to Him. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. "For God so loved the world, that he sent his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. God clearly says, “My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all My purpose.”11 And we can draw comfort from that if our lives are submitted to Him. We do not know why God does not intervene and stop some tragedies when he does stop others. He could force us to be loving. For instance, a mass murder is the fault of the murderer disobeying the moral law of God (Exodus 20:13; Romans 1:18-21). “Sometimes God lets you hit rock bottom so that you will discover that He is the rock at the bottom.” He’s in every little detail of our lives, and though we may sometimes have to search, I can say that God is there even in the tragedy. I have learned the secret of being content in all circumstances. God Is With You. Likewise, it hurts to be the recipient of evil, and it hurts to care about others who have been the recipients of evil. The book is a fantastic journey through tragedy, struggle, and ultimate victory. But God is patient and forbearing; every time someone sins against us, we are blessed with another chance to surrender our way forward into becoming the recipients of a grace that does not come unless we yield to God when we’ve been wronged. Why does God command us to enter into the pain of abhorring what is evil? Life is Messy. God is ultimately in control over world events. Your email address will not be published. It's pretty simple. So He says to all who are willing, “Come to Me.”, Unlike us, God knows what will happen tomorrow, next week, next year, the next decade. 1) God walks with us by comforting us. Your thoughts…. Is Your Christianity a Sword or a Shield? For God sent the Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him.”14. He’s the One that’s waiting for this to all be over; this mayhem that Satan set into motion in the Garden of Eden. In the midst of all sin does to disrupt and destroy life as God intended, He has provided a way for dealing with sin and its consequences. By “God’s gift of Himself,” I mean the comfort of the Holy Spirit and the peace of God that surpasses understanding, and the promise and assurance of seeing Christ face to face when He comes back. How could God let this happen to me? 2 Comments Reader Comments on "Where is God in Tragedy?" Perhaps the three most visible gifts are the gift of people, the gift of joy and the gift of God Himself. When tragedy fell upon Job, an ancient follower of God, and asked why such happened to him, God did not fully answer him. Is He really someone we can turn to at all…in times of crisis as well as times of calm? God is the Creator of the universe who yearns for us to know Him. “Why did God allow this to happen?” This is often the question that runs through the minds of family and friends when tragedy occurs. If God took away the pain, we’d never deal with the disease. This is where we move away from what God … By the gift of joy, I am referring to the great surprise of levity that comes on the other side of pain. Strikingly, no one seems to complain that God has set before us many opportunities to idolize ourselves. KetoQuick Rx Pills. In the midst of all sin does to disrupt and destroy life as God intended, He has provided a way for dealing with sin and its consequences. Pixabay. I know were all sinners but new born babies are not sinners so why do some die ? Tragedy, Disaster, Sadness: Where is God? By far the hardest gift to accept, at least in my view, is that of taking solidarity with Jesus Christ Himself in His sufferings. It's the universal question. “For God so loved the world, that he sent his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. Where is God in Tragedy? The evidence we have of how God acts toward our suffering in this world is in the example of Jesus. God is trustworthy. By the gift of people, I mean those who work for social justice or extend a helping hand or bring physical relief or offer a ministry of presence. (Who would know if He actually did it?) God abhors evil, and God cares about others. John 14:27. That’s exactly what we should do. Somewhere deep down in our souls, we know that there must be a much better place to live, free from heart-wrenching difficulties and pain. The penalty for our sin is death, or eternal separation from God. I believe God is eager to share the strangeness of His joy with everyone. Though people do not follow God’s ways, God is able to take horrible circumstances and bring about His plan anyway. Thus, I believe the marvel of the mystery of the problem of evil is that it tacitly and subtly points us to God’s plan to conform us into the likeness of His Son. And even when He allows tragedy to enter our lives or the lives of those we care about and love, we should always find comfort in knowing that God is also grieving in our pain. God instead spoke of his own power and his own presence. God came to earth to rescue us. William Barber. Sin causes tragedy. Talking about God … For God sent the Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him." It’s a promise he’s made so be encouraged. Students Answer the Question, “Where Is God in All the Tragedy in the World” Without Saying a Word. They bring up all kinds of impossible questions and drop you off at a place of surrender. I have repeatedly experienced this surprise. When tragedies like this happen, it is easy to start blaming God for these events. There is a remedy for sin. From CNN: “And [students] would stand up and he said, ‘Good, because you’re a Christian, you’re going to see God in just about one second.’, This event represents pure evil, and it leaves us shocked and brokenhearted. For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.” A hurricane in the Bahamas and the East Coast; fires up north, and other tragedies … September 7, … I hope I don’t sound impertinent. Jesus cried out in faith instead of protest. Though He uttered the first line when on the cross, just saying that first line is the Hebrew way of referring to the Psalm. Perhaps you have asked that question when faced with a heartbreaking loss. When we go through a tragedy, the first thing we need to do is release our grief. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”30 He promises never to fail us or forsake us.31, This post was originally published here. “Sometimes God lets you hit rock bottom so that you will discover that He is the rock at the bottom.” – Tony Evans by Kiersten Lehman As Christians, we feel safe and secure in our world while we follow God’s plan. We don’t earn this. 2 Comments. Why does God put up with shooters targeting his own people—around the world or in Oregon? Dr. Russell Moore on How He’s Going to Pray for Joe Biden, Poll: Most White Evangelicals Stuck With Trump to the End, 6 Ways You Are Making Life Much Harder Than It Has to Be, Watch the Presidential Inaugural Prayer Service, With a Sermon From Rev. (2) God desires that we should not sin: “For this is the will of God, your sanctification; that is, that you abstain from sexual immorality” (1 Thess 4:3); “live the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for the lusts of men, but for the will of God” (1 Pet 4:2); “understand what the will of the Lord is—namely, do not get drunk with wine but be filled by the Spirit” (Eph 5:17-18). A panel of six spiritual leaders, including Southern Baptist leader Albert Mohler and Catholic priest Michael Manning, answered questions regarding the role of God during the deadly earthquake-tsunami, on CNN’s Larry King Live Trust in the Lord with all your heart and … Few are those who dare to commune with God that way. Where is God? God is present in each act of love and thoughtfulness and kindness. We have…by our lives and actions…distanced ourselves from God. The devotional below was written the day the 9/11 tragedy occurred. God and Tragedy . According to the Scriptures, it isn’t ours to penetrate into the darkness of the shadows of the mystery of evil or anything else God on high has chosen not to reveal to us. Some feel that if God is really a God of Love, He would not permit any tragedies. He now offers us eternal life. In Thee they trusted, and were not disappointed. And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. Dial 911, or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1.800.273.8255. Job and Jeremiah, heroic as they were, both caved to the temptation to cry out against God, scolding God for allowing them to be born. Meanwhile, others recounted how they had a strong sense that God was intimately present, helping them through the worst day of their life. The Word of God instead speaks of the “mystery of iniquity” (2 Thess. xnxx. For God is moved by this tragedy, too. What about heaven? When Tragedy Strikes. Instead He gave us the human dignity of free will. But even doing that, even abhorring evil, is painful. To some, it sounds too hideous to say something like, “God killed your son,” when a child is killed in a car accident. — God is in the hugs and tears, and expressions of grief and sympathy that have flowed to Blacksburg this week from around the world. That doesn’t mean that those who know God will escape difficult times. God came near. When the very worst things happen in your … M. Dowling - October 18, 2017. Would we feel better if God allowed only the murder of hundreds? For God sent the Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him." Where is God in the midst of this ocean of pain and struggle? Do … Let not your heart be troubled. Do we want Him to control the actions of people? -Jason Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. When tragedy, sickness, hardship or death strike it is to easy wonder, where is God? We’ve been there. God knows the pain and suffering we encounter in this world. “God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. "For God so loved the world, that he sent his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. Pain is the soil where the deepest kind of faith in God grows. Whatever crises attack you in this life, He can keep you strong. Would we rather God allowed only the death of one person? Does this mean that God isn’t near? God is. Founded over 25 years ago by youth speaker and radio host, Dawson McAllister, we have heard the struggles people face and learned how to offer life-changing support. Compared to others, certainly compared to a terrorist, we might consider ourselves to be respectable, loving people. Therefore do not fear; you are of more value than many sparrows.”7 If you truly turn to God, He will care for you as no one else does, and in a way that no one else can. The truth: God is always in control, and He loves you . But Jesus is also a testament to the miracles and wondrous things God does after the tragedy that we cannot see or understand during the time of grief, but marvel at later. In fact, now, twelve years after experiencing […] Finding Light at the End of the Tunnel During Uncertainty, How to Cling to God in the Midst of Anxiety and Worrying. This remains true despite what the circumstances may be. April 16, 2020. #DefendingtheFaith. As a country, have experienced some horrific tragedies.Some of us may ask the questions Do you know where God is when tragedy strikes? I found out firsthand that God Who speaks and hears exists. However, God has provided a way for us to be forgiven and know Him. God is merciful and loving. April 16, 2020. How can God allow such awful things to happen and such good people to die? Why does God allow bad things to happen in the world? Your deep dive into personal experience and biblical exploration brings comfort and peace. He comforted me, not with cut-and-dried pat answers, but with satisfying insights that fulfilled me. But Jesus is also a testament to the miracles and wondrous things God does after the tragedy that we cannot see or understand during the time of grief, but marvel at later. There will be no more mourning, crying, death or pain.19 And God, by His Spirit, will dwell in people in such a way that they will never sin again.20, The events of a terrorist attack are horrific enough. He has given us many gifts as we entrust ourselves to Him in our pain and in our empathy for others. O my God, I cry by day, but Thou dost not answer; and by night, but I have no rest. But we have to enter the pain. Tragedies cause many people to question God’s goodness. 3. This means that we are not forced into a relationship with Him. You can receive Jesus into your life right now.. “To all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.” 23 It is through Jesus Christ that we can come back to God. The Bible says that “We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way.”13. Yet if God would prevent the murder of even one person, there is no longer freedom to choose. On: April 16, 2020. No problem has the capacity to be insurmountable to God. Rob Fisher and More, Biden and McConnell Will Kick Off Inauguration Day by Going to Church Together. "The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus. One way God comforts us is by listening to us. Like the ache of a limb out of joint, the pain of living in a broken world tells us that something is amiss. Jesus was thus thinking: My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken Me? Though we might think we’re blaming God because God has power to stop things, the thing we want Him to stop is the insult of our pain. God Is With You When the very worst things happen in your life, find comfort in knowing that Christ is with you. Prayer means talking honestly with God. These are questions I have wrestled with for years. Many people rely on things that seem strong, but in the end will fail them. Perhaps by God’s design, a suffering heart, if soft, can more easily be enlarged and filled with love. Permalink. If you are wondering what a relationship with God is all about, you may also enjoy this free eBook. Like Job and Jeremiah, He experienced unspeakable pain. Where is God When Tragedy Strikes? Like the ache of a limb out of joint, the pain of living in a broken world tells us that something is amiss. Our sin has separated us from God, and it affects more than this life. This planet is not a safe place. At this moment you can call out to God by telling Him something like this in sincerity: “God, I have turned away from You in my heart, but I want to change that. It hurts to be sinned against, and it hurts to care about others who are sinned against. We can blame Him for not stopping it, or in some people’s opinion for causing it. Who among us has not asked, “Where is God?” when confronted with tragedy. It would not be a relationship at all, but a forced, absolutely controlled obedience. Sometimes we are asking on behalf of other people why God doesn’t stop the madness arbitrarily causing them such pain and turmoil. God gave man freedom. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”22 For those who will rely on Jesus during their lives, He says it is like building your life on a Rock. While this is understandable it can take a toll on our nerves and those of our loved ones. The truth: God is always in control, and He loves you . Every weekday, get RELEVANT's top five articles delivered to your inbox! We don't earn this. He is bigger than all the problems that can hit us, and we are not left alone to deal with them. He promises to make His home in you.27 And He gives you eternal life.28, No matter what happens in the world around you, God can be there for you. The truth: God is always in control, and He loves you . A 26-year-old man Charleston earlier this year, according to reports, this shooting brazenly targeted Christians. Next Post: Reconciling Tragedy with God’s Existence. I believe evil is ultimately unintelligible because evil is anti-reason and anti-truth. Tragedy is all around us. Where is God in Tragedy? Laleh Bakhtiar, Ph. Jesus trusted God, even in His most galling, grueling, groaning, gagging pain. In the case of dealing with a terrorist attack, what could possibly be an acceptable number of deaths for God to allow?! No problem has the capacity to be insurmountable to God. As I turned the pages, my own experience of loss echoed in my mind. Thanks to our sponsor, Media Angels, Inc. A Few Minutes with God, The Journey Begins. The world can seem like a very dark place, especially when tragedy strikes. It is a gift from God offered to us, which we receive when we ask Him to enter our lives. Hanging on a cross, absorbing the sin of the world, suffering unimaginably, Jesus prayed Psalm 22. God knows the pain and suffering we encounter in this world. It is humbling to be truthful about the mystery of evil since nobody understands it, except God. "For God so loved the world, that he sent his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. I discovered the living God because He revealed Himself to me by seeping through the walls of my atheistic prayers and answering my prayers with His Presence. He Can Come Into Your Life. Right now you can ask God to enter your life. But there is a peace and a strength that God’s presence gives. Al Mohler Has Made His Christian Case for Voting Trump, John Kingston: 2020 Could Be the Beginning of an American Comeback, There’s More to Social Justice Than Just ‘Raising Awareness’, 15 Martin Luther King Jr. #DefendingtheFaith. Suffering, tragedy, and profligate evil now function as warning signals. Jesus died because of the free will of others. Often, our question of suffering is self-focused, not theological: Why did God let this happen to me? Where is God in grief and when we face tragedy and loss? To Thee they cried out, and were delivered. It is easy to blame God for it, because it allows us to put it off on Him. The Bible doesn’t give us easy answers. On: April 16, 2020. "God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Where was God During the Tragedy? There is a remedy for evil. Sin causes tragedy. He’s the One that’s waiting for this to all be over; this mayhem that Satan set into motion in the Garden of Eden. For God sent the Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him.” 14. Likewise, God defeated evil by letting evil have its heyday and then swallowing evil up. "The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus. Next Post: Reconciling Tragedy with God’s Existence. -Jason Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. We have often lived like we could run our lives just fine without Him. That’s exactly what we should do. When tragedy, sickness, hardship or death strike it is to easy wonder, where is God? Nothing can prepare our hearts for the grief that follows tragic loss. But it’s also often true that people are thinking about the plight and pain of others. In tragedy, God also reminds us that there is a remedy for death. 14. He allows us to reject Him and to commit other evil acts as well. By. He didn’t say He would reincarnate someday. Hard things have a way of striping you down to the essentials. Previous Post: Does God Exist? Sin is real and brings death (Romans 6:23). And the disease will kill us, sooner or later. God created the whole universe and the laws of nature (Genesis 1:1). He is our purpose in life, our source of comfort, our wisdom in confusing times, our strength and hope. "16 If we repent of our sin and turn back to God, we can have the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ. In the meantime, we offer 5 suggestions on how to understand God in times of tragedy. This is our Father’s heart amid tragedy. You can do this through prayer. 2 Comments. One of the wounded students told her father that the gunman, Chris Harper Mercer, entered her classroom at Umpqua Community College, shot her professor pointblank and ordered students to stand up and identify whether or not they were Christians. He says, “you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.”3. I want to know You. On that third day, Jesus’ tomb was found empty and many people testified to seeing Him alive. God came to earth to rescue us. Not just in light of eternal life, but there is no relationship which compares to knowing God in this life. The death of people we love convinces us that there’s something very wrong with this life and this world. In 2016 Meg began a lifestyle blog with a focus on real life, faith, fashion, fitness, and family with the hope of encouraging women to live purposeful, beautiful lives to the glory of God and the good of others. Not only is he near, but he comforts us if we let him. People choose to ignore God, to defy God, to go their own way and commit horrible acts against others. In tragedy, God also reminds us that there is a remedy for death. God knows the pain and suffering we encounter in this world. I have never heard anyone saying how irksome it is to be given the freedom to indulge the self in pleasure and self-exaltation—to overeat, to boast, to gossip, to get drunk. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:6-8). Is It Possible to Care About Every Issue? Jesus Christ told His followers these comforting words: “Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And even when He allows tragedy to enter our lives or the lives of those we care about and love, we should always find comfort in knowing that God is also grieving in our pain. During a CNN town hall on coronavirus, Pastor Rick Warren answers a question submitted from a viewer about where God is during a crisis, such as a global pandemic, and how he could allow it … He’s at the end waiting for us to get home, to the land He created where there is no night, no sorrow or sadness. It is a gift from God offered to us, which we receive when we ask Him to enter our lives. For a time during and after 9/11, there was a surge in spirituality. This is an adaptation from an earlier essay published in RELEVANT Magazine about God in tragedy. Why doesn’t God just stop it? Or any number of things that might happen to us in this harsh environment called Earth, the place where God’s will is not always followed. In this world, God will wipe every tear from people’s eyes. Thus, we question God’s character right when we are thinking of ourselves. This remains true despite what the circumstances may be. xnxx. Sin is such a widespread, stubborn problem, the only way to solve it is for God miraculously to have taken on human flesh and transformed Himself doubly miraculously into sin. We don't earn this. Similarly, Jeremiah yelped, “Cursed be the day when I was born; Let the day not be blessed when my mother bore me!” (Jeremiah 20:14). God is merciful and loving. All I know is that God is still on His throne. God is patiently waiting for people to turn to Him. He tells us that He can be “our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble.”2 But we must make a sincere effort to seek Him. Though problems seem insurmountable to us, we have an incredibly capable God who reminds us, “Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh; is anything too hard for Me?”10 Somehow He is able to maintain the freedom of sinful humans, yet still bring about His will. There is a remedy for sin. Our mission is to reach, rescue and restore those who are broken and hopeless. Gracious God, you walk with us through the valley of the shadow of death. Perhaps you have asked that question when faced with a heartbreaking loss. 2020-04-16. Naturally, we cry from the depths of our souls…”But God, how could You let something of this magnitude happen?”. God’s not “in” the tragedy, He’s at the end of the tragedy. Life is a season. If you have further questions about God? Someone might shoot us. Nobody shouts at God for allowing them to sin in their favorite ways. My question is if God exists he has the power to create any world he wants so why didn’t he create a perfect world ?. Sarah Sumner is the president of Right On Mission, which you can find at and the author of Angry Like Jesus: Using His Example To Spark Your Moral Courage (Fortress Press, 2015). If you have, you have a lot to look forward to. The consequences? The Bible says God is “grieved” by sin and evil. And the disease will kill us, sooner or later. KetoQuick Rx Pills. "16 If we repent of our sin and turn back to God, we can have the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ. Where is God in grief and when we face tragedy and loss? When tragedy strikes, God is with us, feeling our pain, sharing our burden, and calling us all to unite ourselves to him in love, believing that he is in fact the resurrection and the life ; believing that he is who he says he is—a loving God, willing our good and not our downfall (Jeremiah 29:11). Many people rely on things that seem strong, but in the end will fail them. When a terrorist attack causes suffering and death, those who know God will be involved in that suffering also. One follower of Jesus Christ put it this way: “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.”4 Reality tells us that we will experience problems in life. 1) God walks with us by comforting us. The TX tragedy was not proof of no God but a powerful witness of everything we learn about in the Bible, and the power of God to overcome worldly tragedy… Here’s how the apostle Paul puts it: For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. thl.cta.load("1515207295a8340945f02a0.74307520"); thl.cta.load("7547846025ab128dc001214.64993881"); Filed Under: Anxiety, Coronavirus, Faith, New Believer Tagged With: FAQ, Guest Posts, If God exists then why did he create such an imperfect world ?. Jesus told others ahead of time that He would be crucified. This is where we move away from what God doesn’t tell us to what God does tell us. That is why we are all here. - Psalm 20:7 photo credit: NJScott Where do you place your trust? Show Notes: When tragedy strikes there a sense of shock, disbelief, heartache, and sadness. They discussed the origins of the earth and the existence of GOD. It can be incredibly difficult to find comfort in those times and instead of trying to offer pat answers, it's right that we mourn with those who mourn, and cry out to God for his peace, restoration and light. 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