They are known to do many unexpected and ridiculous things from time to time. I would appreciate any insight you may have from my description. This is perhaps the most frustrating thing about fish keeping, even though we do everything right, it might just be the fishes time to go. I don’t know how many she had but I got up one morning and there was only one in the tank. Part of the reason we do a weekly water change is to lower nitrate levels and a lack of nitrate can suggest an unhealthy tank or a test kit that isn’t working. I had Platt, and angle fish. Two likely probable causes: Either your tank is overstocked or it isn’t cycled. I feel like I have tried to learn a lot about caring for these fish but I still feel helpless as they die off one by one. Unfortunately, most aquarists have the tendency of providing the fish with more and more food throughout the day. And nobody ever says anything about changing only half at a time! Eric May 27, 2008 at 6:18 am # Hi Marian, An ammonia reading of 5 is very high. A h2o2 dip should be fine. I’ll try to change 20% of the water earlier last week because it was so cloudy and dirty and I felt bad about it because it was still looked like bad dirty water. Earlier this week I started to break it down (it’s more fun putting them up than breaking them down) and saw a small fish swimming in the filter area which is separated from the main tank! I fed them tubifex worms from my local fish store. Hi Ian i purchased a 40L tank and 9 Guppies a few months later i have approx 40-50 guppies i didn’t realise they bred that quickly so i have now got a second tank 125L i cycled it for a week and have put 3 guppies in it yesterday but today they don’t look that happy just floating around the top of the tank in a little group, HELP should i put them back in the other tank? In addition to overcrowding, a small tank will not provide enough space for your fish to swim. The first thing you have to know is where to look. Answer + 5. It’s heavily planted and I’m seeing new plant growth. We started with piranas we had 10 all died after about 6 months, then we started with community fish, tetras, cat fish, angels etc however there are 3 of the original community fish still alive, they are the soul survivors! George “sad fish keeper”. i ended up washing everything out and set it up yet again. Poor water quality in a fish tank is the fastest killer. It isn’t good for humans, and it definitely isn’t good for fish. Then, mix 1 part bleach and 9 parts water, spray it on the inside of the tank, and let it sit for 10-15 minutes before rinsing the tank multiple times. This has never happened to me and I don’t know what I did wrong . My Bonsai tree is dying!" Your email address will not be published. The ammonia levels are too high as well… around 0.25- 0.50 ppm give or take. Is this what is killing her fish? I’m terribly sorry this happened to you. I tested my water with the kit and the pH was a little high but the ammonia and nitrites (whichever is the bad one) were normal! The reason I suggested speaking with local fish keepers is that they will use the same water source and products as you, which can further narrow down problems. Could enough junk and dirt build up polluting the water? Thanks for your help. If you suspect your fish has a disease, you can read our articles about freshwater ich and columnaris. Hi, I read this blog when I had 6 new Ember Tetras yesterday for my 10 gallon, and acclimated them (after cycling the tank for 5 weeks) and I was sure I had done it wrong! What were your results? Thank you again. This doesn’t mean your fish will die. I think that was probably because they were in a 5 gallon tank which was too small for two fish. Hi Ian! What am i doing wrong? So I am not sure what you bought, but no doubt it isn’t compatible with goldfish. In fact, that is a death sentence for the fish because of so many reasons. You’ll need an aquarium test kit to determine what has gone wrong. I realize this is a learning experience as you go along, but that seems like basic tank management 101 and nobody passes along such relevant information – except you. I feel sorry for those parents who get their kid a goldfish as a beginner pet and say “If you can keep this alive for a year, we will get you a puppy” – that kid never had a chance . While all that may be true, platies do require proper keeping conditions just like any other fish. Unfortunately, stress makes it difficult for a beginner to determine why their fish died. I’m so paranoid right now. If your budget stretches that far, it will potentially save you money in the long run. Ammonia should = 0 Nitrite should = 0 Nitrate should forever be increasing (your weekly water changes get this back down under 10, ideally in a non-planted tank). The cause is more complex than that. The result is usually the death of more fish because they subject the fish to changing water conditions. My pH is at 8.0 which is horrible for Tetras. : By ... After I put the fish into the water today, one of them died within a few minutes. I always use a dechlorinator with each water change. Phosphates and nitrates are usually high in degraded tan. Likewise, if you are performing a large water change in your aquarium, the temperature of the water being added should not be too different from that of your aquarium. Please refer to Section 1 in the article. Try getting a bigger fish tank, because to much crowding can cause the fish to stress, in addition to creating a higher concentration of waste. The amount of fish will entirely be determined by the type of fish. I have made a lot of mistakes in my journey of owning fish, but am determined to get it right! Down to two. Then one of my fish died and we put it down to bad luck. I don’t know what else to check for. If waste continues to build up and you do nothing about it, your fish are at risk of dying. Nitrites and nitrates are negative, pH is 6.8 and steady. my fish keep dying lil by lil! After adding the fish, they start puttering happily around the new home. As soon as we remove a dead fishanother one becomes lethargic at the top of pond then goes to the bottom lays on its side and dies. I have owned fish for the past two and a half years. It can be warm in your place, but temperature drops at night will cool your aquarium tank water rapidly. My suggestion would be to work your way through this list and cross them off one at a time. thank you sir. 9. Have done water checks, nitrite is 0.25, ph low range 6.6, nitrate good, and ammonia good. Unfortunately clownfish are very susceptible to brook and it is a very fast killer as you have seen. The water tested fine again. Now, granted, this little guy was literally a $.39cent feeder fish I took a chance on, but it’s weird that one day he seemed fine and now he’s gone. Why do my Glofish keep dying? My succlents keep dying. I can attest that this is correct. A healthy tank also has bacteria that break down and remove waste from your aquarium. Remember that your fish can be small today but in a few months, they will have grown. Once your tank is cycled, replacing the GH is the other reason you would perform a water change, in addition to getting nitrates down. It sounds to me like you have not allowed your aquarium to cycle. Many problems can be traced back to water parameters. Some fish are hardy than others are, but that does not mean that you should not care for them. But it’s not just overcrowding that is the issue. That’s awesome to hear that you are looking to improve your fish keeping skills, it’s a tricky hobby, especially when many big box chain pet stores don’t train their staff correctly. The smaller one fails and it is not eatting.. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, A 10-gallon tank is trendy among fishkeeping enthusiasts. Ian Sterling. You see, fish are not the only things that live in your aquarium. The air gasping was likely due to low oxygen levels paired with burned gills from high ammonia. Regular water changes will ensure that the living space of your fish is clean. Well the poor Plecko died and we found his bones being picked at by our GloShark. Everything is just speculation. my glofish are dying! Healthy stress-free fish have a stronger immune system. Good morning, First, I would like to thank you for all your help and guidance and let you know it’s appreciated greatly. Any suggestions are welcome! As far as the bio media, it’s a reputable company that recommends changing it every 3 months. Comments. If you notice your goldfish isn't doing so well, the first thing you should do is move it to a smaller tank if you have other fish. My 5 yr old goldfish died 6 days after putting new filter in and since I have bought 3 new ones and all died within a week. I can’t wait to teach you about the hobby! I did the experiment just to see the efficiency of my bio-filter. If the fungal infections worsen, they will block the mouth of the fish and prevent them from eating. I’ve had my 45 gallon tank for a little over three years. Up to this point, I have discussed the potential causes of deaths in aquariums. He loved to chase my finger around and stare at me lol. Latest theory from LFS is anaerobic pockets in the substrate (2-3 inches deep). Did you cycle your tank? why do my fish keep dying? Ideally, you would want to do this without fish. I bought this from Universal Rocks in Texas. Did you cycle your new tank before adding your goldfish? My fish is dying, how do I save him? – yet again. they seem to be doing ok. How does this bacteria die? Only 3 fish have survived , a neon, a tetra and a cat fish, we had 4 of each on lu one of each is still alive, every other fish we added (angel, more neons, plecos, crawfish, and some other misc community fish) all die within a week. I do water changes every other week and when I do, I use the conditioner and ammo lock. It goes from 0.25 to as high as 2ppm and everywhere in between. I have set up a new 20 gallon tank with fresh water and plants, did the chlorine remover in the water that I got everything from petco. If so, you might need to re-cycle your tank. I have 5 neon tetras in a 10 gallon tank. I would also recommend speaking to someone in your local area who has been successful in keeping fish alive. Then test the water. Kribensis lover. But the bigger eats countless pieces of fish food. Many fish in a small aquarium will breathe faster than the rate of oxygen replacement. Joined Aug 30, 2017 Messages 47 Reaction score 12. For how to best move forward, I recommend reading this fish-in cycle guide. When you say normal, what were the readings of each parameter? The fry are also still alive and growing. On the biomedia front, aquaclear is one of the brands that has changed their ceramic rings multiple times. Over feeding could also be the issue since any uneaten food becomes snail food. IT is moderately planted. clean water is the first step, so grab an aquarium test kit and confirm your ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. I don’t understand, I have kept fish before with out issue in smaller tanks but this has me baffled, please advise Thanks, George. Today, I have put together the leading causes of fish deaths in an aquarium and the best ways to prevent them. I believe one of them had swim bladder disease or bloating as he floated to the top of the tank and couldn’t swim to the bottom. Grow them up to 12 -15 gm in 65 days and sell it to market. I'm here to teach you everything there is to know about fishkeeping. Just how long before your fish passes entirely depends on the breed. Here's what I do: I fill a cut 2 litre bottle (cut down to 1 litre) with water that set overnight when I don't have dechlorinator, or I add declor when I do. I don’t know if it’s the stress because all they told me to do was to keep the bag in the fish tank for 20 minutes and then let them go. Maybe the tank is too small or too crowded, the water quality is bad, or there is another fish in the tank that makes it uneasy. Hello i had 10 gal tank, I had 5 goldfish very healthy for over a year, decided to get the octagon 30 gal tank. in a 30,000 liter tank ( 2 fishes for every 3 liter of water) . After it died the smaller goldfish started acting really weird, but still seemed physically healthy. Around this time the last ember died. As stated in this article, the most common cause of diseases is stress. My fish keep dying after about 24 hrs but the water test comes up clean? Well, it only has so much oxygen in it. An population explosion means that they have an abundance of food. Thanks for the support, Ian. I don’t seem to have any bubbles or Sulphur smell. Hi Kely, Thanks for the kind words. i am not a beginner but not an expert. It’s a 75 gallon tank with 8 fish in it. I’m confident that I’m doing something wrong, but am struggling to determine what that might be. any suggestions? It sounds like a mystery as to what happened in this tank, especially if it tested normally and it’s the same as your others. They were indoors and … I know this has been a horrible experience but there are lots of positives here, especially discovering the baby in the filter – I have my fingers crossed that he pulls through. You will need a test kit to monitor the ammonia level and prevent the death of the fish. It will take some weeks (or even months) but it’s an important step to keeping all future fish safe. He stocks 3gm size 6 types of baby gold fish 20,000 pcs. I love your blog by the way. On the algae, do you run your lights 24/7? hi sir, am soundarya. If your tap water does measure 5 ppm, this becomes the new baseline for nitrates in your tank, instead of zero. If your fish is wild-caught, then it made a journey halfway across the world just to end up in a small tank in your local fish store. This morning my guppy is dead, new neons still swimming. My daughter talked me into a Betta 3 months ago. While this is uncommon, I have seen it happen enough times to mention it. In this video i explain the 5 major mistakes people make while fishkeeping which is killing all their fishes. Most beginners witness this problem, particularly if they have placed their fish in a very small tank. Doing a water sample tomorrow. I feel so bad for those innocent little guppies. Note: Fish-in cycling is incredibly stressful for fish, and it’s likely that your fish will die in the process. On your pre-cycled gravel, was it purchased in a bag dry? My water parameters are 0’s for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate, as well as 0 for chlorine and chloramine, pH 7.2, alkalinity 80, hardness 75, temperature 78. Thanks so you much you really helped me out. I use “prime” for de-chlonition of water. Platy fish are commonly chosen by aquarists that are new to the hobby since platies are often marketed as peaceful and easy to care for fish that are hardier than most. I mean, your fish were fine yesterday, so the cause of death must have happened today, right? Good. When we started the tank we used a gravel that had quick start “pre cycled” It was called! The fish would start almost laying in the bottom of the tank, and kinda bend in the middle upon death. If I do 2G and empty the bucket by dragging it to the door, do another 2 G, etc until I reach 10G, I should be ok and able to handle that. For a couple of months they were well and going about their business. It depends on the size of your tank. If all three mollies were purchased at the same time, it IS possible they were already stressed or sick due to handling or conditions prior to being purchased. Added 2 little bacteria balls to the filter. My goldfish lived in a small 1.5 gallon tank with a filter and he lived happily for about 5 years. Those test strips are worthless. It will take you through the steps to keeping your fish safe throught the cycling process. I would assume if the tank is too small, you could have problems. I don't understand what I could be doing wrong. After consuming it, they will output nitrate, which is safe for the fish. Today we bought 4 koi fish while we are visiting someone and we live an hour from where our pond is. To put it simply, this process involves getting bacteria to grow that eat the fishes waste (so they don’t get sick from swimming in their own toilet). I have done a 50% water change with the declorinator. Please don’t let it put you off the hobby. Ich is a parasitic infection that fish contract from the others. And if you have too many fish, then they will be breathing faster than the oxygen can be replaced, causing them to suffocate. I got him out, slowly acclimated him to the fry tank adding fry tank water to a cup he was in with his tank water, leaving him in the cup for about 30 minutes until both waters were the same temperature. What are the actual readings when you perform a test? it should read zero. After 50 days , I harvested all 16 fishes and Total weight was 1760gm ( 1.76kg) . That alone will cause suffocation. I have one. The one thing I’m thinking is this is the only tank that had a 3D background. What can be the reason for it and earlier few days they looks all fine even some platies give birth too. Last Updated on November 19, 2020 by Ian Sterling 178 Comments. I set up the water stone for aeration. You can even use hotwater and soap, but if you do, make sure you rinse incredibly thoroughly. Your example is the very definition. I also bought a replacement filter cartridge and cleaned and replaced that after adding in the new fish. If the fish poop more than what the good bacteria can manage to break down, then the water will turn toxic and kill the fish within the process. The large fish can attack and bully them. Being constantly chased and nipped at by a territorial fish is stressful and will likely lead to your fish dying sooner than it should. Interestingly, I had 10 8-wk old fry in that tank and none of them died. My kids are devastated about not keeping fish alive. I thought I noticed a difference, but now the pond snail population has exploded and I don’t see the assassin snails anywhere. I am encouraged by the recent success of the Indian project. So I’m 11 days with no dead fish! Some of the water evaporated so I refilled it and I think I might have turned the heater’s knob because yesterday I bought 4 new fish and noticed that the temperature was at 73 I panicked because I did not want the fish to die again so I turned the knob. Basically I have a small 7 gallon tank, and the pattern is that I’ll have fish that seem really happy for months on end, and then suddenly I’ll have a die-out, although pH and ammonia levels are within healthy range. why are fishes dieing, we have a pregnant guppy( which is dieing), swordtail. I have 3 flag tail guppies i need help, I feed the plant with root tabs every 4 months. We haven’t had any fish die in about 9 months, Just last week they started dying again. So far this a R&D project. Water changes don’t just remove nitrates but also replenish essential minerals. As for the current, fish like betta and gourami live in slow moving water and can indeed be stressed by faster moving currents which can lead to death. It’s still a normal cycle, just slightly different and you’ll still reach the end! He has been great in his bowl (the ones with the top for a small child) until recently she wanted a few more fish. You’ll have to keep investigating. Not exact a slouch company! Mortality rate is like 5%. I did a test strip in our water and everything looked normal. Your tank is too small for the amount and type of fish you have and is a recipe for disaster. im trying to get my tank balanced with bacteria and to no avail. You mentioned in reason #8 that changing the filter/filter media can cause rapid water changes which will lead to a belly-up fish. They never fought/bullied one another and I noticed they gasped for air a lot. Unfortunately, I can’t diagnose your fish over the internet have you done the basics listed in this article like use an aquarium test kit to test your water? Can I add plants before the tank is cycled or should I wait until after. Okay, this is all good – we now know what we are working with! Please help me understand what I’ve done wrong. I have another lyretail with a greenish spot on his head that looks like algae? They do that regularly. Is there anything I can do to get the pH under control? Thanks for your help. The API master test kit is the one I recommend most for it’s ease of use, affordability and that it is accurate enough for most people. A meat eater isn’t going to live long eating fish food made from vegetables. Typically, nitrates continue to rise until you perform a water change to help get the levels back down. I’m not surprised you are losing fish. I tried helping him swim right side up but it was useless. That all sounds positive. Also, too much shaking of the bag is definitely going to stress your fish. Everyone was happy, it seemed. I also bought the test tube water testing kit as the strips aren’t as accurate, per another one of your awesome blog posts. It literally ate all of the stems of the banana plant (which it had never eaten before). And, this bacteria breaks down waste that would otherwise make your fish sick and ultimately die. Any more than this and you are overfeeding. Test strips are not accurate. . Sondra says. 6. I have a 10 gallon tank with 2 pepper Cory catfish and 4 red wagtail platies. Hi there! I am very careful about not over feeding. So I treated. So, the more fish you add to your aquarium, the more poop. At this point, you might start screaming…. Generally speaking, you don’t swap out your filter, you clean it. Hi Ian This is Iftekhar from Toronto. You have to correct the problem slowly and steadily and never make massive water changes. After establishing a community aquarium tank, you will need a backup tank to transfer some of your fish if a disaster occurred. Most aquarium fish are known to survive in harsh environments because they have the ability to gulp air from the surface when the water quality is poor and the oxygen level is low. Indoor lighting can throw off the results. Some species of fish might provoke aggression in others. You must find a suitable fish tank for your fish. This way the chopstick stirs up the sand and any poop and other stuff floats up towards the vac. We have quite a high ph 7.5 which is normal for our tank We only keep fish suitable to live in these levels Any ideas why this is happening We have lost 10 fish over the last 7 days 3 of which were new fish and the others we have had a while Its like they swimming around happy one minuite and the next they are dead Tia for any advice. See point 3 in the above article. Same goes for taking out everything unnecessary. Do you think thats true and do you have any suggestions on how to save him? The staff at our local pet store have been incredibly helpful, but they don’t know everything either. I’m not expecting you to figure it out, but I just want to know the best way to clean the equipment and remaining plants. She recently had radiation for cancer and had to stick her hand in the aquarium. A small tank, without much room to move, can cause a fish to become stressed, leading to an early death. I’m happy to hear that this one was an easy fix that didn’t require taking things out of your tank, piece by piece, because the airstones probably would have been one of the last things to go. ok i started with two oscars and they died from ick couse they had it bad when i got them and the meds i was giving them did not have time to work. it has been running for several months. Also it(biggier one) chases the smaller one if it tries to catch the food. My target is buy small fish from whole seller, grow it up , and then sell to local Aquarium store. From here it’s medication, depending on the disease. Changed the water started over again haven’t had any luck all my goldfish keep dying within 2 weeks, got water tested at petco, Water is perfect but they keep dying i’ve killed over 20 fish, HELP! Something about that tank killed them. Without a safe spot to hole up, plecos can become stressed. 55 kg of feed per day( it can remove the 95% ammonia generated from 55kg of dry feed everyday). People will you please study up on everything before you purchase anything having to do with living breathing creatures? Fill a small bowl with new filtered water and move your fish to this "hospital" tank. Someone please help! So, what you want to do is introduce this bacteria into your aquarium – ideally before you buy your fish. I also had a betta in 10gallon. I’ve had him for about a year and he was a great fish. Anyone have any ideas? Love your blog, well written and extremely helpful, thanks! 2.5 gl tank, small filtration on side of tank. Hi Ian- I don’t know where else to post this, so I’m putting it here. And that was way too many fish for a 10 gallon. There is one fish that’s kind of a bully – so I figured he was hiding from him, as he comes out when it’s time to eat (they can tell by me opening and closing the drawer underneath the tank stand). i have had that many fish die ever in my large tank unless we talk about the feeders i put in for my jack demsy. However, you now have the opportunity to do things right. He looked perfectly healthy. If you have any questions feel free to contact me or leave a comment below. I’m putting my 2nd 20G and55G on hold till this one is up and running again. Well, sometimes nitrate is 0, and sometimes ammonia is clearly 0. Update 3: the pH my fish keep dying what am i doing wrong control by netting them out every 3 months wouldn! 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